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ูู ู ุฌู ุน ุงูุจูุงู ุฑูู ุฌุนูุฑ ุจู ู ุญู ุฏ ุนู ุฃุจูู ุนู ุขุจุงุฆู ุนู ุงููุจู ุตูู ุงููู ุนููู ูุขูู ูู ุง ุฃุฑุงุฏ ุงููู ุนุฒ ูุฌู ุงู ููุฒู ูุงุชุญุฉ ุงููุชุงุจ ูุขูุฉ ุงููุฑุณู ูุดูุฏ ุงููู ู ” ูู ุงูููู ู ุงูู ุงูู ูู ” ุฅูู ูููู ” ุจุบูุฑ ุญุณุงุจ ” ุชุนููู ุจุงูุนุฑุด ูููุณ ุจูููู ูุจูู ุงููู ุญุฌุงุจุ ูููู: ูุง ุฑุจ ุชุญุจุทูุง ุฏุงุฑ ุงูุฐููุจ ูุงูู ู ู ูุนุตูู ููุญู ู ุนููุงุช ุจุงูุทููุฑ ูุงููุฏุณ ููุงู: ูุนุฒุชู ูุฌูุงูู ู ุงู ู ุนุจุฏ ูุฑุฃ ูู ูู ุฏุจุฑ ูู ุตูุงุฉ ุงูุง ุฃุณููุชู ุญุธูุฑุฉ ุงููุฏุณ ุนูู ู ุง ูุงู ูููุ ููุธุฑุช ุฅููู ย ุจุนููู ุงูู ููููุฉ ูู ูู ููู ุณุจุนูู ูุธุฑุฉุ ูุงูุง ูุถูุช ูู ูู ูู ููู ุณุจุนูู ุญุงุฌุฉ ุฃุฏูุงูุง ุงูู ุบูุฑุฉุ ูุงูุง ุฃุนุฐุชู ู ู ูู ุนุฏู ููุตุฑุชู ุนูููุ ููุง ูู ูุนู ู ู ุฏุฎูู ุงูุฌูุฉ ุงูุง ุงูู ูุช
In Majma` al-Bayan: Ja`far b. Muhammad reported from his father from his forefathers from the Prophet ุตูู ุงููู ุนููู ูุขูู.
When Allah ุนุฒ ูุฌู wanted to reveal the Fatiha of the Book, Ayat al-Kursi, 3:18, and 3:26-27, they were attached to the Throne, and there was no barrier between them and Allah. They said: O Lord, will you send us down to the abode of sin and disobedience of You, while we are attached to purity and holiness? So He said: By My majesty and My glory! There is not a servant who recites you after every prayer except that I will settle him in a holy dwelling wherever he is, look to him seventy times with My hidden eye everyday, fulfill seventy of his needs – the lowest of which is forgiveness, and support him over every enemy. Nothing will prevent him from entering Paradise except death.
ูู ูุชุงุจ ุซูุงุจ ุงูุฃุนู ุงู ุจุงุณูุงุฏู ูุงู ุฃุจู ุนุจุฏ ุงููู ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู : ุงุณู ุงููู ุงูุฃุนุธู ู ูุทุน ูู ุฃู ุงููุชุงุจ
In Thawab al-A`mal: By its isnad to Abu `Abdillah ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู . He said: The Greatest Name of Allah is divided throughout the Mother of the Book (al-Fatiha).
ูู ูุชุงุจ ุงูุฎุตุงู ุนู ุฃุจู ุนุจุฏ ุงููู ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู ูุงู: ุฑู ุฅุจููุณ ุฃุฑุจุน ุฑูุงุช ุฃูููู ููู ูุนูุ ูุญูู ุฃูุจุท ุฅูู ุงูุฃุฑุถุ ูุญูู ุจุนุซ ู ุญู ุฏ ุตูู ุงููู ุนููู ูุขูู ุนูู ุญูู ูุชุฑุฉ ู ู ุงูุฑุณูุ ูุญูู ุฃูุฒูุช ุฃู ุงููุชุงุจ
In Kitab al-Khisal: From Abu `Abdillah ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู .
He said: Iblees screamed four times: (1) The day he was cursed, (2) When he was sent down to the Earth, (3) When Muhammad ุตูู ุงููู ุนููู ูุขูู was sent after a period of cessation of messengers, (4) When the Mother of the Book was revealed.
ุนู ุงูุญุณู ุจู ุนูู ุนูููู ุง ุงูุณูุงู ูู ุญุฏูุซ ุทููู ูุงู: ุฌุงุก ููุฑ ู ู ุงููููุฏ ุฅูู ุฑุณูู ุงููู ุตูู ุงููู ุนููู ูุขูู ูุณุฃูู ุงุนูู ูู ุนู ุฃุดูุงุกุ ููุงู ููู ุง ุณุฃูู ุฃุฎุจุฑูุง ุนู ุณุจุน ุฎุตุงู ุฃุนุทุงู ุงููู ู ู ุจูู ุงููุจูููุ ูุฃุนุทู ุฃู ุชู ู ู ุจูู ุงูุฃู ู ุ ููุงู ุงููุจู ุตูู ุงููู ุนููู ูุขูู: ุฃุนุทุงูู ุงููู ุนุฒ ูุฌู ูุงุชุญุฉ ุงููุชุงุจ ุฅูู ูููู: ุตุฏูุช ูุง ู ุญู ุฏุ ูู ุง ุฌุฒุงุก ู ู ูุฑุฃ ูุงุชุญุฉ ุงููุชุงุจุููุงู ุฑุณูู ุงููู ุตูู ุงููู ุนููู ูุขูู ู ู ูุฑุฃ ูุงุชุญุฉ ุงููุชุงุจ ุฃุนุทุงู ุงููู ุชุนุงูู ุจุนุฏุฏ ูู ุขูุฉ ูุฒูุช ู ู ุงูุณู ุงุก ุซูุงุจ ุชูุงูุชูุง
From al-Hasan b. `Aliย ุนูููู ุง ุงูุณูุงู in a long hadith: A group of Jews came to the Messenger of Allah ุตูู ุงููู ุนููู ูุขูู, and the most knowledgeable of them asked him about things. One of the things he asked was: Inform us of the seven characteristics that Allah has given you that He did not give to the prophets, and what He has given to your Umma that He has not given to the nations. So the Prophet ุตูู ุงููู ุนููู ูุขูู said: Allah ุนุฒ ูุฌู has given me the Fatiha of the Book – until he (the Jewish man) said: You have spoken the truth, O Muhammad. What is the reward for one who recites the Fatiha of the Book? So the Messenger of Allah ุตูู ุงููู ุนููู ูุขูู said: Whomever recites the Fatiha of the Book, for each verse, Allah ุชุนุงูู will give him the reward of every verse He has ever revealed from the heavens.
ุนู ุฌุงุจุฑ ุนู ุงููุจู ุตูู ุงููู ุนููู ูุขูู ุญุฏูุซ ุทููู ูููู ููู ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู ุญุงููุง ุนู ุงููู ุชุนุงูู ูุฃุนุทูุช ุฃู ุชู ููุฒุง ู ู ูููุฒ ุนุฑุดู ูุงุชุญุฉ ุงููุชุงุจ
From Jabir from the Prophet ุตูู ุงููู ุนููู ูุขูู in a long hadith in which he ุตูู ุงููู ุนููู ูุขูู related from Allah ุชุนุงูู: And I have given your Umma a treasure from the treasures of My Throne, the Fatiha of the Book.
ูู ุฃุตูู ุงููุงูู ู ุญู ุฏ ุจู ูุญููุ ุนู ุฃุญู ุฏ ุจู ู ุญู ุฏ ุจู ุนูุณูุ ุนู ู ุญู ุฏ ุงุจู ุฅุณู ุงุนูู ุจู ุจุฒูุน ุนู ุนุจุฏ ุงููู ุจู ุงููุถู ุงูููููู ุฑูุนู ูุงู: ู ุง ูุฑุฃุช ุงูุญู ุฏ ุนูู ูุฌุน ุณุจุนูู ู ุฑุฉ ุงูุง ุณูู
In Usul al-Kafi: Muhammad b. Yahya from Ahmad b. Muhammad b. `Isa from Muhammad b. Isma`il b. Bazee` from `Abdillah b. al-Fadl an-Nawfali who raised it [to the Prophet].
He said: al-Hamd is not recited upon a pain seventy times except that it relieves it.
ู ุญู ุฏ ุจู ูุญููุ ุนู ุฃุญู ุฏ ุจู ู ุญู ุฏุ ุนู ู ุญู ุฏ ุจู ุณูุงูุ ุนู ุณูู ุฉ ุจู ู ุญุฑุฒ ูุงู: ุณู ุนุช ุฃุจุง ุฌุนูุฑ ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู ูููู: ู ู ูู ูุจุฑุฃู ุงูุญู ุฏ ูู ูุจุฑุฃู ุดุฆ
Muhammad b. Yahya from Ahmad b. Muhammad from Muhammad b. Sinan from Salama b. Mahraz.
He said: I heard Abu Ja`far ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู say: Whomever is not cured with al-Hamd will not be cured from anything.
ุนู ุนูู ุจู ุฅุจุฑุงููู ุนู ุฃุจูู ุนู ุงุจู ุฃุจู ุนู ูุฑ ุนู ู ุนุงููุฉ ุจู ุนู ุงุฑ ุนู ุฃุจู ุนุจุฏ ุงููู ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู ูุงู: ูู ูุฑุฃุช ุงูุญู ุฏ ุนูู ู ูุช ุณุจุนูู ู ุฑุฉ ุซู ุฑุฏุช ููู ุงูุฑูุญ ู ุง ูุงู ุฐูู ุนุฌุจุง
From `Ali b. Ibrahim from his father from Ibn Abi `Umayr from Mu`awiya b. `Ammar from Abu `Abdillah ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู .
He said: If al-Hamd were recited upon the dead seventy times, and the soul returned to it, that would not be surprising.
ูู ุนููู ุงูุฃุฎุจุงุฑ ุญุฏุซูุง ู ุญู ุฏ ุจู ุงููุงุณู ุงูู ูุณุฑ ุงูุฃุณุชุฑุขุจุงุฏู ุฑุถู ุงููู ุนูู ูุงู: ุญุฏุซูุง ููุณู ุจู ู ุญู ุฏ ุจู ุฒูุงุฏุ ูุนูู ุจู ู ุญู ุฏ ุจู ุณูุงุฑ ุนู ุฃุจูููู ุงุ ุนู ุงูุญุณู ุจู ุนูู ุจู ู ุญู ุฏ ุจู ุนูู ุจู ู ูุณู ุจู ุฌุนูุฑ ุจู ู ุญู ุฏ ุจู ุนูู ุจู ุงูุญุณูู ุจู ุนูู ุจู ุฃุจู ุทุงูุจุ ุนู ุฃุจูู ุนูู ุจู ู ุญู ุฏุ ุนู ุฃุจูู ู ุญู ุฏ ุจู ุนููุ ุนู ุฃุจูู ุนูู ุจู ู ูุณู ุงูุฑุถุงุ ุนู ุฃุจูู ู ูุณู ุจู ุฌุนูุฑุ ุนู ุขุจุงุฆู ุนู ุฃู ูุฑ ุงูู ุคู ููู ุนูููู ุงูุณูุงู ูุงู: ูุงู ุฑุณูู ุงููู ุตูู ุงููู ุนููู ูุขูู ูุงู ุงููู ุนุฒ ูุฌู: ูุณู ุช ูุงุชุญุฉ ุงููุชุงุจ ุจููู ูุจูู ุนุจุฏู ููุตููุง ูู ููุตููุง ูุนุจุฏูุ ููุนุจุฏู ู ุง ุณุฃูุ ุฅุฐุง ูุงู ุงูุนุจุฏ: ุจุณู ุงููู ุงูุฑุญู ู ุงูุฑุญูู ูุงู ุงููู ุฌู ุฌูุงูู: ุจุฏุฃ ุนุจุฏู ุจุงุณู ู ูุญู ุนูู ุฃู ุฃุชู ู ูู ุฃู ูุฑู ูุฃุจุงุฑู ูู ูู ุฃุญูุงูู ูุฅุฐุง ูุงู: ุงูุญู ุฏ ููู ุฑุจ ุงูุนุงูู ูู ูุงู ุฌู ุฌูุงูู: ุญู ุฏูู ุนุจุฏู ูุนูู ุฃู ุงููุนู ุงูุชู ูู ู ู ุนูุฏูุ ูุงู ุงูุจูุงูุง ุงูุชู ุฏูุนุช ุนูู ูุจุชุทูููย ุฃุดูุฏูู ุงูู ุฃุถูู ูู ุฅูู ูุนู ุงูุฏููุง ูุนู ุงูุขุฎุฑุฉุ ูุงุฏูุน ุนูู ุจูุงูุง ุงูุขุฎุฑุฉ ูู ุง ุฏูุนุช ุนูู ุจูุงูุง ุงูุฏููุง ูุฅุฐุง ูุงู: ุงูุฑุญู ู ุงูุฑุญูู ูุงู ุงููู ุฌู ุฌูุงูู: ุดูุฏ ูู ุนุจุฏู ุงูู ุงูุฑุญู ู ุงูุฑุญูู ุ ุฃุดูุฏูู ูุฃููุฑู ู ู ุฑุญู ุชู ุญุธูุ ููุฃุฌุฒูู ู ู ุนุทุงุฆู ูุตูุจูุ ูุฅุฐุง ูุงู: ู ุงูู ููู ุงูุฏูู ูุงู ุงููู ุชุนุงูู: ุฃุดูุฏูู ูู ุง ุงุนุชุฑู ุงูู ุงูุง ุงูู ูู ููู ุงูุฏูู ูุฃุณููู ููู ุงูุญุณุงุจ ุญุณุงุจูุ ููุง ุชุฌุงูุฒู ุนู ุณูุฆุงุชูุ ูุฅุฐุง ูุงู ุงูุนุจุฏ: ุฅูุงู ูุนุจุฏ ูุงู ุงููู ุนุฒ ูุฌู: ุตุฏู ุนุจุฏูุ ุฅูุงู ูุนุจุฏ ุฃุดูุฏูู ูุฃุซูุจูู ุนูู ุนุจุงุฏุชู ุซูุงุจุง ูุบุจุทู ูู ู ู ุฎุงููู ูู ุนุจุงุฏุชู ูู: ูุฅุฐุง ูุงู: ูุฅูุงู ูุณุชุนูู ูุงู ุงููู ุชุนุงูู: ุจู ุงุณุชุนุงูุ ูุงูู ุงูุชุฌุฃุ ุฃุดูุฏูู ูุฃุนูููู ุนูู ุฃู ุฑูุ ููุฃุบูุซูู ูู ุดุฏุงูุฏู ููุขุฎุฐู ุจูุฏู ููู ููุงุฆุจูุ ูุฅุฐุง ูุงู: ุงูุฏูุง ุงูุตุฑุงุท ุงูู ุณุชููู ุฅูู ุขุฎุฑ ุงูุณูุฑุฉ ูุงู ุงููู ุฌู ุฌูุงูู: ูุฐุง ุงูุนุจุฏู ููุนุจุฏู ู ุง ุณุฃูุ ููุฏ ุงุณุชุฌุจุช ูุนุจุฏู ูุฃุนุทูุชู ู ุง ุฃู ูุ ูุขู ูุชู ู ู ุง ูุฌู ู ูู
In `Uyun al-Akhbar: Muhammad b. al-Qasim al-Mufassir al-Astarabadi ุฑุถู ุงููู ุนูู narrated to us. He said: Yusuf b. Muhammad b. Ziyad and `Ali b. Muhammad b. Sayyar together from al-Hasan b. `Ali b. Muhammad b. `Ali b. Musa b. Ja`far b. Muhammad b. `Ali b. al-Husayn b. `Ali b. Abi Talib from his father `Ali b. Muhammad from his father Muhammad b. `Ali from his father `Ali b. Musa ar-Rida form his father Musa b. Ja`far form his forefathers from Amir al-Mu’mineen ุนูููู ุงูุณูุงู .
He said: The Messenger of Allah ุตูู ุงููู ุนููู ูุขูู said: Allah ุนุฒ ูุฌู said: I have divided the Fatiha of the Book between Me and My servant. Half of it is for Me, and half of it is for My servant. For My servant is whatever he asks. When the servant says: “In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful” (1:1), Allah ุฌู ุฌูุงูู says: “My servant has begun with My name, and it is My responsibility to fulfill his affairs and to bless him in his condition.” When he says: “Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds” (1:2), He ุฌู ุฌูุงูู says: “My servant has praised Me, and he knows that the blessings that he has are from Me, and that the calamities that have been deflected from him were due to My power. I testify to you that I will offer him the good of this world and the good of the Hereafter, and I will deflect the calamities of the Hereafter from him just as I deflect the calamities of this world from him.” When he says: “The Beneficent, the Merciful” (1:3), Allah ุฌู ุฌูุงูู says: “My servant has testified that I am the Beneficent and the Merciful. I testify to you that I will set some of My mercy in his omen, and I will grant him a share of My bestowal.” When he says: “Master of the Day of Judgment” (1:4), Allah ุชุนุงูู says: “I testify that just as you recognize that I am the Master of the Day of Judgment, I will ease his judgment, and not punish him for his sins.” When he says: “You do we worship” (1:5), Allah ุนุฒ ูุฌู says: “He worships Me. I testify to you that I will reward him with a blessing for everyone that goes against him due to his worship of Me.” When he says: “and from You do we seek help” (1:5), Allah ุชุนุงูู says: “He seeks help in Me. I testify to you that I will support him in his affairs, I will assist him in his hardships, and I will take him by his hand in his moments of destitution.” When he says: “Guide us to the straight path” (1:6) to the end of the chapter, Allah ุฌู ุฌูุงูู says: “This is My servant, and for My servant is whatever he asks. I have answered My servant, and I have given him whatever he has hoped for. I have secured him from what is greater than him.”
ุญุฏุซูุง ู ุญู ุฏ ุจู ุงููุงุณู ุงูู ูุณุฑ ุงูู ุนุฑูู ุจุฃุจู ุงูุญุณู ุงูุฌุฑุฌุงูู ุฑุถู ุงููู ุนูู ูุงู: ุญุฏุซูุง ููุณู ุจู ู ุญู ุฏ ุจู ุฒูุงุฏุ ูุนูู ุจู ู ุญู ุฏ ุจู ุณูุงุฑ ุนู ุฃุจูููู ุงุ ุนู ุงูุญุณู ุงุจู ุนูู ุนู ุฃุจูู ุนูู ุจู ู ุญู ุฏ ุนู ุฃุจูู ู ุญู ุฏ ุจู ุนููุ ุนู ุฃุจูู ุงูุฑุถุง ุนู ุขุจุงุฆู ุนู ุนูู ุนูููู ุงูุณูุงู ุฃูู ูุงู ุณู ุนุช ุฑุณูู ุงููู ุตูู ุงููู ุนููู ูุขูู ูุณูู ูููู: ุฅู ุงููู ุชุจุงุฑู ูุชุนุงูู ูุงู ูู: ูุง ู ุญู ุฏ ” ูููุฏ ุขุชููุงู ุณุจุนุง ู ู ุงูู ุซุงูู ูุงููุฑุขู ุงูุนุธูู ” ูุฃูุฑุฏ ุงูุงู ุชูุงู ุนูู ุจูุงุชุญุฉ ุงููุชุงุจุ ูุฌุนููุง ุจุฅุฒุงุก ุงููุฑุขู ุงูุนุธูู ุ ูุงู ูุงุชุญุฉ ุงููุชุงุจ ุฃุดุฑู ู ุง ูู ูููุฒ ุงูุนุฑุดุ ูุงู ุงููู ุนุฒ ูุฌู ุฎุต ู ุญู ุฏุง ูุดุฑูู ุจูุงุ ููู ูุดุฑู ู ุนู ูููุง ุฃุญุฏุง ู ู ุฃูุจูุงุฆู ู ุง ุฎูุง ุณููู ุงู ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู ุ ูุฅูู ุฃุนุทุงู ู ููุง ” ุจุณู ุงููู ุงูุฑุญู ู ุงูุฑุญูู ” ุฃูุง ุชุฑุงู ูุญูู ุนู ุจูููุณ ุญูู ูุงูุช: ” ุงูู ุงููู ุฅูู ูุชุงุจ ูุฑูู ุงูู ู ู ุณููู ุงู ูุงูู ุจุณู ุงููู ุงูุฑุญู ู ุงูุฑุญูู ” ุฃูุง ูู ู ูุฑุฃูุง ู ุนุชูุฏุง ูู ูุงูุงุฉ ู ุญู ุฏ ูุขูู ุงูุทูุจูู ู ููุงุฏุง ูุฃู ุฑูู ุงุ ู ุคู ูุง ุจุธุงูุฑูู ุง ูุจุงุทููู ุงุ ุฃุนุทุงู ุงููู ุชุนุงูู ุจูู ุญุฑู ู ููุง ุญุณูุฉ: ูู ูุงุญุฏุฉ ู ููุง ุฃูุถู ูู ู ู ุงูุฏููุง ูู ุง ูููุง ู ู ุฃุตูุงู ุฃู ูุงููุง ูุฎูุฑุงุชูุงุ ูู ู ุงุณุชู ุน ุฅูู ูุงุฑุฆ ููุฑุฃูุง ูุงู ูู ูุฏุฑ ู ุง ูููุงุฑูุ ูููุณุชูุซุฑ ุฃุญุฏูู ู ู ูุฐุง ุงูุฎูุฑ ุงูู ุนุฑุถ ููู ุ ูุฅูู ุบููู ุฉ ูุง ูุฐูุจู ุฃูุงููุ ููุจูู ูู ูููุจูู ุงูุญุณุฑุฉ
Muhammad b. al-Qasim al-Mufassir, also known as Abu’l Hasan al-Jarjani ุฑุถู ุงููู, narrated to us. He said: Yusuf b. Muhammad b. Ziyad and `Ali b. Muhammad b. Sayyar narrated to us from their fathers from al-Hasan b. `Ali from his father `Ali b. Muhammad from his father Muhammad b. `Ali from his father ar-Rida from his forefathers from `Ali ุนูููู ุงูุณูุงู .
He said: I heard the Messenger of Allah ุตูู ุงููู ุนููู ูุขูู ูุณูู say: Surely, Allah ุชุจุงุฑู ูุชุนุงูู said to me: O Muhammad! “We have given you the Seven Oft-Coupled verses and the Great Qur’an” (15:87), so be grateful to Me through the Fatiha of the Book, and put it at the beginning of the Great Qur’an. Surely, the Fatiha of the Book is more honourable than the treasures of the Throne. Surely, Allah ุนุฒ ูุฌู has chosen Muhammad and honoured him with it, and no prophet shares [any of] that honour except Sulayman ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู , for he was given “In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful” (27:30), which is seen in the story of Balqees, who said, “It is from Sulayman, and it reads: In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.” (27:30). Surely, whomever recites it, whilst aligned with Muhammad and his Righteous Family, acting by their orders, and believing in their apparent and esoteric [teachings], Allah ุชุนุงูู will give him a deed for every letter: each of which is better than this world and everything in it, from its wealth to its goodness. Whomever listens to a reciter who recites it will be given the same reward at the reciter. So, you should increase this good thing that has been given to you, for it is a treasure that does not disappear with time, and it will remain in your repentant hearts.
ูู ุชูุณูุฑ ุงูุนูุงุดู ุนู ูููุณ ุจู ุนุจุฏ ุงูุฑุญู ู ุนู ู ุฑูุนู ูุงู: ุณุฃูุช ุฃุจุง ุนุจุฏ ุงููู ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู ุนู ููู ุงููู ” ูููุฏ ุขุชููุงู ุณุจุนุง ู ู ุงูู ุซุงูู ูุงููุฑุขู ุงูุนุธูู ” ูุงู: ูู ุณูุฑุฉ ุงูุญู ุฏ ููู ุณุจุน ุขูุงุช ู ููุง: ” ุจุณู ุงููู ุงูุฑุญู ู ุงูุฑุญูู ” ูุงูู ุง ุณู ูุช ุงูู ุซุงูู ูุฃููุง ุชุซูู ูู ุงูุฑูุนุชูู
In Tafsir al-`Ayashi: From Yunus b. `Abd ar-Rahman from whom he raised it from.
He said: I asked Abu `Abdillah ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู about the saying of Allah, “Weย have given you the Seven Oft-Coupled verses and the Great Qur’an” (15:87). He said: It is Surat al-Hamd, which is seven verses. “In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.” (1:1) is from it. It was called Oft-Coupled because it is recited in each of the two units of prayer.
ุนู ุฃุจู ุญู ุฒุฉ ุนู ุฃุจู ุฌุนูุฑ ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู ูุงู.ุณุฑููุง ุฃูุฑู ุขูุฉ ูู ูุชุงุจ ุงููู: ุจุณู ุงููู ุงูุฑุญู ู ุงูุฑุญูู
From Abu Hamza from Abu Ja`far ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู . He said: They have removed the most noble verse from the Book of Allah, “In the name of Allah, Beneficent, the Merciful.” (1:1)
ุนู ุตููุงู ุงูุฌู ุงู ูุงู: ูุงู ุฃุจู ุนุจุฏ ุงููู ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู : ู ุง ุฃูุฒู ุงููู ู ู ุงูุณู ุงุก ูุชุงุจุง ุงูุง ููุงุชุญุชู ” ุจุณู ุงููู ุงูุฑุญู ู ุงูุฑุญูู ” ูุงูู ุง ูุงู ูุนุฑู ุงููุถุงุก ุงูุณูุฑุฉ ุจูุฒูู ุจุณู ุงููู ุงูุฑุญู ู ุงูุฑุญูู ุงุจุชุฏุงุกุง ููุฃุฎุฑู
From Safwan al-Jammal. He said: Abu `Abdillah ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู said: Allah did not reveal a Book except that its beginning was “In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.” (1:1) And it was known that a chapter was over with “In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful” and another one began.
ูู ุงููุงูู ู ุญู ุฏ ุจู ูุญูู ุนู ุนูู ุจู ุงูุญุณูู ุจู ุนูู ุนู ุนุจุงุฏุฉ ุจู ูุนููุจ ุนู ุนู ุฑู ุจู ู ุตุนุจ ุนู ูุฑุงุช ุจู ุฃุญูู ุนู ุฃุจู ุฌุนูุฑ ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู ูุงู: ุณู ุนุชู ูููู: ุฃูู ูู ูุชุงุจ ูุฒู ู ู ุงูุณู ุงุก ุจุณู ุงููู ุงูุฑุญู ู ุงูุฑุญูู ูุฅุฐุง ูุฑุฃุช ุจุณู ุงููู ุงูุฑุญู ู ุงูุฑุญูู ููุง ุชุจุงูู ุฃู ูุง ุชุณุชุนูุฐุ ูุฅุฐุง ูุฑุฃุช ุจุณู ุงููู ุงูุฑุญู ู ุงูุฑุญูู ุณุชุฑุชู ููู ุง ุจูู ุงูุณู ุงูุงุช ูุงูุฃุฑุถ
In al-Kafi: Muhammad b. Yahya from `Ali b. al-Husayn b. `Ali from `Ubada b. Ya`qub from `Amr b. Mus`ab from Furat b. Ahnaf from Abu Ja`far ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู .
He said: I heard him say: The beginning of every book revealed from the heavens is “In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.” So if you recite “In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful”, do not fear needing to seek refuge. If you recite “In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful”, it will shield you from everything in the heavens and the Earth.
ูู ุฃุตูู ุงููุงูู ู ุญู ุฏ ุจู ูุญูู ุนู ุฃุญู ุฏ ุจู ู ุญู ุฏ ุนู ุนู ุฑ ุจู ุนุจุฏ ุงูุนุฒูุฒ ุนู ุฌู ูู ุจู ุฏุฑุงุฌ ูุงู: ูุงู ุฃุจู ุนุจุฏ ุงููู ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู ูุง ุชุฏุน ุจุณู ุงููู ุงูุฑุญู ู ุงูุฑุญูู ูุฅู ูุงู ุจุนุฏู ุดุนุฑ
In Usul al-Kafi: Muhammad b. Yahya from Ahmad b. Muhammad from `Umar b. `Abd al-`Azeez from Jameel b. Darraj.
He said: Abu `Abdillah ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู said: Do not write “In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful” if poetry comes after it.
ย ุนุฏุฉ ู ู ุฃุตุญุงุจูุงุ ุนู ุฃุญู ุฏ ุจู ู ุญู ุฏ ุจู ุฎุงูุฏุ ุนู ู ุญู ุฏ ุจู ุนููุ ุนู ุงูุญุณู ุจู ุนููุ ุนู ููุณู ุจู ุนุจุฏ ุงูุณูุงู ุนู ุณูู ุจู ูุงุฑูู ู ููู ุขู ุฌุนุฏุฉุ ูุงู: ูุงู ุฃุจู ุนุจุฏ ุงููู ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู : ุงูุชุจ ุจุณู ุงููู ุงูุฑุญู ู ุงูุฑุญูู ู ู ุฃุฌูุฏ ูุชุงุจู ููุง ุชู ุฏ ุงูุจุงุก ุญุชู ุชุฑูุน ุงูุณูู
Several of our companions from Ahmad b. Muhammad b. Khalid from Muhammad b. `Ali from al-Hasan b. `Ali from Yusuf b. `Abd as-Salam from Sayf b. Harun the slave of the family of Ja`da.
He said: Abu `Abdillah ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู said: Write “In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful” with your finest handwriting, and do not extend the ba’, so that the seen may be lifted. (Meaning, make the seen visible, and do not extend the ba’ to the meem as done in shorthand)
ย ุนูู ุนู ุนูู ุจู ุงูุญูู ุนู ุงูุญุณู ุจู ุงูุณุฑู ุนู ุฃุจู ุนุจุฏ ุงููู ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู ูุงู: ูุง ุชูุชุจ ุจุณู ุงููู ุงูุฑุญู ู ุงูุฑุญูู ุงูููุงูุ ููุง ุจุฃุณ ุฃู ุชูุชุจ ุนูู ุธูุฑ ุงููุชุงุจ ูููุงู
From him from `Ali b. al-Hakam from al-Hasan b. as-Sirri from Abu `Abdillah ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู .
He said: Do not write “In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful” addressing a person. But, there is no problem writing it at the back of a letter to a person.
ุนุฏุฉ ู ู ุฃุตุญุงุจูุง ุนู ุณูู ุจู ุฒูุงุฏุฉ ุนู ุฅุฏุฑูุณ ุงูุญุงุฑุซู ุนู ู ุญู ุฏ ุจู ุณูุงู ุนู ู ูุถู ุจู ุนู ุฑ ูุงู: ูุงู ุฃุจู ุนุจุฏ ุงููู ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู : ุงุญุชุฌุจูุง ู ู ุงููุงุณ ูููู ุจุจุณู ุงููู ุงูุฑุญู ู ุงูุฑุญูู ูุจูู ูู ุงููู ุฃุญุฏุ ุงูุฑุฃูุง ุนู ูู ููู ูุนู ุดู ุงูู ูู ู ุจูู ูุฏูู ูู ู ุฎููู ูู ู ูููู ูู ู ุชุญุชูุ ูุฅุฐุง ุฏุฎูุช ุนูู ุณูุทุงู ุฌุงุฆุฑ ูุงูุฑุฃูุง ุญูู ุชูุธุฑ ุฅููู ุซูุงุซ ู ุฑุงุชุ ูุงุนูุฏ ุจูุฏู ุงููุณุฑู ุซู ูุง ุชูุงุฑููุง ุญุชู ุชุฎุฑุฌ ู ู ุนูุฏู
Several of our companions from Sahl b. Ziyad from Idris al-Harithi from Muhammad b. Sinan from al-Mufaddal b. `Umar.
He said: Abu `Abdillah ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู said: Veil yourselves from all of the people with “In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful” and with qul huwallahu ahad. Recite them to your right, your left, your front, your back, above you, and below you. If you enter upon an oppressive ruler, then recite it three times when you look at him and clench your left hand, and do not let go until you leave him.
ูู ูุชุงุจ ุงูุชูุญูุฏ ุจุงุณูุงุฏู ุฅูู ุฃุจู ุนุจุฏ ุงููู ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู ุญุฏูุซ ุทููู ูููู ูุงู ุฑุณูู ุงููู ุตูู ุงููู ุนููู ูุขูู ูุณูู : ู ู ุญุฒูู ุฃู ุฑ ูุชุนุงุทุงู ููุงู ุจุณู ุงููู ุงูุฑุญู ู ุงูุฑุญูู ุ ููู ูุฎูุต ูููย ูููุจู ุจููุจู ุฅูููุ ูู ูููู ู ู ุฅุญุฏู ุงุซูุชูู ุงู ุง ุจููุบ ุญุงุฌุชู ูู ุงูุฏููุงุ ูุงู ุง ุชุนุฏูู ุนูุฏ ุฑุจู ูุชุฏุฎุฑ ูุฏููุ ูู ุง ุนูุฏ ุงููู ุฎูุฑ ูุฃุจูู ููู ุคู ููู
In Kitab at-Tawheed: By its isnad to Abu `Abdillah ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู in a long hadith in which he said:
The Messenger of Allah ุตูู ุงููู ุนููู ูุขูู ูุณูู said: Whomever is aggrieved by a matter that afflicts him, and says “In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful” while he is sincere to Allah and accepts Him into his heart, one of two things will happen: (1) Either his need will be fulfilled in this world, (2) Or it will be compensated with his Lord and he will be delivered; and what is with Allah is better and more abiding for the believer.
ูููู ุนู ุงูุตุงุฏู ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู ุญุฏูุซ ุทููู ููููุ ููุฑุจู ุง ุชุฑู ุจุนุถ ุดูุนุชูุง ูู ุงูุชุชุงุญ ุฃู ุฑู ุจุณู ุงููู ุงูุฑุญู ู ุงูุฑุญูู ููู ุชุญูู ุงููู ุนุฒ ูุฌู ุจู ูุฑูู ูููุจูู ุนูู ุดูุฑ ุงููู ุชุจุงุฑู ูุชุนุงูู ูุงูุซูุงุก ุนูููุ ููู ุญู ุนูู ูุตู ุฉ ุชูุตูุฑูย ุนูุฏ ุชุฑูู ููู ุจุณู ุงููู ุงูุฑุญู ู ุงูุฑุญูู
From as-Sadiq ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู , in a long hadith in which [he says]: If one of our Shi`a abandons “In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful” (1:1) in his Fatiha, Allah ุนุฒ ูุฌู tests him with adversity to teach him to be thankful to Allah ุชุจุงุฑู ูุชุนุงูู and to pay tribute to Him. That erases the blemish of his shortcoming for his abandonment of the saying “In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.”
ย ูู ุชูุฐูุจ ุงูุฃุญูุงู ู ุญู ุฏ ุจู ุนูู ุจู ู ุญุจูุจ ุนู ู ุญู ุฏ ุจู ุงูุญุณูู ุนู ู ุญู ุฏ ุจู ุญู ุงุฏ ุงุจู ุฒูุฏ ุนู ุนุจุฏ ุงููู ุจู ูุญูู ุงููุงููู ุนู ุฃุจู ุนุจุฏ ุงููู ุนู ุฃุจูู ุนูููู ุง ุงูุณูุงู ูุงู: ุจุณู ุงููู ุงูุฑุญู ู ุงูุฑุญูู ุฃูุฑุจ ุฅูู ุงุณู ุงููู ุงูุฃุนุธู ู ู ูุงุธุฑ ุงูุนูู ุฅูู ุจูุงุถูุง
In Tahdheeb al-Ahkam: Muhammad b. `Ali b. Mahbub from Muhammad b. al-Husayn from Muhammad b. Hammad b. Zayd from `Abdillah b. Yahya al-Kahili from Abu `Abdillah from his father ุนูููู ุง ุงูุณูุงู .
He said: “In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful” is closer to the Greatest Name of Allah than a pupil is to its sclera.
ูู ู ูุฌ ุงูุฏุนูุงุช ุจุฅุณูุงุฏูุง ุฅูู ู ุญู ุฏ ุจู ุงูุญุณู ุงูุตูุงุฑ ู ู ูุชุงุจ ูุถู ุงูุฏุนุงุก ุจุงุณูุงุฏู ุฅูู ู ุนุงููุฉ ุจู ุนู ุงุฑ ุนู ุงูุตุงุฏู ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู ุฃูู ูุงู: ุจุณู ุงููู ุงูุฑุญู ู ุงูุฑุญูู ุงุณู ุงููู ุงูุฃูุจุฑ – ุฃู ูุงู: ุงูุฃุนุธู
In Mahj ad-Da`wat: By its isnad to Muhammad b. al-Hasan as-Saffar from the book of Fadl on supplications, by its isnad to Mu`awiya b. `Ammar from as-Sadiq ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู .
He said: “In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful” is the Best Name of Allah – or he said: The Greatest.
ูุจุฑูุงูุฉ ุงุจู ุนุจุงุณ ูุงู ุตูู ุงููู ุนููู ูุขูู ูุณูู ุจุณู ุงููู ุงูุฑุญู ู ุงูุฑุญูู ุงุณู ู ู ุฃุณู ุงุก ุงููู ุงูุฃูุจุฑ ูู ุง ุจููู ูุจูู ุงุณู ุงููู ุงูุฃูุจุฑุ ุงูุง ูู ุง ุจูู ุณูุงุฏ ุงูุนูู ูุจูุงุถูุง
And in the report of Ibn `Abbas:
He ุตูู ุงููู ุนููู ูุขูู ูุณูู said: “In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful” is a name from the best names of Allah. [The distance] between it and the Best Name of Allah is like that of the blackness of the eye from its whiteness.
ูู ุชูุฐูุจ ุงูุฃุญูุงู ู ุญู ุฏ ุจู ุนูู ุจู ู ุญุจูุจ ุนู ุงูุนุจุงุณ ุนู ู ุญู ุฏ ุจู ุฃุจู ุนู ูุฑ ุนู ุฃุจู ุฃููุจ ุนู ู ุญู ุฏ ุจู ู ุณูู ูุงู ุณุฃูุช ุฃุจุง ุนุจุฏ ุงููู ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู ุนู ุงูุณุจุน ุงูู ุซุงูู ูุงููุฑุขู ุงูุนุธูู ูู ุงููุงุชุญุฉุูุงู ูุนู ููุช: ุจุณู ุงููู ุงูุฑุญู ู ุงูุฑุญูู ู ู ุงูุณุจุน ุงูู ุซุงููุูุงู: ูุนู ูู ุฃูุถููู
In Tahdheeb al-Ahkam: Muhammad b. `Ali b. Mahbub from al-`Abbas from Muhammad b. Abi `Umayr from Abu Ayyub from Muhammad b. Muslim.
He said: I asked Abu `Abdillah ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู about “the Seven Oft-Coupled verses and the Great Qur’an” (15:87) – is it the Fatiha? He said: Yes. I said: Is “In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful” one of the Seven Oft-Coupled verses? He said: Yes, it is the best of them.
ูู ุนููู ุงูุฃุฎุจุงุฑ ุจุงุณูุงุฏู ุฅูู ู ุญู ุฏ ุจู ุณูุงู ุนู ุงูุฑุถุง ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู ูุงู: ุฅู ุจุณู ุงููู ุงูุฑุญู ู ุงูุฑุญูู ุฃูุฑุจ ุฅูู ุงุณู ุงููู ุงูุฃุนุธู ู ู ุณูุงุฏ ุงูุนูู ุฅูู ุจูุงุถูุง
In `Uyun al-Akhbar: By its isnad to Muhammad b. Sinan from ar-Rida ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู . He said: Surely, “In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful” is closer to the Greatest Name of Allah than the blackness of the eye is from its whiteness.
ูู ูุชุงุจ ุนูู ุงูุดุฑุงูุน ุจุงุณูุงุฏู ุฅูู ุงูุตุงุฏู ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู ุญุฏูุซ ุทููู ูููู ููู ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู ุจุนุฏุงู ุญูู ุนู ุงููุจู ุตูู ุงููู ุนููู ูุขูู ูุณูู ู ุง ุฑุฃู ุฅุฐ ุนุฑุฌ ุจู ูุนูุฉ ุงูุงุฐุงู ูุงูุงูุชุชุงุญ: ููู ุง ูุฑุบ ู ู ุงูุชูุจูุฑุฉ ูุงูุงูุชุชุงุญ ูุงู ุงููู ุนุฒ ูุฌู ุงูุขู ูุตูุช ุฅูู ุงุณู ู ูุณู ุจุงุณู ูุ ููุงู: ” ุจุณู ุงููู ุงูุฑุญู ู ุงูุฑุญูู ” ูู ู ุฃุฌู ุฐูู ุฌุนู ุจุณู ุงููู ุงูุฑุญู ู ุงูุฑุญูู ูู ุฃูู ุงูุณูุฑุฉ ุซู ูุงู ูู
ุงุญู ุฏูู ููุงู: ุงูุญู ุฏ ููู ุฑุจ ุงูุนุงูู ูู ” ููุงู ุงููุจู ุตูู ุงููู ุนููู ูุขูู ูุณูู ูู ููุณู ุดูุฑุงุ ููุงู ุงููู ูุง ู ุญู ุฏ ูุทุนุช ุญู ุฏู ูุณู ุจุงุณู ูุ ูู ู ุฃุฌู ุฐูู ุฌุนู ูู ุงูุญู ุฏ ” ุงูุฑุญู ู ุงูุฑุญูู ” ู ุฑุชูู ููู ุง ุจูุบ ู ” ูุง ุงูุถุงููู ” ูุงู ุงููุจู ุตูู ุงููู ุนููู ูุขูู ูุณูู : ุงูุญู ุฏ ููู ุฑุจ ุงูุนุงูู ูู ุดูุฑุงุ ููุงู ุงููู ุงูุนุฒูุฒ ุงูุฌุจุงุฑ ูุทุนุช ุฐูุฑู ูุณู ุจุงุณู ู ูู ู ุฃุฌู ุฐูู ุฌุนู ุจุณู ุงููู ุงูุฑุญู ู ุงูุฑุญูู ุจุนุฏ ุงูุญู ุฏ ูู ุงุณุชูุจุงู ุงูุณูุฑุฉ ุงูุฃุฎุฑู
In Kitab `Ilal ash-Shara’i`: By its isnad to as-Sadiq ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู , in a long hadith in which he ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู spoke about what the Prophet ุตูู ุงููู ุนููู ูุขูู ูุณูู saw when he ascended, regarding the reasoning for the adhan and the Fatiha: When he finished the takbeer and the Fatiha, Allah ุนุฒ ูุฌู said: Now, you have arrived to My name, so call Me by My name. So he said: “In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful” (1:1). So for that reason, He placed “In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful” at the beginning of the chapter. Then, He said to him: Praise me. So he said: “Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds” (1:2). The Prophet ุตูู ุงููู ุนููู ูุขูู ูุณูู said to himself: Thank You [O Allah]. So Allah said: O Muhammad! You have severed My praise, so say My name. And for that reason, He placed “The Beneficent, the Merciful” (1:3) twice in al-Hamd. When “nor those who went astray” (1:7) was said, the Prophet ุตูู ุงููู ุนููู ูุขูู ูุณูู said: Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, thank You. So Allah, the Mighty and Powerful, said: You have severed My remembrance, so say My name. And for that reason, He placed “In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful” at the beginning of the next chapter.
ูู ุนููู ุงูุฃุฎุจุงุฑ ุจุงุณูุงุฏู ุฅูู ุฃู ูุฑ ุงูู ุคู ููู ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู ุญุฏูุซ ุทููู ูููู ููู ูุฃู ูุฑ ุงูู ุคู ููู ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู ูุง ุฃู ูุฑ ุงูู ุคู ููู ุฃุฎุจุฑูุง ุนู ุจุณู ุงููู ุงูุฑุญู ู ุงูุฑุญูู ุฃูู ู ู ูุงุชุญุฉ ุงููุชุงุจุููุงู ูุนู ูุงู ุฑุณูู ุงููู ุตูู ุงููู ุนููู ูุขูู ูุณูู ููุฑุฃูุง ููุนุฏูุง ุขูุฉ ู ููุง: ููููู: ูุงุชุญุฉ ุงููุชุงุจ ูู ุงูุณุจุน ุงูู ุซุงูู
In `Uyun al-Akhbar: By its isnad to Amir al-Mu’mineen ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู in a long hadith, in which it was said to Amir al-Mu’mineen ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู : O Amir al-Mu’mineen, inform us about “In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful” (1:1). Is it from the Fatiha of the Book? So he said: Yes, the Messenger of Allah ุตูู ุงููู ุนููู ูุขูู ูุณูู would recite it, and afterwards a verse from it. And he would say: The Fatiha of the Book is the Seven Oft-Coupled Verses.
ูุจุงุณูุงุฏู ุนู ุงูุฑุถุง ุนู ุขุจุงุฆู ุนู ุนูู ุนูููู ุงูุณูุงู ุฃูู ูุงู: ุฅู ุจุณู ุงููู ุงูุฑุญู ู ุงูุฑุญูู ุขูุฉ ู ู ูุงุชุญุฉ ุงููุชุงุจุ ููู ุณุจุน ุขูุงุช ุชู ุงู ูุง ุจุณู ุงููู ุงูุฑุญู ู ุงูุฑุญูู
By its isnad from ar-Rida from his forefathers from `Ali ุนูููู ุงูุณูุงู .
He said: Surely, “In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful” (1:1) is a verse from the Fatiha of the Book. It is seven verses, the best of which is “In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.” (1:1)
ูู ุงููุงูู ุนูู ุจู ุฅุจุฑุงููู ุนู ู ุญู ุฏ ุจู ุนูุณู ุนู ูููุณ ุนู ู ุนุงููุฉ ุจู ุนู ุงุฑ ูุงู: ููุช ูุฃุจู ุนุจุฏ ุงููู ุนูููู ุง ุงูุณูุงู ุฅุฐุง ูู ุช ููุตูุงุฉ ุฃูุฑุฃ ุจุณู ุงููู ุงูุฑุญู ู ุงูุฑุญูู ูู ูุงุชุญุฉ ุงููุชุงุจุูุงู ูุนู ููุช: ูุฅุฐุง ูุฑุฃุช ูุงุชุญุฉ ุงููุชุงุจ ุฃูุฑุฃ ุจุณู ุงููู ุงูุฑุญู ู ุงูุฑุญูู ู ุน ุงูุณูุฑุฉุูุงู: ูุนู
In al-Kafi: `Ali b. Ibrahim from Muhammad b. `Isa from Yunus from Mu`awiya b. `Ammar.
He said: I said to Abu `Abdillah ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู : When I stand for prayer, do I recite “In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful” (1:1) in the Fatiha of the Book? He said: Yes. I said: If I recite the Fatiha of the Book, do I recite “In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful” (1:1) with the chapter? He said: Yes.
ู ุญู ุฏ ุจู ูุญูู ุนู ุฃุญู ุฏ ุจู ู ุญู ุฏ ุนู ุนูู ุจู ู ูุฒูุงุฑ ุนู ูุญูู ุจู ุฃุจู ุนู ุฑุงู ุงููู ุฏุงูู ูุงู: ูุชุจุช ุฅูู ุฃุจู ุฌุนูุฑ ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู ย ุฌุนูุช ูุฏุงู ู ุง ุชููู ูู ุฑุฌู ุงุจุชุฏุฃ ุจุจุณู ุงููู ุงูุฑุญู ู ุงูุฑุญูู ูู ุตูุงุชู ูุญุฏู ูู ุฃู ุงููุชุงุจ ููู ุง ุตุงุฑ ุฅูู ุบูุฑ ุฃู ุงููุชุงุจ ู ู ุงูุณูุฑุฉ ุชุฑููุง ููุงู ุงูุนุจุงุณู:ย ููุณ ุจุฐูู ุจุฃุณุููุชุจ ุจุฎุทู ูุนูุฏูุง ู ุฑุชูู ุนูู ุฑุบู ุฃููู ูุนูู ุงูุนุจุงุณู
Muhammad b. Yahya from Ahmad b. Muhammad from `Ali b. Mehzayar from Yahya b. Abi `Imran al-Hamadani.
He said: I wrote to Abu Ja`far [the Second] ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู : May I be your sacrifice! What do you say regarding a man who begins with “In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful” (1:1) in his prayer in the Mother of the Book, then at the beginning of another chapter, he abandons it. [Hisham b. Ibrahim al-`Abbasi] said that there is no problem with that. So he wrote back in his handwriting: He repeats it twice. May he be humiliated – meaning, al-`Abbasi.
ู ุญู ุฏ ุจู ูุญูู ุนู ู ุญู ุฏ ุจู ุงูุญุณูู ุนู ู ุญู ุฏ ุจู ุฅุณู ุงุนูู ุนู ุตุงูุญ ุจู ุนูุจุฉ ุนู ุฃุจู ูุงุฑูู ุงูู ูููู ูุงู: ูุงู ุฃุจู ุนุจุฏ ุงููู ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู : ุงูุญู ุฏ ุณุจุน ุขูุงุช
Muhammad b. Yahya from Muhammad b. al-Husayn from Muhammad b. Isma`il from Salih b. `Uqba from Abu Harun al-Makfoof.
He said: Abu `Abdillah ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู said: al-Hamd is seven verses.
ู ุญู ุฏ ุจู ูุญูู ุนู ุฃุญู ุฏ ุจู ู ุญู ุฏ ุนู ุงูุญุณูู ุจู ุณุนูุฏ ุนู ุงููุงุณู ุจู ู ุญู ุฏ ุนู ุตููุงู ุงูุฌู ุงู ูุงู: ุตููุช ุฎูู ุฃุจู ุนุจุฏ ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู ุฃูุงู ุง ููุงู ุฅุฐุง ูุงูุช ุตูุงุฉ ูุง ูุฌูุฑ ูููุง ุฌูุฑ ุจุจุณู ุงููู ุงูุฑุญู ู ุงูุฑุญูู ุ ููุงู ูุฌูุฑ ูู ุงูุณูุฑุชูู ุฌู ุนูุง
Muhammad b. Yahya from Ahmad b. Muhammad from al-Husayn b. Sa`eed from al-Qasim b. Muhammad from Safwan al-Jammal.
He said: I prayed behind Abu `Abdillah ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู one day, in a silent prayer, and he said “In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful” aloud for both chapters.
ุนูู ุจู ุฅุจุฑุงููู ุนู ุฃุจูู ุนู ุงุจู ุฃุจู ุนู ูุฑ ูู ุญู ุฏ ุจู ุฅุณู ุงุนูู ุนู ุงููุถู ุจู ุดุงุฐุงู ุนู ุงุจู ุฃุจู ุนู ูุฑ ูุตููุงู ุจู ูุญูู ุฌู ูุนุง ุนู ู ุนุงููุฉ ุจู ุนู ุงุฑ ุนู ุฃุจู ุนุจุฏ ุงููู ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู ูุงู: ูุฅุฐุง ุฌุนูุช ุฑุฌูู ูู ุงูุฑูุงุจ ููู: ุจุณู ุงููู ุงูุฑุญู ู ุงูุฑุญูู ุจุณู ุงููู ูุงููู ุฃูุจุฑ
`Ali b. Ibrahim from his father form Ibn Abi `Umayr and Muhammad b. Isma`il. And from al-Fadl b. Shadhan from Ibn Abi `Umayr and Safwan b. Yahya together from Mu`awiya b. `Ammar from Abu `Abdillah ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู .
He said: When you set foot to travel, say: “In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. In the name of Allah, and Allah is the Greatest.”
ูู ุชูุณูุฑ ุนูู ุจู ุฅุจุฑุงููู ูุนู ุงุจู ุฃุฐููุฉ ูุงู: ูุงู ุฃุจู ุนุจุฏ ุงููู ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู ุจุณู ุงููู ุงูุฑุญู ู ุงูุฑุญูู ุฃุญู ู ุง ุงุฌูุฑ ุจูุ ููู ุงูุขูุฉ ุงูุชู ูุงู ุงููู ุนุฒ ูุฌูย ูุฅุฐุง ุฐูุฑุช ุฑุจู ูู ุงููุฑุขู ูุญุฏู ูููุง ุนูู ุงุฏุจุงุฑูู ูููุฑุงย
In Tafsir `Ali b. Ibrahim: And from Ibn Udhayna.
He said: Abu `Abdillah ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู said: “In the name of Allah, the Beneficent the Merciful” is the most rightful thing to say aloud, and it is the verse about which Allah ุนุฒ ูุฌู says, “And when you mention your Lord alone in the Qur’an, they turn back in aversion.” (17:46)
ูู ู ุฌู ุน ุงูุจููุงู ููุงู ุฑุณูู ุงููู ุตูู ุงููู ุนููู ูุขูู ูุณูู ุงู ุงููู ุชุนุงูู ู ู ุนูู ุจูุงุชุญุฉ ุงููุชุงุจ ูููุง ู ู ููุฒ ุงูุฌูุฉ ูููุง ุจุณู ุงููู ุงูุฑุญู ู ุงูุฑุญูู ุงูุขูุฉ ุงูุชู ูููู ุงููู ุชุนุงูู ูููุง: ” ูุฅุฐุง ุฐูุฑุช ุฑุจู ูู ุงููุฑุขู ูุญุฏู ูููุง ุนูู ุฃุฏุจุงุฑูู ูููุฑุง
In Majma` al-Bayan: The Messenger of Allah ุตูู ุงููู ุนููู ูุขูู ูุณูู said: Surely, Allah ุชุนุงูู favoured me with the Fatiha of the Book. In it are treasures from Paradise. In it is “In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful” (1:1), the verse about which Allah ุชุนุงูู says, “And when you mention your Lord alone in the Qur’an, they turn back in aversion.” (17:46)
ูู ุนููู ุงูุฃุฎุจุงุฑ ุนู ุงูุฑุถุง ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู ูุงู: ูุงูุงุฌูุงุฑ ุจุจุณู ุงููู ุงูุฑุญู ู ุงูุฑุญูู ูู ุฌู ูุน ุงูุตููุงุช ุณูุฉ
In `Uyun al-Akhbar: From ar-Rida ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู . He said: Saying “In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful” aloud in every prayer is Sunna.
ูุนู ุงูุฑุถุง ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู ุงูู ูุงู ูุฌูุฑ ุจุจุณู ุงููู ุงูุฑุญู ู ุงูุฑุญูู ูู ุฌู ูุน ุตููุงุชู ุจุงูููู ูุงูููุงุฑ
And from ar-Rida ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู : He used to say “In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful” aloud in every prayer, at night and during the day.
ูู ูุชุงุจ ุงูุฎุตุงู ุนู ุงูุฃุนู ุด ุนู ุฌุนูุฑ ุจู ู ุญู ุฏ ุนูููู ุง ุงูุณูุงู ุฃูู ูุงู: ูุงูุงุฌูุงุฑ ุจุจุณู ุงููู ุงูุฑุญู ู ุงูุฑุญูู ูู ุงูุตูุงุฉ ูุงุฌุจุ
In Kitab al-Khisal from al-A`mash from Ja`far b. Muhammad ุนูููู ุง ุงูุณูุงู .
He said: Saying “In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful” aloud in every prayer is obligatory.
ูู ุนููู ุงูุฃุฎุจุงุฑ ุญุฏูุซ ุฐูุฑูุงู ูู ุฐูุฑ ูู ูู ุงููู ุฃุญุฏ ููููุ ููุช: ุงูุงุญุฏ ุงูุตู ุฏุ ูููุช: ูุง ูุดุจู ุดูุฆุงุ ูุงููู ูุงุญุฏ ูุงูุงูุณุงู ูุงุญุฏ ุฃููุณ ูุฏ ุชุดุงุจูุช ุงููุญุฏุงููุฉุ ูุงู: ูุง ูุชุญ ุฃุญูุช ุซุจุชู ุงูููุ ุงูู ุง ุงูุชุซููุฉ ูู ุงูู ุนุงููุ ููู ุง ูู ุงูุฃุณู ุงุก ููู ูุงุญุฏุฉ ููู ุฏูุงูุฉ ุนูู ุงูู ุณู ู
In `Uyun al-Akhbar: A hadith that we mentioned regarding qul huwallahu ahad, I said: The One, the Self-Subsisting. And I said: Nothing is like Him. Allah is One, and humanity is one, and [even] their oneness is not similar. He said: O Fat`h, may Allah make you steadfast. Likening is in meaning, but as for names, “one” is an indicator to that which is named.
ย ูุจุงุณูุงุฏู ุฅูู ู ุญู ุฏ ุจู ุณูุงู ูุงู: ุณุฃูุช ุงูุฑุถุง ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู ุนู ุงูุงุณู ู ุง ููุูุงู: ุตูุฉ ูู ูุตูู
And by its isnad to Muhammad b. Sinan.
He said: I asked ar-Rida ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู about names, what are they? He said: A description of that which is described.
ูุจุงุณูุงุฏู ุฅูู ุงูุญุณู ุจู ุนูู ุจู ูุถุงู ุนู ุฃุจูู ูุงู: ุณุฃูุช ุงูุฑุถุง ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู ุนู ุจุณู ุงููู ูุงู: ู ุนูู ููู ุงููุงุฆู ุจุณู ุงููู ุฃู ุงุณู ุนูู ููุณู ุจุณู ุฉ ู ู ุณู ุงุช ุงููู ุนุฒ ูุฌูุ ููู ุงูุนุจุงุฏุฉ ูุงู ูููุช ูู: ู ุง ุงูุณู ุฉุูุงู ุงูุนูุงู ุฉ
And by its isnad to al-Hasan b. `Ali b. Faddal from his father:
He said: I asked ar-Rida ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู about “In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.” He said: One who says “In the name of Allah” has embellished himself with an emblem of Allah ุนุฒ ูุฌู, and it is worship. So I said to him: What is the emblem? He said: An indicator.
ูู ูุชุงุจ ุงูุชูุญูุฏ ุนู ุฃุจู ุนุจุฏ ุงููู ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู ุญุฏูุซ ุทููู ููุฏ ุณุฃูู ุจุนุถ ุงูุฒูุงุฏูุฉ ุนู ุงููู ุนุฒ ูุฌูุ ูููู ูุงู ุงูุณุงุฆู: ูู ุง ููุูุงู ุฃุจู ุนุจุฏ ุงููู ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู : ูู ุงูุฑุจ ููู ุงูู ุนุจูุฏ ููู ุงููู ูููุณ ูููู ุงูููุ ุงุซุจุงุช ูุฐู ุงูุญุฑูู ุงููุ ูุงู ุ ูุงู ุ ูุงุ ูููู ุงุฑุฌุน ุฅูู ู ุนูู ูู ุดุฆ ุฎุงูู ุงูุฃุดูุงุก ูุตุงูุนูุง ููุนุช ุนููู ูุฐู ุงูุญุฑูู ููู ุงูู ุนูู ุงูุฐู ูุณู ู ุจู ุงููู ูุงูุฑุญู ู ูุงูุฑุญูู ูุงูุนุฒูุฒ ูุฃุดุจุงู ุฐูู ู ู ุฃุณู ุงุฆู ููู ุงูู ุนุจูุฏ ุฌู ูุนุฒ
In Kitab at-Tawheed:
From Abu `Abdillah ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู in a long hadith in which a heretic asked him about Allah ุนุฒ ูุฌู, in which the questioner said: How is He? Abu `Abdillah ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู said: He is the Lord, and He is that which is worshiped. He is Allah, but not the word “Allah”. The basis of that are the letters alif, lam, lam, ha’. Instead, return to the meaning, which is that which created and designed everything. These letters signify Him, but He is that which they describe. Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful, the Mighty, and similar names, and Heย ุฌู ูุนุฒ is that which is worshiped.
ูุจุงุณูุงุฏู ุฅูู ุฃู ูุฑ ุงูู ุคู ููู ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู ุฃูู ูุงู ููุฏ ุณุฆู ู ุง ุงููุงุฆุฏุฉ ูู ุญุฑูู ุงููุฌุงุก ููุงู ุนูู ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู ู ุง ู ู ุญุฑู ุงูุง ููู ุงุณู ู ู ุฃุณู ุงุก ุงููู ุนุฒ ูุฌู
And by its isnad to Amir al-Mu’mineen ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู .
He said: He was asked about the benefit (purpose) of the letters of the alphabet, so he ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู said: There is not a letter except that it is a name from the names of Allah ุนุฒ ูุฌู.
ูุจุงุณูุงุฏู ุฅูู ูุดุงู ุจู ุงูุญูู ุงูู ุณุฃู ุฃุจุง ุนุจุฏ ุงููู ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู : ุนู ุฃุณู ุงุก ุงููู ุนุฒ ูุฌู ูุงุดุชูุงููุงุููุงู: ุงููู ูู ู ุดุชู ู ู ุงููุ ูุงูู ููุชุถู ู ุฃูููุงุ ูุงูุงุณู ุบูุฑ ุงูู ุณู ูุ ูู ู ุนุจุฏ ุงูุงุณู ุฏูู ุงูู ุนูู ููุฏ ููุฑูุง ูู ูุนุจุฏ ุดูุฆุงุ ูู ู ุนุจุฏ ุงูุงุณู ูุงูู ุนูู ููุฏ ุฃุดุฑู ูุนุจุฏ ุงูุงุซูููุ ูู ู ุนุจุฏ ุงูู ุนูู ุฏูู ุงูุงุณู ูุฐูู ุงูุชูุญูุฏุ ุฃููู ุช ูุง ูุดุงู ุูุงู ููุช: ุฒุฏูู ูุงู ููู ุนุฒ ูุฌู ุชุณุนุฉ ูุชุณุนูู ุงุณู ุง ููู ูุงู ุงูุงุณู ูู ุงูู ุณู ู ููุงู ูู ุงุณู ู ููุง ูู ุงููุ ูููู ุงููู ุนุฒ ูุฌู ู ุนูู ูุฏู ุนููู ุจูุฐู ุงูุฃุณู ุงุก ููููุง ุบูุฑูุ ูุง ูุดุงู ุงูุฎุจุฒ ุงุณู ููู ุฃูููุ ูุงูู ุงุก ุงุณู ููู ุดุฑูุจุ ูุงูุซูุจ ุงุณู ููู ูุจูุณุ ูุงููุงุฑ ุงุณู ููู ุญุฑูุ ุฃููู ุช ูุง ูุดุงู ููู ุง ุชุฏูุน ุจู ูุชูุงูุฑ ุฃุนุฏุงุฆูุงย ูุงูู ูุญุฏูู ูู ุงููู ูุงูู ุดุฑููู ู ุน ุงููู ุนุฒ ูุฌู ุบูุฑูุููุช: ูุนู ุ ููุงู: ููุนู ุงููู ุจู ูุซุจุชู ูุง ูุดุงู ุ ูุงู ูุดุงู ููุงููู ู ุง ููุฑูู ุฃุญุฏ ูู ุงูุชูุญูุฏ ุญููุฆุฐ ุญุชู ูู ุช ู ูุงู ู ูุฐุง
By its isnad to Hisham b. al-Hakam.
He asked Abu `Abdillah ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู about the names of Allah and their derivations: Where is โAllahโ derived from? He said: So he said to me: O Hisham, โAllahโ is derived from โgodโ (ilah) and โthe godโ (al-ilah), that which has a servant (yaqtadi maโlooha). And a name is different from what is described; for whoever worships the name without the meaning has disbelieved and has worshiped nothing. And whoever worships the name and the meaning has disbelieved and has worshiped two things. Whoever worships the meaning without the name โ that is monotheism (tawhid). Have you understood, O Hisham? He said: So I said: [Explain] further for me. He said: For Allah there are ninety-nine names; so if each name were a described thing, then each name from it would be a deity. However, Allah is the meaning that these names are indicative to, and they are all something other than Him. O Hisham, โbreadโ is the name of an edible, โwaterโ is the name of a beverage, โclothโ is the name of what is worn, and โfireโ is the name of what burns. Have you understood, O Hisham, with a comprehension that, by which, you can defend [our cause], and struggle against our enemies and those who have taken up [a deity] besides Allah ุนุฒูุฌู? So I said: Yes. He said: So he said: May Allah avail you by it and make you steadfast, O Hisham.
Hisham said: By Allah, no one has overcome me in monotheism (tawhid) till this position I stand at (i.e. till this day).
ูุจุงุณูุงุฏู ุฅูู ุนุจุฏ ุงูุงุนูู ุนู ุฃุจู ุนุจุฏ ุงููู ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู ุญุฏูุซ ุทููู ูุงู ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู ูู ุขุฎุฑู: ูุงููู ูุณู ู ุจุฃุณู ุงุฆู ููู ุบูุฑ ุฃุณู ุงุฆู ูุงูุฃุณู ุงุก ุบูุฑูุ ูููู: ูุงุณู ุงููู ุบูุฑ ุงููู ููู ุดุฆ ููุน ุนููู ุงุณู ุดุฆ ููู ู ุฎููู ู ุง ุฎูุง ุงููู
By its isnad to `Abd al-A`la from Abu `Abdillah ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู , in a long hadith in which he ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู said at its end: Allah is named by His names, but He is not His names, and His names are not Him. The name of Allah is not Allah. Everything that has a name is created, except Allah.
ูุจุงุณูุงุฏู ุฅูู ุนุจุฏ ุงููู ุจู ุณูุงู ูุงู ุณุฃูุช ุฃุจุง ุนุจุฏ ุงููู ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู ุนู ุจุณู ุงููู ุงูุฑุญู ู ุงูุฑุญูู ุููุงู: ุงูุจุงุก ุจูุงุก ุงููู ูุงูุณูู ุณูุงุก ุงููู ูุงูู ูู ู ุฌุฏ ุงููู. ูุฑูู ุจุนุถูู .ย ู ูู ุงููู ูุงููู ุงูู ูู ุดุฆุ ุงูุฑุญู ู ุจุฌู ูุน ุฎููู ูุงูุฑุญูู ุจุงูู ุคู ููู ุฎุงุตุฉ ููู ุฃุตูู ุงููุงูู ู ุซูู ุณูุงุก
And by its isnad to `Abdillah b. Sinan.
He said: I asked Abu `Abdillah ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู about “In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful”. So he said: The ba’ is Allah’s magnificence (baha‘), the seen is the Allah’s splendour (sana’), and the meem is Allah’s glory (majd).
And some reports say: [Meem] is Allah’s kingdom (mulk), and Allah is the God of everything. The Beneficent towards everything He created, and the Merciful towards the believers in particular.
And the same report is in al-Kafi.
ููู ูุชุงุจ ุงูุชูุญูุฏ ุจุงุณูุงุฏู ุฅูู ุตููุงู ุจู ูุญูู ุนู ู ุญุฏุซู ุนู ุฃุจู ุนุจุฏ ุงููู ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู ุงูู ุณุฆู ุนู ุจุณู ุงููู ุงูุฑุญู ู ุงูุฑุญูู ุููุงู: ุงูุจุงุก ุจูุงุก ุงููู ูุงูุณูู ุณูุงุก ุงููู ูุงูู ูู ู ูู ุงูููุ ูุงู: ููุช ุงูููุูุงู: ุงูุฃูู ุขูุงุก ุงููู ุนูู ุฎููู ู ู ุงููุนูู ุจููุงูุชูุงุ ุงููุงู ุงูุฒุงู ุงููู ุฎููู ููุงูุชูุง ููุชุ ูุงููุงุกุูุงู: ูู ุงู ูู ู ุฎุงูู ู ุญู ุฏุง ูุขู ู ุญู ุฏ ุตููุงุช ุงููู ุนูููู ุ ููุช: ุงูุฑุญู ูุ ูุงู ุจุฌู ูุน ุงูุนุงูู ููุช: ุงูุฑุญูู ุูุงู: ุจุงูู ุคู ููู ุฎุงุตุฉ
In Kitab at-Tawheed: By its isnad to Safwan b. Yahya from he who narrated to him from Abu `Abdillah ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู .
He was asked about “In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.” So he said: The ba’ is Allah’s magnificence (baha‘), the seen is the Allah’s splendour (sana’), and the meem is Allah’s glory (majd). I said: [What about] Allah? He said: The alif are the heavenly favours (ala’) upon His creation through our wilaya, and the lam is the dependency (ilzam) His creation has upon our wilaya. I said: And the ha’? He said: Shame (hawan) on those who oppose Muhammad and the Family of Muhammad ุตููุงุช ุงููู ุนูููู . I said: The Beneficent? He said: Towards all of the people. I said: The Merciful? He said: Towards the believers in particular.
– ูุจุงุณูุงุฏู ุฅูู ุงูุญุณู ุจู ุฑุงุดุฏ ุนู ุฃุจู ุงูุญุณู ู ูุณู ุจู ุฌุนูุฑ ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู ูุงู. ุณุฃูุชู ุนู ู ุนูู ุงูููุูุงู ุงุณุชููู ุนูู ู ุง ุฏู ูุฌู
By its isnad to Abu’l Hasan b. Rashed from Abu’l Hasan Musa b. Ja`far ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู . He said: I asked him about the meaning of Allah. He said: The master of everything, small and large.
ย ูู ูุชุงุจ ู ุนุงูู ุงูุฃุฎุจุงุฑ ุจุงุณูุงุฏู ุฅูู ุฃุจู ุฅุณุญุงู ุงูุฎุฒุงุนู ุนู ุฃุจูู ูุงู: ุฏุฎูุช ู ุน ุฃุจู ุนุจุฏ ุงููู ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู ุนูู ุจุนุถ ู ูุงููู ูุนูุฏูุ ูุฑุฃูุช ุงูุฑุฌู ููุซุฑ ู ู ููู ุขูุ ูููุช ูู: ูุง ุฃุฎู ุฃุฐูุฑ ุฑุจู ูุงุณุชุบุซ ุจูุ ููุงู ุฃุจู ุนุจุฏ ุงููู ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู ุงู ุขู ุงุณู ู ู ุฃุณู ุงุก ุงููู ุนุฒ ูุฌูุ ูู ู ูุงู: ุขู ููุฏ ุงุณุชุบุงุซ ุจุงููู ุชุจุงุฑู ูุชุนุงูู
In Kitab Ma`ani al-Akhbar: By its isnad to Abu Is`haq al-Khuza`i from his father.
He said: I and Abu `Abdillah ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู entered upon one of his clients. I saw that the man would say ah [from yawning] often, so I said to him: O my brother! Remember your Lord, and seek refuge in Him [after yawning]. So Abu `Abdillahย ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู said: Ah is a name from the names of Allahย ุนุฒ ูุฌู, so whomever says ah has sought refuge in Allah ุชุจุงุฑู ูุชุนุงูู.
ูู ูุชุงุจ ุงูุชูุญูุฏ ุญุฏุซูุง ู ุญู ุฏ ุจู ุงููุงุณู ุงูุฌุฑุฌุงูู ุงูู ูุณุฑ (ุฑู) ูุงู: ุญุฏุซูุง ุฃุจู ูุนููุจ ููุณู ุจู ู ุญู ุฏ ุจู ุฒูุงุฏ ูุฃุจู ุงูุญุณู ุนูู ุจู ู ุญู ุฏ ุจู ุณูุงุฑ ููุงูุง ู ู ุงูุดูุนุฉ ุงูุฅู ุงู ูุฉ ุนู ุฃุจูููู ุง ุนู ุงูุญุณู ุจู ุนูู ุจู ู ุญู ุฏ ุนูููู ุงูุณูุงู ุ ูู ููู ุงููู ุนุฒ ูุฌู ” ุจุณู ุงููู ุงูุฑุญู ู ุงูุฑุญูู ” ููุงู: ุงููู ูู ุงูุฐู ูุชุฃูู ุฅููู ุนูุฏ ุงูุญูุงุฆุฌ ูุงูุดุฏุงุฆุฏ ูู ู ุฎููู ุนูุฏ ุงููุทุงุน ุงูุฑุฌุงุกุ ู ู ูู ู ู ุฏูููุ ูุชูุทุน ุงูุฃุณุจุงุจ ุนู ุฌู ูุน ู ุง ุณูุงู ูููู ุจุณู ุงููู ุฃู ุงุณุชุนูู ุนูู ุฃู ูุฑู ูููุง ุจุงููู ุงูุฐู ูุง ูุญู ุงูุนุจุงุฏุฉ ุงูุง ููุ ุงูู ุบูุซ: ุฅุฐุง ุงุณุชุบูุซ
ุงูู ุฌูุจ ุฅุฐุง ุฏุนูุ ููู ู ุง ูุงู ุฑุฌู ููุตุงุฏู ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู ูุง ุจู ุฑุณูู ุงููู ุฏููู ุนูู ุงููู ู ุง ููุููุฏ ุฃูุซุฑ ุนูู ุงูู ุฌุงุฏููู ูุญูุฑููู ููุงูุ ูู ูุง ุนุจุฏ ุงููู ูู ุฑูุจุช ุณูููุฉ ูุทุูุงู ูุนู ุ ููู ูุณุฑ ุจู ุญูุซ ูุง ุณูููุฉ ุชูุฌูู ููุง ุณุจุงุญุฉ ุชุบูููุูุงู: ูุนู ูุงู: ููู ุชุนูู ููุจู ููุง ูู ุงู ุดูุฆุง ู ู ุงูุฃุดูุงุก ูุงุฏุฑ ุนูู ุฃู ูุฎูุตู ู ู ูุฑุทุชูุูุงู
ูุนู ุ ูุงู ุงูุตุงุฏู ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู : ูุฐูู ุงูุดุฆ ูู ุงููู ุงููุงุฏุฑ ุนูู ุงูุงูุฌุงุก ุญูุซ ูุง ู ูุฌูุ ูุนูู ุงูุฅุบุงุซุฉ ุญูุซ ูุง ู ุบูุซ ูุงู: ููุงู ุฑุฌู ุฅูู ุนูู ุงุจู ุงูุญุณูู ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู ุ ููุงู: ุฃุฎุจุฑูู ู ุง ู ุนูู ” ุจุณู ุงููู ุงูุฑุญู ู ุงูุฑุญูู “ุููุงู ุนูู ุจู ุงูุญุณูู ุนูููู ุงูุณูุงู ุญุฏุซูู ุฃุจู ุนู ุฃุฎูู ุงูุญุณู ุนู ุฃุจูู ุฃู ูุฑ ุงูู ุคู ููู ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู ุ ุงู ุฑุฌูุง ูุงู ุฅููู ููุงู ูุง ุฃู ูุฑ ุงูู ุคู ููู ุงุฎุจุฑูู ุนู ุจุณู ุงููู ุงูุฑุญู ู ุงูุฑุญูู ู ุง ู ุนูุงูุููุงู: ุงู ูููู ุงููู ุฃุนุธู ุงุณู ู ู ุฃุณู ุงุก ุงููู ุนุฒ ูุฌูุ ููู ุงูุงุณู ุงูุฐู ูุง ููุจุบู ุงู ูุณู ู ุจู ุบูุฑ ุงููู ููู ูุชุณู ุจู ู ุฎููู ููุงู ุงูุฑุฌู: ูู ุง ุชูุณูุฑ ูููู: ” ุงููู ููุงู: ูู ุงูุฐู ูุชุฃูู ุฅููู ุนูุฏ ุงูุญูุงูุฌ ูุงูุดุฏุงุฆุฏ ูู ู ุฎููู ุนูุฏ ุงููุทุงุน ุงูุฑุฌุงุก ู ู ุฌู ูุน ู ู ุฏููู ูุชูุทุน ุงูุฃุณุจุงุจ ู ู ูู ู ู ุณูุงู ูุฐูู ุฃู ูู ู ุชุฑุงุฆุณย ูู ูุฐู ุงูุฏููุง ูู ุชุนุธู ูููุง ูุงู ุนุธู ุบูุงุคู ูุทุบูุงูู ููุซุฑุช ุญูุงูุฌ ู ู ุฏููู ุฅููู ูุฅููู ุณูุญุชุงุฌูู ุญูุงุฆุฌ ูุง ููุฏุฑ ุนูููุง ูุฐุง ุงูู ุชุนุงุธู ููุฐูู ูุฐุง ุงูู ุชุนุงุธู ูุญุชุงุฌ ุญูุงุฆุฌ ูุง ููุฏุฑ ุนูููุงุ ููููุทุน ุฅูู ุงููู ุนูุฏ ุถุฑูุฑุชู ููุงูุชู ุญุชู ุฅุฐุง ููู ูู ู ุนุงุฏ ุฅูู ุดุฑููุ ุงู ุง ุชุณู ุน ุงููู ุนุฒ ูุฌู ูููู: ” ูู ุฃุฑุฃูุชูู ุงู ุฃุชุงูู ุนุฐุงุจ ุงููู ุฃู ุฃุชุชูู ุงูุณุงุนุฉ ุฃุบูุฑ ุงููู ุชุฏุนูู ุงู ููุชู ุตุงุฏููู ุจู ุฅูุงู ุชุฏุนูู ูููุดู ู ุง ุชุฏุนูู ุฅููู ุงูุดุงุก ูุชูุณูู ู ุง ุชุดุฑููู ” ููุงู ุงููู ุฌู ุฌูุงูู ูุนุจุงุฏู ุฃููุง ุงูููุฑุงุก ุฅูู ุฑุญู ุชู ุงูู ูุฏ ุฃูุฒู ุชูู ุงูุญุงุฌุฉ ุฅูู ูู ูู ุญุงูุ ูุฐูุฉ ุงูุนุจูุฏูุฉ ูู ูู ููุช ูุฅูู ูุงูุฒุนูุง ูู ูู ุฃู ุฑ ุชุฃุฎุฐูู ููู ูุชุฑุฌูู ุชู ุงู ู ูุจููุบ ุบุงูุชู ูุงูู ุงู ุฃุฑุฏุช ุงู ุฃุนุทููู ูู ููุฏุฑ ุบูุฑู ุนูู ู ูุนูู ูุงู ุฃุฑุฏุช ุฃู ุฃู ูุนูู ูู ููุฏุฑ ุบูุฑู ุนูู ุงุนุทุงุฆูู ุ ูุงูุง ุฃุญู ู ู ุณุฆู ูุฃููู ู ู ุชุถุฑุน ุฅููู ูููููุง ุนูุฏ ุงูุชุชุงุญ ูู ุฃู ุฑ ุตุบูุฑ ุฃู ุนุธูู ุจุณู ุงููู ุงูุฑุญู ู ุงูุฑุญูู ุฃู ุงุณุชุนูู ุนูู ูุฐุง ุงูุงู ุฑ ุจุงููู ุงูุฐู ูุง ุชุญู ุงูุนุจุงุฏุฉ ูุบูุฑู ุงูู ุบูุซ ุฅุฐุง ุงุณุชุบูุซุ ุงูู ุฌูุจ ุฅุฐ ุงุฏุนู ุงูุฑุญู ู ุงูุฐู ูุฑุญู ูุจุณุท ุงูุฑุฒู ุนูููุง ุงูุฑุญูู ุจูุง ูู ุฃุฏูุงููุง ูุฏููุงูุง ูุขุฎุฑุชูุงุ ูุฎูู ุนูููุง ุงูุฏูู ูุฌุนูู ุณููุง ุฎูููุง ููู ูุฑุญู ูุง ุจุชู ูุฒ ู ู ุฃุนุฏุงุฆู
In Kitab at-Tawheed: Muhammad b. al-Qasim al-Jarjani narrated to us. He said: Abu Ya`qub b. Muhammad b. Ziyad and Abu’l Hasan `Ali b. Muhammad b. Sayyar narrated to us – and they were Imami Shi`a – from their fathers from al-Hasan b. `Ali b. Muhammad ุนูููู ุงูุณูุงู , regarding the saying of Allah “In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful”. So he said: Allah is He whom all creation seeks for help in moments of need, hardship, and hopelessness when all else fails. They say: “In the name of Allah” – I seek Allah’s help in all of my affairs, the only one whose worship is justified, the Succourer if He is sought, and the Benefactor if He is called.
A man said to as-Sadiq ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู : “O son of the Messenger of Allah! Point me toward Allah, what is He? For the debaters have confused me.” So he said to him: “O servant of Allah! Have you sailed upon a ship?” He said: “Yes.” [as-Sadiq said:] “Has it ever been damaged at a time when no ship could save you and no swimmers could help you?” He said: Yes.” He said: “So, in that moment, did your heart cling onto something that could deliver you from your trouble?” He said: “Yes.” as-Sadiq ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู said: “That thing is Allah, the one able to save when there is no saviour, and the Benefactor when there is no helper.”
And a man went to `Ali b. al-Husayn ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู and said: “Inform me, what is the meaning of ‘In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful’?” So `Ali b. al-Husayn ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู said: My father narrated from his brother al-Hasan from his father Amir al-Mu’mineen ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู , that a man went to him and said: ‘O Amir al-Mu’mineen! Tell me about *In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful*, what is its meaning?’ So he said: ‘The word *Allah* is the greatest name from the names of Allah ุนุฒ ูุฌู, and it is the name that is not given to other than Allah, nor is a created thing named by it.’ So the man said: ‘So what is the interpretation of His saying *Allah*?’ So he said: ‘Allah is He who is sought for help in moments of need, hardship, and hopelessness when all else fails. The people still have needs that cannot be fulfilled by the leaders and significant ones of this world, and these significant ones too have needs that they cannot fulfill. So, they turn to Allah in their times of emergency and defeat, and when their worries are fulfilled, they return to polytheism. Have you not heard Allah ุนุฒ ูุฌู say, *Say: Have you not considered, if there came to you the punishment of Allah, or there came to you the Hour, is it other than Allah that you would invoke, if you should be truthful? No, it is Him you would invoke, and He would remove that for which you invoked Him if He willed, and you would forget what you associate with Him.* (6:40-41) So Allah ุฌู ุฌูุงูู said to His worshipers: *O you poor ones! I have clung you to My mercy in every condition, and to humble obedience in every moment. So cry to Me for every matter that you would like to be perfected and fulfilled, for if I decide to grant you [its fulfillment], no one else can prevent it, and if I decide to prevent it from you, no one else can grant it to you; for I am most deserving of being asked and invoked. At the beginning of every matter, small and large, say: In the name of Allah, the Beneficent – meaning, I beseech Allah in this matter, no one else is more deserving of worship. He is the Succourer if He is sought, the Benefactor if He is called, the Beneficent who eases His merciful sustenance upon us, the Merciful to us in our religions, our lives, and our Hereafters. So, lighten our religion for us, and make it easy and light, and it is merciful to us by making us distinguished from His enemies.'”*
ูู ููุฌ ุงูุจูุงุบุฉ: ุฑุญูู ูุง ููุตู ุจุงูุฑูุฉ
In Nahj al-Balagha: The Beneficent is not described with delicacy.
ูู ูุชุงุจ ุงูุฅููููุฌุฉ ูุงู ุงูุตุงุฏู ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู : ุงู ุงูุฑุญู ุฉ ูู ุง ูุญุฏุซ ููุง ู ููุง ุดููุฉ ูู ููุง ุฌูุฏุ ูุงู ุฑุญู ุฉ ุงููู ุซูุงุจู ูุฎููู ูููุฑุญู ุฉ ู ู ุงูุนุจุงุฏ ุดูุฆุงู ุฃุญุฏูู ุง ูุญุฏุซ ูู ุงูููุจ ุงูุฑุฃูุฉ ูุงูุฑูุฉ ูู ุง ูุฑู ุจุงูู ุฑุญูู ู ู ุงูุถุฑ ูุงูุญุงุฌุฉ ูุถุฑูุจ ุงูุจูุงุก ูุงูุงุฎุฑ ู ุง ูุญุฏุซ ู ูุง ุจุนุฏ ุงูุฑุฃูุฉ ูุงููุทู ุนูู ุงูู ุฑุญูู ูุงูู ุนุฑูุฉ ู ูุง ุจู ุง ูุฒู ุจูุ ููุฏ ูููู ุงููุงุฆู! ุงูุธุฑ ุฅูู ุฑุญู ุฉ ููุงู ูุงูู ุง ูุฑูุฏ ุงููุนู ุงูุฐู ุญุฏุซ ุนู ุงูุฑูุฉ ุงูุชู ูู ููุจ ููุงู ูุงูู ุง ูุถุงู ุฅูู ุงููู ุนุฒ ูุฌู ู ู ูุนู ู ุง ุญุฏุซ ุนูุง ู ู ูุฐู ุงูุฃุดูุงุก ูุงู ุง ุงูู ุนูู ุงูุฐู ูู ุงูููุจ ููู ู ููู ุนู ุงููู ูู ุง ูุตู ุนู ููุณูุ ููู ุฑุญูู ูุง ุฑุญู ุฉ ุฑูุฉ
In Kitab al-Ihlilaja:
as-Sadiq ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู said: Surely, mercy, and what comes of it is from us. From it is compassion and generosity. Surely, the mercy of Allah is His reward to His creation. The mercy of the worshipers are two things: (1) that which comes from a tender heart, and (2) the delicacy of one who sees a person afflicted with a need and a calamity. The latter is what comes from us after our tenderness and kindness for a person and our recognition of what has come down. A person may say: “Look at the mercy of so-and-so!”, but surely he is referring to the action that came from the delicacy of the heart of so-and-so. These things do not reach Allah ุนุฒ ูุฌู. What happens in the heart does not happen to Allah, just as He described Himself. He is Merciful, but He is not mercy or tenderness.
ูู ู ุฌู ุน ุงูุจูุงู ูุฑูู ุฃุจู ุณุนูุฏ ุงูุฎุฏุฑู ุนู ุงููุจู ุตูู ุงููู ุนููู ูุขูู ุงู ุนูุณู ุจู ู ุฑูู ูุงู: ุงูุฑุญู ู ุฑุญู ู ุงูุฏููุงุ ูุงูุฑุญูู ุฑุญูู ุงูุขุฎุฑุฉ
In Majma` al-Bayan: And Abu Sa`eed al-Khudri narrated from the Prophet ุตูู ุงููู ุนููู ูุขูู that `Isa b. Maryam said: “The Beneficent” is the beneficent in this world, and “The Merciful” is the merciful in the Hereafter.
ูุฑูู ุนู ุงูุตุงุฏู ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู ุฃูู ูุงู: ุงูุฑุญู ู ุงุณู ุฎุงุต ุจุตูุฉ ุนุงู ุฉ ูุงูุฑุญูู ุงุณู ุนุงู ุจุตูุฉ ุฎุงุตุฉ
And it is reported from as-Sadiq ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู that he said: “The Beneficent” is a specific name with a general quality, and “the Merciful” is a general name with a specific quality.
ูู ุนููู ุงูุฃุฎุจุงุฑ ุจุงุณูุงุฏู ุนู ุงูุฑุถุง ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู ุฃูู ูุงู ูู ุฏุนุงุฆู: ุฑุญู ู ุงูุฏููุง ูุงูุขุฎุฑุฉ ูุฑุญูู ูู ุง ุตู ุนูู ู ุญู ุฏ ูุขู ู ุญู ุฏ
In `Uyun al-Akhbar: By its isnad from ar-Rida ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู that he said in his supplication: O Beneficent in this world and the Hereafter, O Merciful in both, bless Muhammad and the Family of Muhammad.
ูู ูุชุงุจ ุงูุฎุตุงู ุนู ุฃุจู ุนุจุฏ ุงููู ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู ูุงู: ูุงู ุฑุณูู ุงููู ุตูู ุงููู ุนููู ูุขูู ูุณูู ุฃุฑุจุน ู ู ูู ููู ูุงู ูู ููุฑ ุงููู ุงูุฃุนุธู ุฅูู ููููุ ูู ู ุฅุฐุง ุฃุตุงุจ ุฎูุฑุง ูุงู: ุงูุญู ุฏ ููู ุฑุจ ุงูุนุงูู ูู
In Kitab al-Khisal from Abu `Abdillah ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู :
He said: The Messenger of Allah ุตูู ุงููู ุนููู ูุขูู ูุณูู said: There are four who will be in the Greatest Light of Allah – until his saying: One who says “Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds” (1:2) when something good happens to him.
ูุจุงุณูุงุฏู ุฅูู ุนูู ุจู ุงูุญุณูู ุนูููู ุง ุงูุณูุงู ูุงู: ูู ู ูุงู ุงูุญู ุฏ ููู ููุฏ ุฃุฏู ุดูุฑ ูู ูุนู ุฉ ุงููู ุชุนุงูู
By its isnad to `Ali b. al-Husayn ุนูููู ุง ุงูุณูุงู . He said: Whomever says “Praise be to Allah” has given thanks for every blessing of Allah ุชุนุงูู.
ูู ุฃุตูู ุงููุงูู ู ุญู ุฏ ุนู ุฃุญู ุฏ ุนู ุนูู ุจู ุงูุญูู ุนู ุตููุงู ุงูุฌู ุงู ุนู ุฃุจู ุนุจุฏ ุงููู ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู ูุงู: ูุงู ูู: ู ุง ุฃูุนู ุงููู ุนูู ุนุจุฏ ุจูุนู ุฉ ุตุบุฑุช ุฃู ูุจุฑุช ููุงู: ุงูุญู ุฏ ูููุ ุงูุง ุฃุฏู ุดูุฑูุง
In Usul al-Kafi: Muhammad from Ahmad from `Ali b. al-Hakam from Safwan al-Jammal from Abu `Abdillah ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู .
He said: He said to me: There is not a blessing that Allah has given a servant, small or large, that he says “praise be to Allah” for except that it is included.
ูุจุงุณูุงุฏู ุฅูู ุญู ุงุฏ ุจู ุนุซู ุงู ูุงู: ุฎุฑุฌ ุฃุจู ุนุจุฏ ุงููู ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู ู ู ุงูู ุณุฌุฏ ููุฏ ุถุงุนุช ุฏุงุจุชูุ ููุงู: ูุฆู ุฑุฏูุง ุงููู ุนูู ูุฃุดูุฑู ุงููู ุญู ุดูุฑู ูุงู: ูู ุง ูุจุซ ุฃู ุฃุชู ุจูุงุ ููุงู: ุงูุญู ุฏ ููู ููุงู ูุงุฆู ููุ ุฌุนูุช ูุฏุงู ุฃููุณ ููุช: ูุฃุดูุฑู ุงููู ุญู ุดูุฑูุููุงู ุฃุจู ุนุจุฏ ุงููู: ุฃูู ุชุณู ุนูู ููุช: ุงูุญู ุฏ ูููุ
By its isnad from Hammad b. `Uthman.
He said: Abu `Abdillah ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู left the mosque, and he had lost his [riding] animal. So he said: If Allah returns it to me, I will thank Him in the most rightful way. He said: So he immediately came to it, and said: Praise be to Allah. So someone said to him: May I be your sacrifice! Did you not say: “I will thank Him in the most rightful way”? So Abu `Abdillah said: Did you not hear me say “Praise be to Allah”?
ูู ุชูุณูุฑ ุนูู ุจู ุฅุจุฑุงููู ูู ุงูู ูุซู ุนู ุฃุจู ุนุจุฏ ุงููู ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู ูู ูููู: ” ุงูุญู ุฏ ููู ” ูุงู: ุงูุดูุฑ ููู ููู ูููู ” ุฑุจ ุงูุนุงูู ูู ” ูุงู: ุฎูู ุงูู ุฎููููู
In Tafsir `Ali b. Ibrahim:
From Abu `Abdillah ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู , regarding His saying, “Praise be to Allah” (1:2). He said: Thanks to Allah. And regarding His saying, “the Lord of the Worlds” (1:2), he said: The Creator of the created things.
ย ูู ู ู ูุง ูุญุถุฑู ุงููููู ูููู ุง ุฐูุฑู ุงููุถู ู ู ุงูุนูู ุนู ุงูุฑุถุง ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู ุฃูู ูุงู: ” ูุงูุญู ุฏ ููู ุงูู ุง ูู ุฃุฏุงุก ูู ุง ุฃูุฌุจ ุงููู ุนุฒ ูุฌู ุนูู ุฎููู ู ู ุงูุดูุฑุ ูุดูุฑ ูู ุง ููู ุนุจุฏู ู ู ุงูุฎูุฑ ” ุฑุจ ุงูุนุงูู ูู ” ุชูุญูุฏ ูู ูุชุญู ูุฏ ูุงูุฑุงุฑ ุจุฃูู ูู ุงูุฎุงูู ุงูู ุงูู ูุง ุบูุฑู
In Man La Yahduruhul Faqih: From what al-Fadl mentioned about the reasons from ar-Rida ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู . He said: “Praise be to Allah” (1:2) is the thanksgiving that Allah ุนุฒ ูุฌู has enjoined upon His creation, and thankfulness for whatever of good comes to the servant. “The Lord of the Worlds” (1:2) is affirming His oneness and praise, and acknowledging that He is the Creator and the Master with no partners.
ูู ู ุฌู ุน ุงูุจูุงู ููุงู ุฑุณูู ุงููู ุตูู ุงููู ุนููู ูุขูู ูุณูู : ุงู ุงููู ุชุนุงูู ู ู ุนูู ุจูุงุชุญุฉ ุงููุชุงุจ ุฅูู ูููู: ” ุงูุญู ุฏ ููู ุฑุจ ุงูุนุงูู ูู ” ุฏุนูู ุฃูู ุงูุฌูุฉ ุญูู ุดูุฑูุง ุงููู ุญุณู ุงูุซูุงุจ
In Majma` al-Bayan:
And the Messenger of Allah ุตูู ุงููู ุนููู ูุขูู ูุณูู said: “Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds” (1:2) is the call of the people of Paradise when they thank Allah for the goodly reward.
ูู ุฃุตูู ุงููุงูู ุจุงุณูุงุฏู ุฅูู ุฃุจู ุนุจุฏ ุงููู ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู ูุงู: ู ู ูุงู ุฃุฑุจุน ู ุฑุงุช ุฅุฐุง ุฃุตุจุญ: ” ุงูุญู ุฏ ููู ุฑุจ ุงูุนุงูู ูู ” ููุฏ ุฃุฏู ุดูุฑ ููู ูุ ูู ู ูุงููุง ุฅุฐุง ุงู ุณู ููุฏ ุฃุฏู ุดูุฑ ูููุชู
In Usul al-Kafi: By its isnad to Abu `Abdillah ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู .
He said: Whomever says “Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds” (1:2) four times when he awakes has fulfilled his thanksgiving for the day. Whomever says it when he goes to sleep has fulfilled his thanksgiving for the night.
ูุจุงุณูุงุฏู ุฅูู ุฃุจู ุนุจุฏ ุงููู ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู ูุงู: ูุงู ุฑุณูู ุงููู ุตูู ุงููู ุนููู ูุขูู ูุณูู ุฅุฐุง ุฃุตุจุญ ูุงู: ุงูุญู ุฏ ููู ุฑุจ ุงูุนุงูู ูู ูุซูุฑุง ุนูู ูู ุญุงู ุซูุงุซู ุงุฆุฉ ูุณุชูู ู ุฑุฉุ ูุฅุฐุง ุฃู ุณู ูุงู ู ุซู ุฐูู
By its isnad to Abu `Abdillah ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู .
He said: When the Messenger of Allah ุตูู ุงููู ุนููู ูุขูู ูุณูู awoke, he would say “Praise be to Allah for everything” three hundred and sixty times. When he would go to sleep, he would do the same.
ุนูู ุจู ุฅุจุฑุงููู ุนู ุฃุจูู ุนู ุงุจู ุฃุจู ุนู ูุฑ ุนู ุจุนุถ ุฃุตุญุงุจู ูุงู: ุนุทุณ ุฑุฌู ุนูุฏ ุฃุจู ุฌุนูุฑ ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู ููุงู: ุงูุญู ุฏ ููู ููู ูุณู ุชู ุฃุจู ุฌุนูุฑ ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู ููุงู: ููุตูุงุ ุญููุง ุซู ูุงู ุฅุฐุง ุนุทุณ ุฃุญุฏูู ููููู: ุงูุญู ุฏ ููู ุฑุจ ุงูุนุงูู ูู ูุตูู ุงููู ุนูู ู ุญู ุฏ ูุฃูู ุจูุชูุ ูุงู ููุงู ุงูุฑุฌู ูุณู ุชู ุฃุจู ุฌุนูุฑ ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู
`Ali b. Ibrahim from his father from Ibn Abi `Umayr from one of his companions.
He said: A man sneezed while he was with Abu Ja`far ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู and said: Praise be to Allah. But, Abu Ja`far ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู did not pray for him [in response to the sneeze]. So he said: You came short of our right. Then, he said: If one of you sneezes, then he is to say: “Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds. May Allah bless Muhammad and his Ahl al-Bayt.” He said: So the man said [that], so Abu Ja`far ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู prayed for him.
ูุจุงุณูุงุฏู ุฅูู ู ุณู ุน ุจู ุนุจุฏ ุงูู ูู ูุงู: ุนุทุณ ุฃุจู ุนุจุฏ ุงููู ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู ููุงู: ุงูุญู ุฏ ููู ุฑุจ ุงูุนุงูู ูู ุซู ุฌุนู ุฅุตุจุนู ุนูู ุฃููู ููุงู: ุฑุบู ุงููู ููู ุฑุบู ุง ุฏุงุฎุฑุง
By its isnad to Masma` b. `Abd al-Malik.
He said: Abu `Abdillah ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู sneezed, so he said: Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds. Then, he put his finger upon his nose and said: I abase myself for Allah.
ย ูุจุงุณูุงุฏู ุฅูู ู ุญู ุฏ ุจู ู ุฑูุงู ูุงู: ูุงู: ุฃู ูุฑ ุงูู ุคู ููู ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู : ู ู ูุงู ุฅุฐุง ุนุทุณ ุงูุญู ุฏ ููู ุฑุจ ุงูุนุงูู ูู ุนูู ูู ุญุงูุ ูู ูุฌุฐ ูุฌุน ุงูุงุฐููู ูุงูุฃุถุฑุงุณ
By its isnad to Muhammad b. Marwan.
He said: Amir al-Mu’mineen ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู said: Whomever says “Praise be to Allah for everything” when he sneezes will not be afflicted with pain in the ears and the teeth.
ูุจุงุณูุงุฏู ุฅูู ุฃุจู ุนุจุฏ ุงููู ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู ูุงู: ู ู ุนุทุณ ุซู ูุถุน ูุฏู ุนูู ูุตุจุฉ ุฃููู ุซู ูุงู ุงูุญู ุฏ ููู ุฑุจ ุงูุนุงูู ูู ูุซูุฑุง ูู ุง ูู ุฃููู ูุตูู ุงููู ุนูู ู ุญู ุฏ ุงููุจู ูุขูู ูุณูู ุ ุฎุฑุฌ ู ู ู ูุฎุฑู ุงูุฃูุณุฑ ุทุงูุฑ ุฃุตุบุฑ ู ู ุงูุฌุฑุงุฏ ูุฃูุจุฑ ู ู ุงูุฐุจุงุจุ ุญุชู ูุตูุฑ ุชุญุช ุงูุนุฑุด ูุณุชุบูุฑ ุงููู ูู ุฅูู ููู ุงูููุงู ุฉ
By its isnad to Abu `Abdillah ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู .
He said: Whomever sneezes and puts his hand upon the top of his nose and says “Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, as He is most deserving. May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon Muhammad the Prophet and his family”, a bird smaller than a locust and larger than a fly will leave his left nostril, until it reaches the Throne and seeks the forgiveness of Allah for him until the Day of Resurrection.
ูู ูุชุงุจ ุงูุชูุญูุฏ ููุงู ุงูุฑุถุง ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู ูู ุงูุชูุญูุฏุ ูููู: ูุฑุจ ุฅุฐ ูุง ู ุฑุจูุจ ูููู ุนู ุนูู ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู ู ุซูู
In Kitab at-Tawheed: The words of ar-Rida ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู about monotheism, and therein: He is the Lord with no Lord over Him.
And the same was narrated from `Ali ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู .
ูุนู ุฃุจู ุฌุนูุฑ ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู ุญุฏูุซ ุทููู ูููู: ูุนูู ุชุฑู ุงู ุงููู ุงูู ุง ุฎูู ูุฐุง ุงูุนุงูู ุงููุงุญุฏ ุฃู ุชุฑู ุงู ุงููู ูู ูุฎูู ุบูุฑูู ุุจูู ูุงููู ููุฏ ุฎูู ุฃูู ุฃูู ุนุงูู ุ ูุฃูู ุฃูู ุขุฏู ุ ุฃูุช ูู ุขุฎุฑ ุชูู ุงูุนูุงูู ูุฃููุฆู ุงูุขุฏู ููู
And from Abu Ja`far ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู in a long hadith, in which he said: Do you think that Allah only created your world and that Allah did not create others? Rather, by Allah, He created a million worlds and a million Adams. You are at the end of those worlds and those Adams.
ูู ูุชุงุจ ุงูุฎุตุงู ุจุงุณูุงุฏู ุฅูู ุฃุจู ุนุจุฏ ุงููู ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู ุฃูู ูุงู ูู ุญุฏูุซ ุทููู ุงู ุนุงูู ุงูู ุฏููุฉุ ููุชูู ุฅูู ุญูุซ ูุง ูููู ุงูุฃุซุฑ ููุฒุฌุฑ ุงูุทูุฑ ููุนูู ู ุง ูู ุงููุญุธุฉ ุงููุงุญุฏุฉ ู ุณูุฑุฉ ุงูุดู ุณ ููุทุน ุงุซูู ุนุดุฑ ุจุฑุฌุง ูุงุซูู ุนุดุฑ ุจุฑุง ูุงุซูู ุนุดุฑ ุจุญุฑุง ูุงุซูู ุนุดุฑ ุนุงูู ุง
In Kitab al-Khisal: By its isnad to Abu `Abdillah ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู that he said: Surely, knowledge of the scholar of Medina (the Imam) is beyond all limits and hopes (?). In one moment, he knows the rotation of the Sun, and crosses twelve constellations, twelve lands, twelve seas, and twelve worlds.
ูุจุฅุณูุงุฏู ุฅูู ุงูุนุจุงุฏ ุจู ุนุจุฏ ุงูุฎุงูู ุนู ู ุญุฏุซู ุนู ุฃุจู ุนุจุฏ ุงููู ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู ูุงู: ุฅู ููู ุนุฒ ูุฌู ุงุซูู ุนุดุฑ ุงูู ุนุงูู ูู ุนุงูู ู ููู ุฃูุจุฑ ู ู ุณุจุน ุณู ุงูุงุช ูุณุจุน ุฃุฑุถููุ ู ุง ูุฑู ุนุงูู ู ููู ุงู ููู ุนุฒ ูุฌู ุนุงูู ุง ุบูุฑูู ูุงูุง ุงูุญุฌุฉ ุนูููู
By its isnad to al-`Abbad b. `Abd al-Khaliq from he from whom he narrated from Abu `Abdillah ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู .
He said: For Allah ุนุฒ ูุฌู there are twelve thousand worlds, each world of which is larger than the seven heavens and the seven earths. None of the worlds have been seen. For Allahย ุนุฒ ูุฌู is [another] world other than them. I am the Proof upon them.
ูู ุนููู ุงูุฃุฎุจุงุฑ ุญุฏุซูุง ู ุญู ุฏ ุจู ุงููุงุณู ุงูุฃุณุชุฑุขุจุงุฏู ุงูู ูุณุฑ ุฑุถู ุงููู ุนูู ูุงู: ุญุฏุซูู ููุณู ุจู ู ุญู ุฏ ุจู ุฒูุงุฏ ูุนูู ุจู ู ุญู ุฏ ุจู ุณูุงุฑ ุนู ุฃุจูููู ุงุ ุนู ุงูุญุณู ุจู ุนูู ุจู ู ุญู ุฏ ุจู ุนูู ุจู ู ูุณู ุจู ุฌุนูุฑ ุจู ู ุญู ุฏ ุจู ุนูู ุจู ุงูุญุณูู ุจู ุนูู ุจู ุฃุจู ุทุงูุจ ุนูููู ุงูุณูุงู ุนู ุฃุจูู ุนู ุฌุฏู ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู ูุงู: ุฌุงุก ุงูุฑุฌู ุฅูู ุงูุฑุถุง ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู ููุงู ููุ ูุง ุจู ุฑุณูู ุงููู ุงุฎุจุฑูู ุนู ููู ุงููู ุชุนุงูู: ” ุงูุญู ุฏ ููู ุฑุจ ุงูุนุงูู ูู ” ู ุง ุชูุณูุฑูุููุงู: ููุฏ ุญุฏุซูู ุฃุจู ุนู ุฌุฏู ุนู ุงูุจุงูุฑ ุนู ุฒูู ุงูุนุงุจุฏูู ุนู ุฃุจูู ุนูููู ุงูุณูุงู ุ ุงู ุฑุฌูุง ุฌุงุก ุฅูู ุฃู ูุฑ ุงูู ุคู ููู ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู ููุงู: ุงุฎุจุฑูู ุนู ููู ุงููู ุชุนุงูู ” ุงูุญู ุฏ ููู ุฑุจ ุงูุนุงูู ูู ” ู ุง ุชูุณูุฑูุ ููุงู: ุงูุญู ุฏ ููู ูู ุฃู ุนุฑู ุนุจุงุฏู ุจุนุถ ูุนู ู ุนูููู ุฌู ูุงุ ุฅุฐ ูุง ููุฏุฑูู ุนูู ู ุนุฑูุฉ ุฌู ูุนูุง ุจุงูุชูุตูู ูุฃููุง ุฃูุซุฑ ู ู ุฃู ุชุญุตู ุฃู ุชุนุฑูุ ููุงู ููู : ููููุง ุงูุญู ุฏ ููู ุนูู ู ุง ุฃูุนู ุจู ุนูููุง ุฑุจ ุงูุนุงูู ูู ููู ุงูุฌู ุงุนุงุช ู ู ูู ู ุฎููู ู ู ุงูุฌู ุงุฏุงุช ูุงูุญููุงูุงุช ูุงู ุง ุงูุญููุงูุงุช ููู ูููุจูุง ูู ูุฏุฑุชู ููุบุฐููุง ู ู ุฑุฒููุ ููุญูุทูุง ุจููููุ ููุฏุจุฑ ููุง ู ููุง ุจู ุตูุญุชูุ ูุงู ุง ุงูุฌู ุงุฏุงุช ููู ูู ุณููุง ุจูุฏุฑุชู ููู ุณู ุงูู ุชุตู ู ููุง ุฃู ูุชูุงูุช ููู ุณู ุงูู ุชูุงูุช ู ููุง ุฃู ูุชูุงุตู ููู ุณู ุงูุณู ุงุก ุฃู ุชูุน ุนูู ุงูุฃุฑุถ ุงูุง ุจุงุฐูู ููู ุณู ุงูุฃุฑุถ ุงู ุชูุฎุณู ุงูุง ุจุฃู ุฑูุ ุงูู ุจุนุจุงุฏู ุฑุคูู ุฑุญูู ูุงู ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู : ” ูุฑุจ ุงูุนุงูู ูู ” ู ุงูููู ูุฎุงูููู ูุณุงูู ุฃุฑุฒุงููู ุฅูููู ู ู ุญูุซ ูุนูู ูู ูู ู ุญูุซ ูุง ูุนูู ููุ ูุงูุฑุฒู ู ูุณูู ุ ููู ูุฃุชู ุงุจู ุขุฏู ุนูู ุฃู ุณูุฑุฉ ุณุงุฑูุง ู ู ุงูุฏููุงุ ููุณ ุชููู ู ุชู ุจุฒุงูุฏูุ ููุง ูุฌูุฑ ูุงุฌุฑ ุจูุงูุตูุ ูุจููู ูุจููู ุณุชุฑ ููู ุทุงูุจู ููู ุฃู ุฃุญุฏูู ููุฑ ู ู ุฑุฒูู ูุทูุจู ุฑุฒูู ูู ูุทูุจู ุงูู ูุชุ ููุงู ุงููู ุฌู ุฌูุงูู: ููููุง ุงูุญู ุฏ ููู ุนูู ู ุง ุฃูุนู ุจู ุนูููุงุ ูุฐูุฑูุง ุจู ู ู ุฎูุฑ ูู ูุชุจ ุงูุฃูููู ูุจู ุฃู ุชูููุ ููู ูุฐุง ุงูุฌุงุจ ุนูู ู ุญู ุฏ ูุขู ู ุญู ุฏ ุตููุงุช ุงููู ุนูููู ูุนูู ุดูุนุชูู ุฃู ูุดูุฑูู ุจู ุง ูุถููู ูุฐูู ุฃู ุฑุณูู ุงููู ุตูู ุงููู ุนููู ูุขูู ูุงู: ูู ุง ุจุนุซ ุงููู ุนุฒ ูุฌู ู ูุณู ุจู ุนู ุฑุงู ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู ูุงุตุทูุงู ูุฌูุง ูููู ูู ุงูุจุญุฑ ููุฌู ุจูู ุฅุณุฑุงุฆูู ูุฃุนุทุงู ุงูุชูุฑุงุฉ ูุงูุฃููุงุญ ุฑุฃู ู ูุงูู ู ู ุฑุจู ุนุฒ ูุฌู: ููุงู: ูุง ุฑุจ ููุฏ ุฃูุฑู ุชูู ุจูุฑุงู ุฉ ูู ุชูุฑู ุจูุง ุฃุญุฏุง ูุจูู ููุงู ุงููู ุฌู ุฌูุงูู ูุง ู ูุณู ุฃู ุง ุนูู ุช ุฃู ู ุญู ุฏุง ุฃูุถู ุนูุฏู ู ู ุฌู ูุน ู ูุงุฆูุชู ูุฌู ูุน ุฎูููุูุงู ู ูุณู: ูุง ุฑุจ ูุฅู ูุงู ู ุญู ุฏ ุฃูุฑู ุนูุฏู ู ู ุฌู ูุน ุฎููู ููู ูู ุขู ุงูุฃูุจูุงุก ุฃูุฑู ู ู ุฅููุูุงู ุงููู ุฌู ุฌูุงูู ูุง ู ูุณู ุฃู ุง ุนูู ุช ุฃู ูุถู ุขู ู ุญู ุฏ ุนูู ุฌู ูุน ุขู ุงููุจููู ููุถู ู ุญู ุฏ ุนูู ุฌู ูุน ุงูู ุฑุณูููุููุงู ู ูุณู: ูุง ุฑุจ ูุฅู ูุงู ุขู ู ุญู ุฏ ูุฐูู ููู ูู ุฃู ู ุงูุฃูุจูุงุก ูุถู ุนูุฏู ู ู ุฃู ุชูุุธููุช ุนูููู ุงูุบู ุงู ุฉ ูุฃูุฒูุช ุนูููู ุงูู ู ูุงูุณููู ููููุช ููู ุงูุจุญุฑุููุงู ุงููู ุฌู ุฌูุงูู: ูุง ู ูุณู ุฃู ุง ุนูู ุช ุฃู ูุถู ุฃู ุฉ ู ุญู ุฏ ุนูู ุฌู ูุน ุงูุฃู ู ููุถูู ุนูู ุฌู ูุน ุฎููู ููุงู ู ูุณู: ูุง ุฑุจ ููุชูู ููุช ุฃุฑุงูู ! ูุฃูุญู ุงููู ุนุฒ ูุฌู ุฅููู ูุง ู ูุณู: ุงูู ูู ุชุฑุงูู ูููุณ ูุฐุง ุฃูุงู ุธููุฑูู ุ ูููู ุณูู ุชุฑุงูู ูู ุงูุฌูุงุช: ุฌูุงุช ุนุฏู ูุงููุฑุฏูุณ ุจุญุถุฑุฉ ู ุญู ุฏ ูู ูุนูู ูุง ูุชููุจูู ููู ุฎูุฑุงุชูุง ูุชุจุญุจุญูู ุฃูุชุญุจ ุฃู ุฃุณู ุนู ููุงู ูู ุูุงู ูุนู ุงูููุ ูุงู ุงููู ุฌู ุฌูุงูู: ูู ุจูู ูุฏู ูุงุดุฏุฏ ู ุฃุฒุฑูย ููุงู ุงูุนุจุฏ ุงูุฐููู ุจูู ูุฏู ุงูุฌููู ููุนู ุฐูู ู ูุณู ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู ููุงุฏู ุฑุจูุง ุนุฒ ูุฌู: ูุง ุฃู ุฉ ู ุญู ุฏ! ูุฃุฌุงุจูู ูููู ููู ูู ุฃุตูุงุจ ุขุจุงุฆูู ูุฃุฑุญุงู ุฃู ูุงุชูู ุ ูุจูู ุงูููู ูุจูู ูุจูู ูุง ุดุฑูู ูู ูุจูู ุงู ุงูุญู ุฏ ูุงููุนู ุฉ ูุงูู ูู ูู ูุง ุดุฑูู ูู ูุงู: ูุฌุนู ุงููู ุนุฒ ูุฌู ุชูู ุงูุฅุฌุงุจุฉ ุดุนุงุฑ ุงูุญุงุฌ ุซู ูุงุฏู ุฑุจูุง ุนุฒ ูุฌู: ูุง ุฃู ุฉ ู ุญู ุฏ ุงู ูุถุงุฆู ุนูููู ุงู ุฑุญู ุชู ุณุจูุช ุบุถุจู ูุนููู ูุจู ุนูุงุจู ููุฏ ุงุณุชุฌุจุช ููู ู ู ูุจู ุงู ุชุฏุนููู ูุฃุนุทูุชูู ู ู ูุจู ุงู ุชุณุฃูููู ู ู ููููู ู ููู ุจุดูุงุฏุฉ ุงู ูุง ุฅูู ุฅูุง ุงููู ูุญุฏู ูุง ุดุฑูู ูู ูุฃู ู ุญู ุฏุง ุนุจุฏู ูุฑุณููู ุตุงุฏู ูู ุฃููุงูู ู ุญู ูู ุฃูุนุงูู ูุฃู ุนูู ุจู ุฃุจู ุทุงูุจ ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู ุฃุฎูู ููุตูู ู ู ุจุนุฏู ููููู ูููุชุฒู ุทุงุนุฉ ูู ุง ููุชุฒู ุทุงุนุฉ ู ุญู ุฏ ูุงู ุฃูููุงุกู ุงูู ุตุทููู ุงูุทุงูุฑูู ุงูู ุทูุฑูู ุงูู ุจุงูููย ุจุนุฌุงูุจ ุขูุงุช ุงููู ูุฏูุงุฆู ุญุฌุฌ ุงููู ู ู ุจุนุฏูู ุง ุฃูููุงุกู ุฃุฏุฎูุชู ุฌูุชู ูุฅู ูุงูุช ุฐููุจู ู ุซู ุฒุจุฏ ุงูุจุญุฑ ูุงู: ููู ุง ุจุนุซ ุงููู ุนุฒ ูุฌู ูุจููุง ู ุญู ุฏุง ุตูู ุงููู ุนููู ูุขูู ูุณูู ูุงู: ูุง ู ุญู ุฏ ูู ุง ููุช ุจุฌุงูุจ ุงูุทูุฑ ุฅุฐ ูุงุฏููุง ุฃู ุชู ุจูุฐู ุงููุฑุงู ุฉุ ุซู ูุงู ุนุฒ ูุฌู ูู ุญู ุฏ ุตูู ุงููู ุนููู ูุขูู ูู: ” ุงูุญู ุฏ ููู ุฑุจ ุงูุนุงูู ูู ” ุนูู ู ุง ุงุฎุชุตูู ุจู ู ู ูุฐู ุงููุถููุฉ ููุงู ูุงู ุชู ููููุง ุงูุญู ุฏ ููู ุฑุจ ุงูุนุงูู ูู ุนูู ู ุง ุงุฎุชุตูุง ุจู ู ู ูุฐู ุงููุถุงูู.
In `Uyun al-Akhbar: Muhammad b. al-Qasim al-Astarabadi al-Mufassir ุฑุถู ุงููู ุนูู narrated to us. He said: Yusuf b. Muhammad b. Ziyad and `Ali b. Muhammad b. Sayyar narrated to me from their their fathers from al-Hasan b. `Ali b. Muhammad b. `Ali b. Musa b. Ja`far b. Muhammad b. `Ali b. al-Husayn b. `Ali b. Abi Talib ุนูููู ุงูุณูุงู from his father from his grandfather ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู .
He said: A man came to ar-Rida ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู and said to him: O son of the Messenger of Allah! Inform me of the saying of Allah ุชุนุงูู, “Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds” (1:2), what is its interpretation? So he said: The Praise of Allah is that His servant recognizes some of what He blessed him with, because he is not able to recognize every blessing in detail, because there are too many to recognize. So He said to them (the creation): Say “Praise be to Allah” for what the Lord of the Worlds has blessed us with. They (the creation) include every created thing, from the inanimate to the animate. As for the animate, He allows them to move by His power, and He feeds them through His sustenance, and He guards them with His protection, and He provides their needs to them. As for the inanimate, He holds them with His power, and He holds the connected things from falling apart, and He holds the disconnected things from connecting together, and He holds the heavens from falling upon the Earth by His will, and He prevents the Earth from caving in by His command. Surely, He is gentle and merciful with His servants.
He ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู said: “The Lord of the Worlds” (1:2) – He is their Master, their Creator, and the one who gives them sustenance from where they are aware and where they are unaware. Sustenance is portioned, and it comes to the son of Adam from whichever path He chooses in this world. The pious are not made pious by their increase of it, and the transgressors are not made transgressors by their decrease of it. Between him (the person) and it (the sustenance) is a barrier, and he seeks it. Even if one of you were to run away from your sustenance, the sustenance will seek you, just as death seeks you. Allah ุฌู ุฌูุงูู says: “Say: Praise be to Allah for what He has blessed us with. And We have mentioned some of the good to you in the books of the previous peoples before you.” Here, He is telling Muhammad and the Family of Muhammad ุตููุงุช ุงููู ุนูููู and their Shi`a to thank Him for what He has graced them with.
The Messenger of Allah ุตูู ุงููู ุนููู ูุขูู said: When Allahย ุนุฒ ูุฌู commissioned Musa b. `Imran ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู , chose him, delivered him, split the sea for him, delivered the Children of Israel, gave him the Torah and the tablets, he saw his position with his Lord ุนุฒ ูุฌู and said: “O Lord! You have blessed me with a blessing that you have not blessed anyone with before me.” So Allah ุฌู ุฌูุงูู said: “O Musa! Do you not know that Muhammad is better to Me than all of the angels and the whole creation?” Musa said: “O Lord! If Muhammad is more noble to You than Your whole creation, then is there a family of the prophets better than mine?”ย So Allah ุฌู ุฌูุงูู said: “O Musa! Do you not know that the preference of the Family of Muhammad over every family of the prophets is like the preference of Muhammad over all of the messengers?” And Musa said: “O Lord! If the family of Muhammad is like that, then is there a nation of the prophets better to You than my nation? The cloud shaded them, the manna and salwa were given to them, and the sea was split for them.” So Allah ุฌู ุฌูุงูู said: O Musa! Do you not know that the preference of the Umma of Muhammad is like his preference over the whole of creation?” So Musa said: “O Lord! I wish I could see them!” So Allah ุนุฒ ูุฌู revealed to him: “O Musa! You will not see them, nor is this the time of their appearance, but you will see them in Paradise: the Paradise of Eden and the Garden with the honour of Muhammad in its fluctuating beauty, enjoying its goodness at its peak. Would you like to hear their words?” He said: “Yes, my God.” Allah ุฌู ุฌูุงูู said: “Come before Me, fasten your gown, and stand like a humble servant before My Majesty.” So Musa ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู did that. So our Lord ุนุฒ ูุฌู called: “O Umma of Muhammad!” So they all answered Him while they were in the loins of their forefathers and the wombs of their mothers: “We are at Your service O Allah, we are at Your service. We are at Your service, You have no partner, we are at Your service. Praise, blessing, and the kingdom are all Yours. You have no partner.” He said: So Allah ุนุฒ ูุฌู made that response the symbol of Hajj. Then, our Lord ุนุฒ ูุฌู called: “O Umma of Muhammad! In My judgment of you, My mercy will prevail over My anger, and My forgiveness over My punishment. I have granted you before you have called to Me, and I have given you before you have asked Me. Whomever of you meets me with the testimony that ‘there is no god except Allah, Alone, with no partners, and that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger’, truthful in his words and sincere in his actions, and that ‘`Ali b. Abi Talib ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู is his brother, his deputy after him, and his friend’, and sticks to his obedience just as he stuck to the obedience of Muhammad, and that ‘his chosen, pure, rightly successors with the signs of Allah and [His] indicators are the Proofs of Allah after them’, I will enter him into My Paradise, even if his sins are like the foam of the ocean.”
He said: When Allah ุนุฒ ูุฌู commissioned our Prophet Muhammad ุตูู ุงููู ุนููู ูุขูู ูุณูู , He said: “O Muhammad! At the side of the Sinai, I called to your Umma with this blessing.” Then, He ุนุฒ ูุฌู said to Muhammad ุตูู ุงููู ุนููู ูุขูู: “Say: Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, who specified me with this favour.” And he said to his Umma: “Say: Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, who specified us with this favour.”
ูู ู ู ูุง ูุญุถุฑู ุงููููู ูููู ุง ุฐูุฑู ุงููุถู ู ู ุงูุนูู ุนู ุงูุฑุถุง ุฃูู ูุงู (ุน) ุจุนุฏ ุงู ุดุฑุญ ุฑุจ ุงูุนุงูู ูู ุงูุฑุญู ู ุงูุฑุญูู ุงุณุชุนุทุงู ูุฐูุฑ ูุขูุงุฆู ููุนู ุงุฆู ุนูู ุฌู ูุน ุฎููู:
In Man La Yahduruhul Faqih: From what al-Fadl mentioned about the reasons from ar-Rida ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู after he explained the meaning of “the Lord of the Worlds” (1:2): “The Beneficent the Merciful” (1:3) is goodwill and remembrance of His blessings upon the whole of His creation.
ูู ุชูุณูุฑ ุนูู ุจู ุฅุจุฑุงููู ูู ุงูู ูุซู ุนู ุฃุจู ุนุจุฏ ุงููู ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู ุฃูู ูุงู: ุจุนุฏ ุงู ุดุฑุญ ุงูุญู ุฏ ููู ุฑุจ ุงูุนุงูู ูู ” ุงูุฑุญู ู ” ุจุฌู ูุน ุฎููู ” ุงูุฑุญูู ” ุจุงูู ุคู ููู ุฎุงุตุฉ ู ุงูู ููู ุงูุฏูู ูุงู ููู ุงูุญุณุงุจ
In Tafsir `Ali b. Ibrahim:
From Abu `Abdillah ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู that he said: After he explained the meaning of “Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds” (1:2): “The Beneficent” with the whole of His creation, “The Merciful” with the believers specifically. “The Master of the Day of Requital” (1:4) he said: The Day of Judgment.
ูู ู ุฌู ุน ุงูุจูุงู ููุงู ุฑุณูู ุงููู ุตูู ุงููู ุนููู ูุขูู ุงู ุงููู ุชุนุงูู ู ู ุนูู ุจูุงุชุญุฉ ุงููุชุงุจ ุฅูู ูููู ู ” ู ุงูู ููู ุงูุฏูู ” ูุงู ุฌุจุฑุฆูู: ู ุง ูุงููุง ู ุณูู ุงูุง ุตุฏูู ุงููู ูุฃูู ุณู ุงุฆู
In Majma` al-Bayan:
The Messenger of Allah ุตูู ุงููู ุนููู ูุขูู said: “The Master of the Day of Requital” (1:4). Jibra’il said: No Muslim says this except that Allah and the people of His heaven affirms it.
ูููู ูููู: ” ุงูุฏูู ” ุงูุญุณุงุจ ููู ุงูู ุฑูู ุนู ุฃุจู ุฌุนูุฑ ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู
And therein it is said: “Requital” is the Judgment. And it is reported from Abu Ja`far ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู .
ูู ุฃุตูู ุงููุงูู ุจุงุณูุงุฏู ุฅูู ุงูุฒูุฑู ูุงู: ูุงู ุนูู ุจู ุงูุญุณูู ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู ุฅุฐุง ูุฑุฃ ู ุงูู ููู ุงูุฏูู ููุฑุฑูุง ุญุชู ููุงุฏ ุฃู ูู ูุช
In Usul al-Kafi: By its isnad to az-Zuhri.
He said: `Ali b. al-Husayn ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู would repeat “The Master of the Day of Requital” (1:4) so much that it was as though he was going to die.
ุนู ุฏุงูุฏ ุจู ูุฑูุฏ ูุงู: ุณู ุนุช ุฃุจุง ุนุจุฏ ุงููู ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู ููุฑุฃ ู ุงูุง ุฃุญุตู ู ูู ุงูููู ุงูุฏูู
From Dawud b. Farqad:
He said: I heard Abu `Abdillah ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู repeat: “The King* of the Day of Requital” (1:4).
*Malik as opposed to Maalik.
ููู ู ูุง ูุญุถุฑู ุงููููู ูููู ุง ุฐูุฑู ุงููุถู ู ู ุงูุนูู ุนู ุงูุฑุถุง ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู ุฃูู ูุงู: (ู ุงูู ููู ุงูุฏูู) ุงูุฑุงุฑ ูู ุจุงูุจุนุซ ูุงูุญุณุงุจ ูุงูู ุฌุงุฒุงุฉ ูุงูุฌุงุจ ู ูู ุงูุขุฎุฑุฉ ูู ูุงูุฌุงุจ ู ูู ุงูุฏููุง ุฅูุงู ูุนุจุฏ ุฑุบุจุฉ ูุชูุฑุจ ุฅูู ุงููู ุชุนุงูู ุฐูุฑูุ ูุงุฎูุงุต ูู ุจุงูุนู ู ุฏูู ุบูุฑูุ ูุฅูุงู ูุณุชุนูู ุงุณุชุฒุงุฏุฉ ู ู ุชููููู ูุนุจุงุฏุชู ูุงุณุชุฏุงู ุฉ ูู ุง ุฃูุนู ุงููู ุนููู ููุตุฑู
In Man La Yahduruhul Faqih: From what al-Fadl mentioned about the reasons from ar-Rida ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู : He said: “The Master of the Day of Requital” (1:4). Declaring this in the resurrection, the judgment, the reward, and the answer of the King of the Hereafter is like its answer for the King of this world. “You do we worship” (1:5) is longing for and inclination to the remembrance of Allah ุชุนุงูู, and sincerity to Him in deeds for Him and not others. “And from You do we seek help” (1:5) is a further [request for] His support, worshiping Him, and the maintenance of what He has blessed and supported us with.
ูู ู ุฌู ุน ุงูุจูุงู ูุงู ุฑุณูู ุงููู ุตูู ุงููู ุนููู ูุขูู: ุงู ุงููู ุชุนุงูู ู ู ุนูู ุจูุงุชุญุฉ ุงููุชุงุจ ุฅูู ูููู ” ุฅูุงู ูุนุจุฏ ” ุงุฎูุงุต ููุนุจุงุฏุฉ ” ูุฅูุงู ูุณุชุนูู ” ุฃูุถู ู ุง ุทูุจ ุจู ุงูุนุจุงุฏ ุญูุงุฆุฌูู
In Majma` al-Bayan:
The Messenger of Allah ุตูู ุงููู ุนููู ูุขูู said: “You do we worship” (1:5) is sincerity in worship, “and from You do we seek help” (1:5) is the best of what the worshipers have sought from their needs.
ูู ุชูุณูุฑ ุงูุนูุงุดู ุนู ุงูุญุณู ุจู ู ุญู ุฏ ุงูุฌู ุงู ุนู ุจุนุถ ุฃุตุญุงุจูุง ูุงู: ุงุฌุชู ุน ุฃุจู ุนุจุฏ ุงููู ู ุน ุฑุฌู ู ู ุงููุฏุฑูุฉ ุนูุฏ ุนุจุฏ ุงูู ูู ุจู ู ุฑูุงูุ ููุงู ุงููุฏุฑู ูุฃุจู ุนุจุฏ ุงููู ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู ุณู ุนู ุง ุดุฆุชุ ููุงู ูู
ุงูุฑุฃ ุณูุฑุฉ ุงูุญู ุฏุ ูุงู: ููุฑุฃูุง ููุงู ุงูุฃู ูู – ูุงูุง ู ุนู – ู ุง ูู ุณูุฑุฉ ุงูุญู ุฏ ุนูููุงุ ุงูุง ููู ูุงูุง ุฅููู ุฑุงุฌุนููุ ูุงู: ูุฌุนู ุงููุฏุฑู ููุฑุฃ ุณูุฑุฉ ุงูุญู ุฏ ุญุชู ุจูุบ ููู ุงููู ุชุจุงุฑู ูุชุนุงูู: ” ุฅูุงู ูุนุจุฏ ูุฅูุงู ูุณุชุนูู ” ููุงู ูู ุฌุนูุฑ: ูู ู ู ุชุณุชุนููุูู ุง ุญุงุฌุชู ุฅูู ุงูู ุนููุฉุุงู ุงูุงู ุฑ ุฅูููุ ูุจูุช ุงูุฐู ููุฑ ูุงููู ูุง ููุฏู ุงูููู ุงูุธุงูู ูู
In Tafsir al-`Ayashi: From al-Hasan b. Muhammad al-Jammal from one of our companions.
He said: Abu `Abdillah met with a man from the Qadariyya (those who denied the predestination of Allah) with `Abd al-Malik b. Marwan, so the Qadari said to Abu `Abdillah ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู : Ask whatever you want. So he said to him: Recite Surat al-Hamd. He said: So he recited it. The Umayyad (`Abd al-Malik b. Marwan) said while I was with him: What is there in Surat al-Hamd about us? We are from Allah and to Him will we return. He said: So the Qadari recited Surat al-Hamd until he reached the saying of Allah ุชุจุงุฑู ูุชุนุงูู, “You do we worship, and from You do we seek help” (1:5). So Ja`far said to him: Stop. From whom do you seek help? And what is your need for aid? The affair is yours. So the one who disbelieved was astonished, and Allah does not guide the transgressors.
ูู ูุชุงุจ ุงูุงุญุชุฌุงุฌ ููุทุจุฑุณู (ุฑู) ุญุฏูุซ ุทููู ุนู ุงููุจู ุตูู ุงููู ุนููู ูุขูู ูุณูู ูููู ูููู ูุฃุตุญุงุจู ููููุง ” ุฅูุงู ูุนุจุฏ ” ุฃู ูุงุญุฏุง ูุง ูููู ูู ุง ูุงูุช ุงูุฏูุฑูุฉ: ุงู ุงูุฃุดูุงุก ูุงุจุฏ ูููุง ููู ุฏุงุฆู ุฉุ ููุง ูู ุง ูุงู ุงูุซูููุฉ ุงูุฐูู ูุงููุง ุฅู ุงูููุฑ ูุงูุธูู ุฉ ูู ุง ุงูู ุฏุจุฑ ุงูุ ููุง ูู ุง ูุงู ู ุดุฑููุง ุงูุนุฑุจ ุงู ุฃูุซุงููุง ุขููุฉุ ููุง ูุดุฑู ุจู ุดูุฆุง ููุง ูุฏุนู ู ู ุฏููู ุงููุง ูู ุง ูููู ูุคูุงุก ุงููุงูุฑุ ููุง ูููู ูู ุง ุชููู ุงููููุฏ ูุงููุตุงุฑู ุงู ูู ููุฏุง ุชุนุงููุช ุนู ุฐูู ุนููุง ูุจูุฑุง
In Kitab al-Ihtijaj of Tabarsi:
In a long hadith from the Prophet ุตูู ุงููู ุนููู ูุขูู ูุณูู in which he said to his companions: “You do we worship” (1:5) meaning [You] Alone. We do not say what the eternalists say; that things have no beginning and are eternal. We do not say what the dualists say; that light and darkness are the two originators. We do not say what the Arab polytheists say; [that we are created by] our divine idols. We do not associate anything with You, nor do we call on a god besides You, as these disbelievers do. We do not say what the Jews and the Christians have said; that You have a son. I greatly distance myself from that.
ย ููู ู ูุง ูุญุถุฑู ุงููููู ูููู ุง ุฐูุฑู ุงููุถู ู ู ุงูุนูู ุนู ุงูุฑุถุง ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู ุฃูู ูุงู: ุงูุฏูุง ุงูุตุฑุงุท ุงูู ุณุชููู ุงุณุชุฑุดุงุฏ ูุฏูููุ ูุงุนุชุตุงู ุจุญุจูู ูุงุณุชุฒุงุฏุฉ ูู ุงูู ุนุฑูุฉ ูุฑุจู ุนุฒ ูุฌู ููุนุธู ุชู ููุจุฑูุงุฆู
In Man La Yahduruhul Faqih: From what al-Fadl mentioned about the reasons from ar-Rida ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู : “Guide us to the Straight Path” (1:6) is guidance to His religion, grasping onto His rope, increasing in the recognition of one’s Lord ุนุฒ ูุฌู and His Greatness and His Glory.
ย ูู ู ุฌู ุน ุงูุจูุงู ููุงู ุฑุณูู ุงููู ุตูู ุงููู ุนููู ูุขูู ุงู ุงููู ุชุนุงูู ู ู ุนูู ุจูุงุชุญุฉ ุงููุชุงุจ ุฅูู ูููู ” ุงูุฏูุง ุงูุตุฑุงุท ุงูู ุณุชููู ” ุตุฑุงุท ุงูุฃูุจูุงุก ููู ุงูุฐูู ุฃูุนู ุงููู ุนูููู
In Majma` al-Bayan:
The Messenger of Allah ุตูู ุงููู ุนููู ูุขูู said: “Guide us to the Straight Path” (1:6) is the path of the prophets, and they are the ones whom Allah has blessed.
ย ูููู ููู ูู ู ุนูู ” ุงูุตุฑุงุท ” ูุฌูู: ุฃุญุฏูุง ุงูู ูุชุงุจ ุงููู ููู ุงูู ุฑูู ุนู ุงููุจู ุตูู ุงููู ุนููู ูุขูู ูุณูู ุนู ุนูู ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู
And therein, it is said that there are various interpretations to “the Path”: One is that it is the Book of Allah. And it is reported from the Prophet ุตูู ุงููู ุนููู ูุขูู ูุณูู by `Ali ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู .
ูู ุชูุณูุฑ ุนูู ุจู ุฅุจุฑุงููู ูู ุงูู ูุซู ุนู ุฃุจู ุนุจุฏ ุงููู ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู ” ุงูุฏูุง ุงูุตุฑุงุท ุงูู ุณุชููู ” ูุงู: ุงูุทุฑูู ูู ุนุฑูุฉ ุงูุงู ุงู
In Tafsir `Ali b. Ibrahim: From Abu `Abdillah ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู : “Guide us to the Straight Path”: The road to and the recognition of the Imam.
ูุจุงุณูุงุฏู ุฅูู ุฃุจู ุนุจุฏ ุงููู ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู ูุงู: ูุงููู ูุญู ุงูุตุฑุงุท ุงูู ุณุชููู
And by its isnad to Abu `Abdillah ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู . He said: By Allah, we are the Straight Path.
ูู ูุชุงุจ ู ุนุงูู ุงูุฃุฎุจุงุฑ ุจุงุณูุงุฏู ุฅูู ุฃุจู ุนุจุฏ ุงููู ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู ูู ููู ุงููู ุนุฒ ูุฌู: ” ุงูุฏูุง ุงูุตุฑุงุท ุงูู ุณุชููู ” ูุงู: ูู ุฃู ูุฑ ุงูู ุคู ููู ูู ุนุฑูุชูุ ูุงูุฏููู ุนูู ุฃูู ุฃู ูุฑ ุงูู ุคู ููู ููู ุงููู ุนุฒ ูุฌู: ” ูุงูู ูู ุฃู ุงููุชุงุจ ูุฏููุง ูุนูู ุญููู ” ููู ุฃู ูุฑ ุงูู ุคู ููู ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู ูู ุฃู ุงููุชุงุจ ูู ูููู: ” ุงูุฏูุง ุงูุตุฑุงุท ุงูู ุณุชููู “
In Kitab al-Ma`ani al-Akhbar: By its isnad to Abu `Abdillah ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู regarding the saying of Allah ุนุฒ ูุฌู: “Guide us to the Straight Path” (1:6). He said: It is Amir al-Mu’mineen and recognition of him. The proof that he is the Commander of the Faithful is the saying of Allah ุนุฒ ูุฌู, “Surely, it is in the Mother of the Book with Us, exalted (`Ali) and full of wisdom” (43:4), and that is Amir al-Mu’mineen ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู in the Mother of the Book in His saying, “Guide us to the Straight Path” (1:6).
ูุจุงุณูุงุฏู ุฅูู ุงูู ูุถู ุจู ุนู ุฑ ูุงู: ุณุฃูุช ุฃุจุง ุนุจุฏ ุงููู ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู ุนู ุงูุตุฑุงุท ููุงู: ูู ุงูุทุฑูู ุฅูู ู ุนุฑูุฉ ุงููู ุนุฒ ูุฌู
ููู ุง ุตุฑุงุทุงู: ุตุฑุงุท ูู ุงูุฏููุงุ ูุตุฑุงุท ูู ุงูุขุฎุฑุฉุ ูุงู ุง ุงูุตุฑุงุท ูู ุงูุฏููุง ููู ุงูุงู ุงู ุงูู ูุชุฑุถ ุงูุทุงุนุฉ ู ู ุนุฑูู ูู ุงูุฏููุง ูุงูุชุฏู ุจูุฏุงู ู ุฑ ุนูู ุงูุตุฑุงุท ุงูุฐู ูู ุฌุณุฑ ุฌููู ูู ุงูุขุฎุฑุฉุ ูู ู ูู ูุนุฑูู ูู ุงูุฏููุง ุฒูุช ูุฏู ู ุนู ุงูุตุฑุงุท ูู ุงูุขุฎุฑุฉุ ูุชุฑุฏู ูู ูุงุฑ ุฌููู
By its isnad to al-Mufaddal b. `Umar.
He said: I asked Abu `Abdillah ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู about the Path, so he said: It is the road to the recognition of Allah ุนุฒ ูุฌู. And there are two Paths: A Path in this world, and a Path in the Hereafter. As for the Path in this world, it is the Imam whose obedience is obligatory. Whomever recognizes him in this world and obeys his guidance will pass through the Path, which is a bridge over Hell in the Hereafter. Whomever does not recognize him in this world, his foot will slip from the Path in the Hereafter, and he will go to the Fire of Hell.
ูู ุชูุณูุฑ ุนูู ุจู ุฅุจุฑุงููู ุจุงุณูุงุฏู ุฅูู ุญูุต ุจู ุบูุงุซ ูุงู: ูุตู ุฃุจู ุนุจุฏ ุงููู ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู ุงูุตุฑุงุท ููุงู: ุฃูู ุณูุฉ ุตุนูุฏุ ูุงูู ุณูุฉ ูุจูุทุ ูุฃูู ุณูุฉ ุญุฐุงู
In Tafsir `Ali b. Ibrahim: By its isnad to Hafs b. Ghiyath.
He said: Abu `Abdillah ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู described the Path, so he said: It is one thousand years uphill, one thousand years downhill, and one thousand years even.
ูุงูู ุณุนุฏุงู ุจู ู ุณูู ุนู ุฃุจู ุนุจุฏ ุงููู ูุงู: ุณุฃูุชู ุนู ุงูุตุฑุงุทุ ููุงู: ูู ุฃุฏู ู ู ุงูุดุนุฑุ ูุฃุญุฏ ู ู ุงูุณููุ ูู ููู ู ู ูู ุฑ ุนููู ู ุซู ุงูุจุฑู ูู ููู ู ู ูู ุฑ ุนููู ู ุซู ุนุฏู ุงููุฑุณุ ูู ููู ู ู ูู ุฑ ุนููู ู ุงุดูุงุ ูู ููู ู ู ูู ุฑ ุนููู ุญุจูุง ูู ููู ู ู ูู ุฑ ุนููู ู ุชุนููุง ูุชุฃุฎุฐ ุงููุงุฑ ู ูู ุดูุฆุง ูุชุชุฑู ู ูู ุดูุฆุง
And from Sa`dan b. Muslim from Abu `Abdillah. He said: I asked him about the Path, so he said: It is thinner than a hair, and sharper than a sword. Some will pass through it like lightning, some will pass through it galloping, some will pass through it walking, and some will pass through it crawling. Some will pass through it hanging, and the Fire will overtake part of him and leave part of him.
ูู ูุชุงุจ ู ุนุงูู ุงูุฃุฎุจุงุฑ ุจุงุณูุงุฏู ุฅูู ุฃุจู ุนุจุฏ ุงููู ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู ูุงู: ุงูุตุฑุงุท ุงูู ุณุชููู ุฃู ูุฑ ุงูู ุคู ููู ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู
In Kitab Ma`ani al-Akhbar: By its isnad to Abu `Abdillah ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู . He said: The Straight Path is Amir al-Mu’mineen ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู .
ุญุฏุซูุง ู ุญู ุฏ ุจู ุงููุงุณู ุงูุฃุณุชุฑุขุจุงุฏู ุงูู ูุณุฑ ูุงู: ุญุฏุซูู ููุณู ุจู ู ุญู ุฏ ุจู ุฒูุงุฏ ูุนูู ุจู ู ุญู ุฏ ุจู ุณูุงุฑ ุนู ุฃุจูููู ุงุ ุนู ุงูุญุณู ุจู ุนูู ุจู ู ุญู ุฏ ุจู ุนูู ุจู ู ูุณู ุจู ุฌุนูุฑ ุจู ู ุญู ุฏ ุจู ุนูู ุจู ุงูุญุณูู ุจู ุนูู ุจู ุฃุจู ุทุงูุจ ุนูููู ุงูุณูุงู ูู ูููู: ” ุงูุฏูุง ุงูุตุฑุงุท ุงูู ุณุชููู ” ูุงู: ุฃุฏู ููุง ุชููููู ุงูุฐู ุจู ุฃุทุนูุงู ูู ู ุง ู ุถู ู ู ุฃูุงู ูุงุ ุญุชู ูุทูุนู ูุฐูู ูู ู ุณุชูุจู ุฃุนู ุงุฑูุงุ ูุงูุตุฑุงุท ุงูู ุณุชููู ูู ุตุฑุงุทุงู: ุตุฑุงุท ูู ุงูุฏููุง ูุตุฑุงุท ูู ุงูุขุฎุฑุฉุ ูุงู ุง ุงูุทุฑูู ุงูู ุณุชููู ูู ุงูุฏููุง ููู ู ุง ูุตุฑ ุนู ุงูุบุงู ูุงุฑุชูุน ุนู ุงูุชูุตูุฑุ ูุงุณุชูุงู ููู ูุนุฏู ุฅูู ุดุฆ ู ู ุงูุจุงุทูุ ูุงู ุง ุงูุทุฑููย ุงูุงุฎุฑ ุฉ ุทุฑูู ุงูู ุคู ููู ุฅูู ุงูุฌูุฉ ุงูุฐู ูู ู ุณุชููู ูุง ูุนุฏููู ุนู ุงูุฌูุฉ ุฅูู ุงููุงุฑย ููุง ุฅูู ุบูุฑ ุงููุงุฑ ุณูู ุงูุฌูุฉ
Muhammad b. al-Qasim al-Mufassir al-Astarabadi ุฑุถู ุงููู ุนูู narrated to us. He said: Yusuf b. Muhammad b. Ziyad and `Ali b. Muhammad b. Sayyar together from al-Hasan b. `Ali b. Muhammad b. `Ali b. Musa b. Ja`far b. Muhammad b. `Ali b. al-Husayn b. `Ali b. Abi Talib.
Regarding His saying, “Guide us to the Straight Path” (1:6), he said: Give us Your support by which we were able to obey You in our past days, so that we may obey You for the rest of our lives. The Straight Path are two paths: a path in this world and a path in the Hereafter. As for the Straight Path in this world, it is avoiding deviation and ascending from shortening (taqseer). As for the Path of the Hereafter, it is the believers’ path to Paradise. It is straight, and does not lead from Paradise to the Fire or anywhere else.
ูุงู: ููุงู ุฌุนูุฑ ุจู ู ุญู ุฏ ุงูุตุงุฏู ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู ูู ูููู ุนุฒ ูุฌู ” ุงูุฏูุง ุงูุตุฑุงุท ุงูู ุณุชููู ” ูุงู: ูููู: ุฃุฑุดุฏูุง ุฅูู ุงูุตุฑุงุท ุงูู ุณุชููู ุ ุงุฑุดุฏูุง ููุฒูู ุงูุทุฑูู ุงูู ุคุฏู ุฅูู ู ุญุจุชูุ ูุงูู ุจูุบ ุฏูููุ ูุงูู ุงูุน ู ู ุฃู ูุชุจุน ุฃููุงุกูุง ููุนุทุจุ ุฃู ูุฃุฎุฐ ุจุขุฑุงุฆูุง ููููู
He said: Ja`far b. Muhammad as-Sadiq ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู said, regarding His ุนุฒ ูุฌู saying, “Guide us to the Straight Path” (1:6): It is saying: “Guide us to the Straight Path, guide us to clinging onto the path to Your love, Your religion, and the prohibition of following our desires, lest we perish; and the adoption of our own views, lest we be destroyed.”
ูุจุงุณูุงุฏู ุฅูู ู ุญู ุฏ ุจู ุณูุงู ุนู ุงูู ูุถู ุจู ุนู ุฑ ูุงู: ุญุฏุซูู ุซุงุจุช ุงูุซู ุงูู ุนู ุณูุฏ ุงูุนุงุจุฏูู ุนูู ุจู ุงูุญุณูู ุนูููู ุง ุงูุณูุงู ูุงู: ูุญู ุฃุจูุงุจ ุงููู ููุญู ุงูุตุฑุงุท ุงูู ุณุชููู
By its isnad to Muhammad b. Sinan from al-Mufaddal b. `Umar. He said: Thabit al-Thumali from the Master of Worshipers `Ali b. al-Husayn ุนูููู ุง ุงูุณูุงู .
He said: We are the doors of Allah, and we are the Straight Path.
ูุจุงุณูุงุฏู ุฅูู ุณุนุฏ ุจู ุทุฑูู ุนู ุฃุจู ุฌุนูุฑ ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู ูุงู ูุงู ุฑุณูู ุงููู ุตูู ุงููู ุนููู ูุขูู ูุณูู : ูุง ุนูู ุฅุฐุง ูุงู ููู ุงูููุงู ุฉ ุฃูุนุฏ ุฃูุง ูุฃูุช ูุฌุจุฑุฆูู ุนูู ุงูุตุฑุงุท ููู ูุฌุฒ ุฃุญุฏ ุงูุงู ู ูุงู ู ุนู ูุชุงุจ ููู ุจุฑุงุกุฉ ุจููุงูุชู
By its isnad to Sa`d b. Turayf from Abu Ja`far ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู .
He said: The Messenger of Allah ุตูู ุงููู ุนููู ูุขูู ูุณูู said: O `Ali! On the Day of Resurrection, myself, you, and Jibra’il will sit upon the Path. No one will be secured if he has a book with a dissociation from your wilaya therein.
ูู ุฃุตูู ุงููุงูู ุฅูู ุฃุจู ุฌุนูุฑ ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู ูุงู: ุฃูุญู ุงููู ุฅูู ูุจูู ุตูู ุงููู ุนููู ูุขูู ูุณูู ” ูุงุณุชู ุณู ุจุงูุฐู ุฃูุญู ุฅููู ุงูู ุนูู ุตุฑุงุท ู ุณุชููู ” ูุงู: ุงูู ุนูู ููุงูุฉ ุนูู ูุนูู ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู ูู ุงูุตุฑุงุท ุงูู ุณุชููู
In Usul al-Kafi:
From Abu Ja`far ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู said: Allah revealed to His Prophet ุตูู ุงููู ุนููู ูุขูู ูุณูู , “Grasp onto that which is revealed to you. Surely, you are upon a Straight Path.” (43:43). He said: You are upon the wilaya of `Ali, and `Ali ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู is the Straight Path.
ุนูู ุจู ู ุญู ุฏ ุนู ุจุนุถ ุฃุตุญุงุจูุง ุนู ุงุจู ู ุญุจูุจ ุนู ู ุญู ุฏ ุจู ุงููุถูู ุนู ุฃุจู ุงูุญุณู ุงูู ุงุถู ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู ูุงู: ููุช ” ุฃูู ู ูู ุดู ู ูุจุง ุนูู ูุฌูู ุฃูุฏู ุฃู ู ูู ุดู ุณููุง ุนูู ุตุฑุงุท ู ุณุชููู ”ย ูุงูุ ุงู ุงููู ุถุฑุจ ู ุซู ู ู ุญุงุฏ ุนู ููุงูุฉ ุนูู ูู ุซู ู ู ูู ุดู ุนูู ูุฌูู ูุง ููุชุฏู ูุงู ุฑู ูุฌุนู ู ู ุชุจุนู ุณููุง ุนูู ุตุฑุงุท ู ุณุชููู ุ ู ุงูุตุฑุงุท ุงูู ุณุชููู ุฃู ูุฑ ุงูู ุคู ููู ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู
`Ali b. Muhammad from one of our companions from Ibn Mahbub from Muhammad b. al-Fudayl from Abu’l Hasan the First ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู .
He said: I said: “Then is one who walks fallen on his face better guided or one who walks upright on a Straight Path?” (67:22). He said: Surely, Allah struck a metaphor: one who deviates from the wilaya of `Ali is like one who walks fallen on his face, he will not be guided to his order. Whomever follows him will be made upright upon the Straight Path. The Straight Path is Amir al-Mu’mineen ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู .
ูู ูุชุงุจ ู ุนุงูู ุงูุฃุฎุจุงุฑ ุจุงุณูุงุฏู ุฅูู ุฌุนูุฑ ุจู ู ุญู ุฏ ุนูููู ุง ุงูุณูุงู ูุงู ููู ุงููู ุนุฒ ูุฌู ูู ุงูุญู ุฏ: ุตุฑุงุท ุงูุฐูู ุฃูุนู ุช ุนูููู ูุนูู ู ุญู ุฏุง ูุฐุฑูุชู ุตููุงุช ุงููู ุนูููู
In Kitab Ma`ani al-Akhbar: By its isnad to Ja`far b. Muhammad ุนูููู ุง ุงูุณูุงู .
He said: The saying of Allah ุนุฒ ูุฌู in al-Hamd, “The path of those whom You have blessed” (1:7), meaning Muhammad and his progeny ุตููุงุช ุงููู ุนูููู .
ุญุฏุซูุง ู ุญู ุฏ ุจู ุงููุงุณู ุงูุฃุณุชุฑุขุจุงุฏู ุงูู ูุณุฑ ูุงู: ุญุฏุซูู ููุณู ุจู ู ุญู ุฏ ุจู ุฒูุงุฏ ูุนูู ุจู ู ุญู ุฏ ุจู ุณูุงุฑ ุนู ุฃุจูููู ุง ุนู ุงูุญุณู ุจู ุนูู ุจู ู ุญู ุฏ ุจู ุนูู ุจู ู ูุณู ุจู ุฌุนูุฑ ุจู ู ุญู ุฏ ุจู ุนูู ุจู ุงูุญุณูู ุจู ุนูู ุจู ุฃุจู ุทุงูุจ ุนูููู ุงูุณูุงู ูู ููู ุงููู ุนุฒ ูุฌู: ” ุตุฑุงุท ุงูุฐูู ุฃูุนู ุช ุนูููู ” ุฃู ููููุง ุงูุฏูุง ุตุฑุงุท ุงูุฐูู ุฃูุนู ุช ุนูููู ุจุงูุชูููู ูุฏููู ูุทุงุนุชูุ ููู ุงูุฐูู ูุงู ุงููู ุนุฒ ูุฌู: ” ูู ู ูุทุน ุงููู ูุงูุฑุณูู ูุฃููุฆู ู ุน ุงูุฐูู ุฃูุนู ุงููู ุนูููู ู ู ุงููุจููู ูุงูุตุฏูููู ูุงูุดูุฏุงุก ูุงูุตุงูุญูู ูุญุณู ุฃููุฆู ุฑูููุง ”ย ูุญูู ูุฐุง ุจุนููู ุนู ุฃู ูุฑ ุงูู ุคู ููู ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู ูุงู: ุซู ูุงู: ููุณ ูุคูุงุก ุงูู ูุนู ุนูููู ุจุงูู ุงู ูุตุญุฉ ุงูุจุฏู ูุฅู ูุงู ูู ูุฐุง ูุนู ุฉ ู ู ุงููู ุธุงูุฑุฉุ ุงูุง ุชุฑูู ุงู ูุคูุงุก ูุฏ ูููููู ููุงุฑุง ุฃู ูุณุงูุง ูู ุง ูุฏุจุชู ุฅูู ุฃู ุชุฏุนู ุจุงู ุชุฑุดุฏูุง ุฅูู ุตุฑุงุทูู ูุงูู ุง ุฃู ุฑุชู ุจุงูุฏุนุงุก ุจุงู ุชุฑุดุฏูุง ุฅูู ุตุฑุงุท ุงูุฐูู ุฃูุนู ุนูููู ุจุงูุงูู ุงู ุจุงููู ูุชุตุฏูู ุฑุณููู ู ุจุงูููุงูุฉ ูู ุญู ุฏ ุจู ุขูู ุงูุทูุจููุ ูุฃุตุญุงุจู ุงูุฎูุฑูู ุงูู ูุชุฌุจููุ ูุจุงูุชููุฉ ุงูุญุณูุฉ ุงูุชู ูุณูู ุจูุง ู ู ุดุฑ ุฃุนุฏุงุก ุงูููุ ูู ู ุงูุฒูุงุฏุฉ ูู ุขุซุงู ุฃุนุฏุงุก ุงููู ูููุฑูู ุ ุจุงู ุชุฏุงุฑููู ููุง ุชุบุฑููู ุจุฃุฐุงู ูุฃุฐู ุงูู ุคู ูููุ ูุจุงูู ุนุฑูุฉ ุจุญููู ุงูุงุฎูุงู ู ู ุงูู ุคู ููู
Muhammad b. al-Qasim al-Mufassir al-Astarabadi ุฑุถู ุงููู ุนูู narrated to us. He said: Yusuf b. Muhammad b. Ziyad and `Ali b. Muhammad b. Sayyar together from al-Hasan b. `Ali b. Muhammad b. `Ali b. Musa b. Ja`far b. Muhammad b. `Ali b. al-Husayn b. `Ali b. Abi Talib.
He said, regarding the saying of Allah ุนุฒ ูุฌู, “The path of those whom You have blessed” (1:7): You are saying: “Guide us to the path of those You have blessed with support for Your religion and Your obedience.” And they are those about whom Allah ุนุฒ ูุฌู said, “And whoever obeys Allah and the Messenger – those will be with the ones upon whom Allah has bestowed favor of the prophets, the steadfast affirmers of truth, the martyrs and the righteous. And excellent are those as companions” (4:69) – and this was said about Amir al-Mu’mineen ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู .
He said: Then he said: These aren’t those who have been blessed with wealth and health, for these are the apparent blessings of Allah. Do you not see [that some of] these are disbelievers and transgressors? So do not lament into being called to their way. You have been ordered to ask to be guided to the Path of those who have been blessed with faith in Allah, and belief in His Messenger, and the wilaya of Muhammad and his righteous Family and his loyal and good companions, and good taqiyya through which you are made safe from the evil of the enemies of Allah and their disbelief and their increasing sins – so that you may humour them and not lead them to hurting you or the believers, and by recognizing the rights of your believing brethren.
ุญุฏุซูุง ุงูุญุณู ุจู ู ุญู ุฏ ุจู ุณุนูุฏ ุงููุงุดู ู ูุงู: ุญุฏุซูุง ูุฑุงุช ุจู ุฅุจุฑุงููู ุ ูุงู: ุญุฏุซูู ุนุจูุฏ ุจู ูุซูุฑุ ูุงู ุญุฏุซูุง ู ุญู ุฏ ุจู ู ุฑูุงูุ ูุงู: ุญุฏุซูุง ุนุจูุฏ ุจู ูุญูู ุจู ู ูุฑุงู ุงูุนุทุงุฑ ูุงู: ุญุฏุซูุง ู ุญู ุฏ ุจู ุงูุญุณูู ุนู ุฃุจูู ุนู ุฌุฏูุ ูุงู: ูุงู ุฑุณูู ุงููู ุตูู ุงููู ุนููู ูุขูู ูู ููู ุงููู ุนุฒ ูุฌู: ุตุฑุงุท ุงูุฐูู ุฃูุนู ุช ุนูููู ุบูุฑ ุงูู ุบุถูุจ ุนูููู ููุง ุงูุถุงููู ูุงู: ุดูุนุฉ ุนูู ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู ุงูุฐูู ุฃูุนู ุช ุนูููู ุจููุงูุฉ ุนูู ุจู ุฃุจู ุทุงูุจ ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู ูู ูุบุถุจ ุนูููู ููู ูุถููุง
al-Hasan b. Muhammad b. Sa`eed al-Hashimi narrate dot us. He said: Furat b. Ibrahim narrated to us. He said: `Ubayd b. Katheer narrated to me. He said: Muhammad b. Marwan narrated to us. He said: `Ubayd b. Yahya b. Marwan al-`Attar narrated to us. He said: Muhammad b. al-Husayn narrated to us from his father from his grandfather.
He said: The Messenger of Allah ุตูู ุงููู ุนููู ูุขูู said, regarding the saying of Allah ุนุฒ ูุฌู, “The path of those whom You have blessed, and not of those who have incurred Your anger, nor of those who have gone astray” (1:7). He said: The Shi`a of `Ali ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู are those who have been blessed with the wilaya of `Ali b. Abi Talib ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู . They do not incur anger, nor do they go astray.
ูู ูุชุงุจ ูู ุงู ุงูุฏูู ูุชู ุงู ุงููุนู ุฉ ุจุงุณูุงุฏู ุฅูู ุฎูุซู ุฉ ุงูุฌุนูู ุนู ุฃุจู ุฌุนูุฑ ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู ุญุฏูุซ ุทููู ูููู ูููู ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู : ููุญู ุงูุทุฑูู ุงููุงุถุญ ูุงูุตุฑุงุท ุงูู ุณุชููู ุฅูู ุงููู ุนุฒ ูุฌูุ ููุญู ู ู ูุนู ุฉ ุงููู ุนูู ุฎููู
In Kamal ad-Deen wa Tamam an-Ni`ma: By its isnad to Khaythama al-Ju`fi from Abu Ja`far ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู , in a long hadith in which he ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู said: We are the clear road and the Straight Path to Allah ุนุฒ ูุฌู, and we are those whom His creation have been blessed with.
ูู ูุชุงุจ ุงูุฅููููุฌุฉ ูุงู ุงูุตุงุฏู ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู : ูุงู ุง ุงูุบุถุจ ููู ู ูุง ุฅุฐุง ุบุถุจูุง ุชุบูุฑุช ุทุจุงูุนูุง ูุชุฑุชุนุฏ ุฃุญูุงูุง ู ูุงุตููุงุ ูุญุงูุช ุฃููุงููุงุ ุซู ูุฌุฆ ู ู ุจุนุฏ ุฐูู ุจุงูุนููุจุงุช ูุณู ู ุบุถุจุง ููุฐุง ููุงู ุงููุงุณ ุงูู ุนุฑููุ ูุงูุบุถุจ ุดูุฆุงู ุฃุญุฏูู ุง ูู ุงูููุจุ ูุงู ุง ุงูู ุนูู ุงูุฐู ูู ูู ุงูููุจ ููู ู ููู ุนู ุงููู ุฌู ุฌูุงููุ ููุฐูู ุฑุถุงู ูุณุฎุทู ูุฑุญู ุชู ุนูู ูุฐู ุงูุตูุฉ
In Kitab al-Ihlilaja:
as-Sadiq ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู said: As for anger, it is from us. When we become angry, our natures change, our joints tremble, and our colours change. Then, we come after that with the punishments; and this was called “anger”, and these are words known to the people. Anger is two things, one of which is in the heart. As for the meaning which is in the heart, it is separate from Allah ุฌู ุฌูุงูู; and it is the same with His pleasure, His discontent, and His mercy.
ย ูู ุชูุณูุฑ ุนูู ุจู ุฅุจุฑุงููู ุญุฏุซูู ุฃุจู ุนู ุญู ุงุฏ ุนู ุญุฑูุฒ ุนู ุฃุจู ุนุจุฏ ุงููู ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู ุงูู ูุฑุฃ ” ุงูุฏูุง ุงูุตุฑุงุท ุงูู ุณุชููู ุ ุตุฑุงุท ู ู ุฃูุนู ุช ุนูููู ุบูุฑ ุงูู ุบุถูุจ ุนูููู ูุบูุฑ ุงูุถุงููู ” ูุงู: ุงูู ุบุถูุจ ุนูููู ุงููุตุงุจ ูุงูุถุงููู ุงููููุฏ ุงููุตุงุฑู
In Tafsir `Ali b. Ibrahim: My father narrated to me from Hammad from Hareez from Abu `Abdillah ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู , that he recited “Guide us to the Straight Path. The path of those whom You have blessed, and not of those who have incurred Your anger, nor of those who have gone astray.” (1:6-7) He said: Those who have incurred His anger are the nassab, and those who have gone astray are the Jews and the Christians.
ย ูุนูู ุนู ุงุจู ุฃุจู ุนู ูุฑ ุนู ุงุจู ุฃุฐููุฉ ุนู ุฃุจู ุนุจุฏ ุงููู ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู ูู ูููู: ” ุบูุฑ ุงูู ุบุถูุจ ุนูููู ูุบูุฑ ุงูุถุงููู ” ูุงู: ุงูู ุบุถูุจ ุนูููู : ุงููุตุงุจุ ูุงูุถุงููู: ุงูุดูุงู ุงูุฐูู ูุง ูุนุฑููู ุงูุงู ุงู
And from him from Ibn Abi `Umayr from Ibn Udhayna from Abu `Abdillah ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู , regarding His saying, “not of those who have incurred Your anger, nor of those who have gone astray” (1:7). he said: Those who have incurred His anger are the nassab, and those who have gone astray are the doubters who do not recognize the Imam.
ย ููู ู ูุง ูุญุถุฑู ุงููููู ูููู ุง ุฐูุฑู ุงููุถู ู ู ุงูุนูู ุนู ุงูุฑุถุง ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู ุฃูู ูุงู: ” ุตุฑุงุท ุงูุฐูู ุฃูุนู ุช ุนูููู ” ุชูููุฏ ูู ุงูุณุคุงู ูุงูุฑุบุจุฉุ ูุฐูุฑ ูู ุง ุชูุฏู ู ู ูุนู ู ุนูู ุฃูููุงุฆูุ ูุฑุบุจุฉ ูู ู ุซู ุชูู ุงููุนู ” ุบูุฑ ุงูู ุบุถูุจ ุนูููู ” ุงุณุชุนุงุฐุฉ ู ู ุฃู ูููู ู ู ุงูู ุนุงูุฏูู ุงููุงูุฑูู ุงูู ุณุชุฎููู ุจู ูุจุฃู ุฑู ููููู ” ููุง ุงูุถุงููู ” ุงุนุชุตุงู ู ู ุฃู ูููู ู ู ุงูุฐูู ุถููุง ุนู ุณุจูููุ ู ู ุบูุฑ ู ุนุฑูุฉ ููู ูุญุณุจูู ุงููู ูุญุณููู ุตูุนุง
In Man La Yahduruhul Faqih: From what al-Fadl mentioned about the reasons from ar-Rida ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู . He said: “The Path of those whom You have blessed” (1:7) – this emphasizes the point about longing [for Allah], and it is a reminder of His blessing upon His friends, and longing [for Allah] in that blessing. “Not of those who have incurred Your anger” (1:7) – this is a seeking of refuge from becoming stubborn disbelievers who ignore His commands and His prohibitions. “Nor of those who have gone astray” (1:7) – this is a seeking of protection from becoming one who deviates from His way, who lacks cognizance, yet believes he is doing good.
– ูู ู ุฌู ุน ุงูุจูุงู ููุงู ุฑุณูู ุงููู ุตูู ุงููู ุนููู ูุขูู ูุณูู : ุงู ุงููู ุชุนุงูู ู ู ุนูู ุจูุงุชุญุฉ ุงููุชุงุจ ุฅูู ููููุ ” ุบูุฑ ุงูู ุบุถูุจ ุนูููู ” ุงููููุฏ ” ููุง ุงูุถุงููู ” ุงููุตุงุฑู
In Majma` al-Bayan:
The Messenger of Allah ุตูู ุงููู ุนููู ูุขูู ูุณูู said: “Not of those who have incurred Your anger” (1:7) – the Jews, “nor of those who have gone astray” (1:7) – the Christians.
ูู ูุชุงุจ ุงูุงุญุชุฌุงุฌ ููุทุจุฑุณู ูุฑูููุง ุจุงูุฃุณุงููุฏ ุงูู ูุฏู ุฐูุฑูุง ุนู ุฃุจู ุงูุญุณู ุงูุนุณูุฑู ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู ุงู ุฃุจุง ุงูุญุณู ุงูุฑุถุง ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู ูุงู: ุฅู ู ู ุชุฌุงูุฒ ุจุฃู ูุฑ ุงูู ุคู ููู ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู ุงูุนุจูุฏูุฉ ููู ู ู ุงูู ุบุถูุจ ุนูููู ูู ู ุงูุถุงููู
In Kitab al-Ihtijaj of Tabrisi: And we reported by the first isnad he mentioned from Abu’l Hasan al-`Askari ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู that Abu’l Hasan ar-Rida ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู said: Surely, he who rejects the obedience of Amir al-Mu’mineen ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู is from those who have incurred His anger and from those who have gone astray.
ูู ุงูุงุณุชุจุตุงุฑ ุฑูู ุงูุญุณูู ุจู ุณุนูุฏ ุนู ุญู ุงุฏ ุจู ุนูุณู ุนู ู ุนุงููุฉ ุจู ููุจ ูุงู: ููุช ูุฃุจู ุนุจุฏ ุงููู ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู : ุฃููู: ุขู ูู ุฅุฐุง ูุงู ุงูุงู ุงู : ” ุบูุฑ ุงูู ุบุถูุจ ุนูููู ููุง ุงูุถุงููู “ุูุงู: ูู ุงููููุฏ ูุงููุตุงุฑู. ููู ูุฌุจ ูู ูุฐุง
In al-Istibsar: And al-Husayn b. Sa`eed reported from Hammad b. `Isa from Mu`awiya b. Wahab.
He said: I said to Abu `Abdillah ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู : Should I say “Amen” when the Imam says “Not of those who have incurred Your anger nor of those who have gone astray” (1:7)? He said: These are the Jews and the Christians, and this is not to be replied to.
ูู ุชูุฐูุจ ุงูุฃุญูุงู : ู ุญู ุฏ ุจู ุฃุญู ุฏ ุจู ูุญูู ุนู ุงูุญุณูู ุจู ู ูุณู ุงูุฎุดุงุจ ุนู ุบูุงุซ ุจู ูููุจ ุนู ุฅุณุญุงู ุจู ุนู ุงุฑ ุนู ุฌุนูุฑ ุนู ุฃุจูู ุนูููู ุง ุงูุณูุงู ุงู ุฑุฌููู ู ู ุฃุตุญุงุจ ุฑุณูู ุงููู ุตูู ุงููู ุนููู ูุขูู ุงุฎุชููุง ูู ุตูุงุฉ ุฑุณูู ุงููู ุตูู ุงููู ุนููู ูุขูู ูุณูู ุ ููุชุจุง ุฅูู ุฃุจู ุจู ูุนุจ ูู ูุงูุช ูุฑุณูู ุงููู ุตูู ุงููู ุนููู ูุขูู ูุณูู ู ู ุณูุชุฉุููุงู: ูุงูุช ูู ุณูุชุชุงู ุฅุฐุง ูุฑุบ ู ู ุฃู ุงููุฑุขูุ ูุฅุฐุง ูุฑุบ ู ู ุงูุณูุฑุฉ
In Tahdheeb al-Ahkam: Muhammad b. Ahmad b. Yahya from al-Husayn b. Musa al-Kashab from Ghiyath b. Kulub from Is`haq b. `Ammar from Ja`far from his father ุนูููู ุง ุงูุณูุงู that two men from the companions of the Messenger of Allah ุตูู ุงููู ุนููู ูุขูู disagreed over the prayer of the Messenger of Allah ุตูู ุงููู ุนููู ูุขูู ูุณูู , so they wrote to Ubay b. Ka`b: “How many times would the Messenger of Allah ุตูู ุงููู ุนููู ูุขูู ูุณูู remain silent?” So he said: He would remain silent twice. Once when he completed Umm al-Qur’an, and once when he completed the [second] chapter.
ูู ุงููุงูู ุนูู ุนู ุฃุจูู ุนู ุนุจุฏ ุงููู ุจู ุงูู ุบูุฑุฉ ุนู ุฌู ูู ุนู ุฃุจู ุนุจุฏ ุงููู ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู ูุงู: ุฅุฐุง ููุช ุฎูู ุงู ุงู ููุฑุฃ ุงูุญู ุฏ ููุฑุบ ู ู ูุฑุงุกุชูุง ููู ุฃูุช: ุงูุญู ุฏ ููู ุฑุจ ุงูุนุงูู ูู ููุง ุชูู ุขู ูู
In al-Kafi from `Ali from his father from `Abdillah b. al-Mughira from Jameel from Abu `Abdillah ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู .
He said: When you are behind the Imam, and he recited al-Hamd and he completes its recitation, say: “Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds”, and do not say “Amen”.
ูู ุนููู ุงูุฃุฎุจุงุฑ ูู ุจุงุจ ุฐูุฑ ุฃุฎูุงู ุงูุฑุถุง ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู ููุตู ุนุจุงุฏุชู: ููุงู ุฅุฐุง ูุฑุบ ู ู ุงููุงุชุญุฉ ูุงู: ุงูุญู ุฏ ููู ุฑุจ ุงูุนุงูู ูู
In `Uyun al-Akhbar: In the chapter on the etiquette of ar-Rida ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู , he described his worship: When he completed the Fatiha, he said: Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds.
Nice work! May Allah Allah reward you in manifolds
Great work akhi, but I’d recommend you number the ahadith so it’s easier to source.