Month: January 2015

Types of Hadith – [From Durus Tamhidiyah fi al-Qawaid al-Rijaliyah of Baqir Irwani]

This post is a paraphrased (incomplete) translation, with my personal comments and notes, of the chapter regarding the Types of Hadith [page 47] from section one of Muhammad Baqir Irwani’s book Durus Tamhidiyah fi al-Qawaid al-Rijaliyah. The section on al-khabar al-dha’eef, al-khabar al-mudhmar, and al-khabar al-mursal have not been added to this post. For an actual translation-in-progress … Read more

Introduction to Ilm ul-Rijal – [Chapter 1 from Fawaid al-Rijaliyah of Syed Ali al-Hussaini al-Sadr]

This post is a paraphrased translation (not an actual and complete translation) mixed with my own supplementary notes, of Chapter 1 of the book Fawaid al-Rijaliyah by Syed Ali al-Hussaini al-Sadr. The author in this book discusses various benefits of Ilm al-Rijal and its importance, and brings 40 benefits all together Those not familiar with certain Arabic ahadith terminology will not be able … Read more