Sayyid Ali

Some Remarks on Prophet Nuh’s Age

There was a series of short articles written by Amir Torkashvand a few years back, which have remained on my to-read list. I recently got a chance to read through them. The series of short articles are about the age of Prophet Nuh (a). I won’t be translating the entire article, in which Torkashvand argues … Read more

He Became Despised by the Ignorance of This Era!

By Rasul Jafariyan | Translated by Sayyid Ali Imran The following poems express the sentiments of a poet from the late Qajar and early Pahlavi periods named Sayyid Mahdi Khan Badaei Negar “Lahooti”. It reflects the feelings that many intellectuals and educated people of that time – and perhaps today – had. Being a religious … Read more

Discovery of a New Book by Sheikh Bahai

By Ahmed al-Hilli al-Najafi Sheikh Bahāʾī (r) has a commentary on al-Ṣaḥīfah al-Sajjādiyyah, titled Ḥadāʾiq al-Ṣāliḥīn. In this work, he gave each prayer a specific title relevant to its occasion. For example, al-Ḥadīqah al-Hilāliyyah relates to the commentary on the prayer of sighting the new moon from al-Ṣaḥīfah, and so on. He mentioned five gardens, … Read more

The On-Time Prayers of Those Present in Arafat

By Sayyid Amin Mortzevi | Short posts published by Imam Muhammad Baqir Fiqh Institute It is best to perform each prayer at its appointed time. The reason for this ruling is the numerous traditions that instruct us to do so. In some of these narrations, the merit of praying at the beginning of the time … Read more

Stages of Human Growth – A Poem

By Ustad Husayn Norozi; translated by Sayyid Ali Imran I went over this poem with our middle school students at the end of the academic school year. Students were introduced to the concept of a Hashiyah or a Ta’liqah, which are marginal notes or gloss annotations. Traditionally, a hashiyah was written by students and scholars … Read more

The Role of the Shi’a in the Fall of the Abbasids

By Shaykh Rasul Jafariyan | Translated by Sayyid Ali Imran | Edited & annotated by Sayyid Burair Abbas The doubt that will be discussed in this paper is the influence and role of the Shi’a in the fall of the Abbasid Caliphate and their collaboration with the Mongols. Previously, three topics were discussed: firstly, the … Read more

The Story of the Martyrdom of Shahid Thani by a Witness

The Story of the Martyrdom of Shahid Thani by a Witness, Qutb al-Din Muhammad Nahrawali (917-990 AH) Qutb al-Din Nahrawali is one of the notable historians of the tenth century hijri, several of whose historical and literary works have survived. His book al-I’lam bi-A’lam Bayt Allah al-Haram is one of his significant historical works about … Read more

Law & Ethics – Determining the Differences

This was a single lecture delivered by Ustad Soroush Mahallati at Muassaseh Miftah-e Keramat on Wednesday, December 6th, 2023. The topic of the discussion is was differentiating between jurisprudential and ethical propositions, and whether such a distinction is possible or not. In the last few decades, several scholars in Iran have brought up this subject … Read more

The Historical Reading of Religious Thought

By Shaykh Haider Hobbollah The traditional mindset was accustomed to eliminating the distinction between thought and reality in a sense, between the self and the other, between the subjective and the objective, between the mental and the external etc. in their perception and conception of human knowledge. When a researcher or thinker addresses a topic … Read more

The Nail in the Door & the Conference of Baghdad’s Scholars

By Shaykh Mahdi Masaeli The ‘nail in the door’ detail in eulogies recited during Fatimiyyah has become popular in the last hundred years. There are two references for this story, neither of which have any historical credibility. One is a line of poetry by Shaykh Muhammad Husayn Gharavi Isfahani, also known as Shaykh Kumpani (1296-1361 … Read more

Superstition Creators, Accepters, and Assumers

By Shaykh Muhammad Andalib Hamedani The history of superstition creation and removal goes back to the past of human culture and civilization. There have always been people whose lives are not centered around reason and knowledge, but rather, their existence is spent in the prison of ignorance and in the captivity of futile and false … Read more

Integrating Game-Design Elements to Teach Propositional Logic & Logical Fallacies

The Philosophy for Children Co-operative (P4C) is a pedagogic approach developed by Mathew Lipman that centres on teaching thinking skills and the ability to question and reason. It is a student-led, inquiry based approach to learning. The curriculum and pedagogical approach is practiced in over 60 countries, including many schools in Iran. The underlying principle … Read more

Why Teachers Need to Learn Philosophy of Training & Education

This is an abridged translation of a paper published in 2008 by Dr. Shaheen Irwani, Dr. Mohammed-Reza Sharafi and Murad-Yari Dehnawi, from Tehran University. The original Farsi paper can be accessed directly here. For the sake of brevity, no footnotes, the abstract nor the bibliography have been translated, and the literature review section in the … Read more

The Importance of Progress in Our Lifestyle

This is a partial translation of a speech delivered by Sayyid Khamenei to the youth in Northern Khorasan province on September 14th, 2012. The Farsi for the full speech can be accessed here. I have translated this part as I have used it in a presentation on the topic of what constitutes religiosity. One of … Read more

God of Mysticism and the God of Philosophy

By professor Abolghasem Fanaei This paper aims to comparatively study mystical theology and philosophical theology in Islamic culture. The main claim of the author is that the disagreements between Muslim mystics and philosophers regarding theology stem from a deeper difference in their definition and perception of God. Particularly, the rationality of belief in the existence … Read more

Let’s Return Back to a Balanced and Principled (Usuli) Shia’ism

By Dr. Hassan Ansari From the very beginning, Shi’ism has always experienced two dimensions or perspectives: one is an emotional and epic aspect, and the other is a rational and theoretical one. Both have sometimes complemented each other, paving the way for the historical growth of Shi’ism, and each has served Shi’ism well in its … Read more

Systematic Hadith Studies Program: Seven Valleys, Forty Stations

By Sayyid Mohammad Kazem Tabatabai Abstract: Hadith studies or the study of Hadith literature is one of the essential requirements for an Islamic scholar, which has historically been formally present in religious seminaries. Nowadays, these studies are mostly pursued individually. In this article, after explaining the criteria for selecting appropriate texts, a practical and systematic … Read more

Confrontation with Orientalism: Origins, Trends, and Outcomes

By Rasul Jafariyan The selection of this title is due to the noteworthy attention given to scholarly exchanges among researchers, both domestic and foreign, in the aforementioned summer classes. In my history of written activities, I have concurrently engaged in authorship, editing, and translation. Some of the translations have pertained to works produced in the … Read more

Experience at the 6th Annual Islamic Schools Conference in Melbourne, Australia

On August 19th and 20th, I had the opportunity to attend the 6th Annual Islamic Schools Conference in Melbourne, Australia, organized by Centre for Islamic Thought and Education (CITE). The theme of the conference was ‘Āfiyah (Well-Being), and over 350 educators, academics, leaders and other professionals participated, and several presented their experiences and insights through … Read more

Without History of Thought, We Can Never & Should Never Form Civilizational Opinions

By Rasul Jafariyan From one perspective, a distinction must be made between two groups: one that considers itself reformist and speaks of using every door for improvement, progress, civilization, and even religious and intellectual education of the people without necessarily being familiar with the original texts and important sources when discussing the past; and the … Read more

Ibn Muljam Kushan – A Cultural Festival of Iranian Shi’i Laity

An interesting excerpt I read today from a recently published book: Jashn-haye Islami-Shi’i Dar Iran (Shi’i-Islamic Commemorations in Iran) Mohsen Hesam Mazaheri. In this passage he speaks about a celebration some Shi’i laymen in certain regions of Iran commemorate on the 27th of Ramadan. During my time in Iran, I had not heard of or … Read more

Unprincipled Hadith Affinities

By Dr. Hassan Ansari Despite recent research in hadith studies and textual criticism that has shed light on the nature and characteristics of some hadith texts, unfortunately, some individuals still present any Arabic text as if it is a reliable hadith without caution or attention to the basic principles of hadith verification and sources. Such … Read more

Some Remarks on the Authenticity of Supplications in Shi’a Hadith Literature

By Dr. Hassan Ansari Questions and doubts occasionally arise regarding the authenticity of certain supplication or ziyarat texts in the Shi’a hadith literature. However, two crucial aspects are often overlooked in such discussions: 1) Most supplication and ziyarat texts are, in fact, combined and merged versions of supplications and ziyarat taken from older and earlier … Read more

Theology for Muslim Educators – Lesson 2

This is an abridged transcript of the second lesson on Theology for Muslim Educators. If you are interested in watching the recordings of this lecture series, please visit the course page for more details (or alternatively, email to request access to the course). Recap of Lesson 1 In summary, we discussed how knowledge was … Read more

Out of Seminary Educational Experiences: The Bakhtiari Nomads in the Shirez Canyon

When reflecting upon various learning and growth opportunities I experienced during my time in the seminary of Qom between 2012 to 2021, one of the most profound educational experiences I had was in the summer of 2021. I and 2 other friends from the seminary decided to drive to a canyon called Shirez Canyon, and … Read more

Appreciating a Scholar – a Century Later

One of the scholars of the 19th century that I came across during my readings in 2014 and have always been fascinated by is Shaykh Hadi Tehrani (1837-1905). Shaykh Hadi did his initial studies in Isfahan but later moved to Najaf to study under Shaykh Ansari (d. 1864). After the demise of Shaykh Ansari, he … Read more

An Unanswered Curiosity Regarding Shaykh Tusi

Was recently reading something related to Shaykh Tusi (d. 460/1067), and it reminded me of a point about his biography that I have not been able to reach a convincing conclusion and explanation for. In some of the Sunni bibliographical works, it says that he grew up as a Shafi’i Sunni, specializing in Shafi’i jurisprudence, … Read more

Theology for Muslim Educators – Lesson 1

This is an abridged transcript of the first lesson on Theology for Muslim Educators. If you are interested in watching the recordings of this lecture series, please visit the course page on Al Haadi School’s website, fill up the registration form and you will be contacted via email. Introduction Sayyid Ali is helping a small … Read more

2. Engaging with the Prophetic Seerah | The Dictations

  In this episode of The Dictations we discuss the importance of the Prophetic Seerah, the need to study the different dimensions of the Prophet (p), incorporating the Seerah in the Islamic Studies curriculum, and conducting thematic analysis on the Seerah. Don’t forget to subscribe to the Iqra Online channel for video updates! Video Timestamps … Read more

1. The Amali Genre | The Dictations

Join us on Iqra Online’s first video of The Dictations. In this episode, we discuss what were al-Amali works that were produced by Muslim scholars, particularly between the 3rd the 6th century hijri. Don’t forget to subscribe to the Iqra Online channel for video updates! Video Timestamps 0:00 Intro to this series3:55 Analysis of Verse … Read more

Principle of Human Sacredness (Hurmah) & Nobility (Karamah)

These are edited transcripts of khārij lessons given between December 15th 2018 to December 29th 2018, on the topic of Citizenship Law and Religious Minorities by Shaykh Haider Hobbollah. In the context of religious minorities living under an Islamic government, there are various jurisprudential principles that can be cited to manage the rights of such … Read more

Interview with Ghulam Reza Fayyazi | Theologian or Philosopher? | Critique of Sadrian Philosophy | Philosophy and Religious Texts

Below is an interview conducted by Hadi Al Lawati on his show Hira (حَيْرَة) with contemporary Iranian philosopher Ustad Ghulam Reza Fayyazi. Some of the opinions and works of Ustad Fayyazi have been published on Iqra Online in the past such as: The English translations of the first few transcripts of his explanation of Bidāyah … Read more

New Book Launch: A Memorandum on Intersectarian Harmony in Islam

Purchase Here We are happy to announce the release of the translation of Shaykh Haider’s book Risalah Salam Madhhabi – A Memorandum on Intersectarian Harmony in Islam. This book is an open memorandum to all the Muslims of the world, whether Shīʿa, Sunni, Ibāḍi, Ṣūfi, etc. It is a memorandum of love and affection, of brotherhood … Read more

Does the Maqasid-Based Framework for Ijtihad Result in Secularism?

This is a transcript of lesson 103, March 3rd, 2020 from Shaykh Haider Hobollah’s classes on legal theory. Maqāṣid-Based Ijtihād and Secularism There is a major critique that says Maqāṣid-based ijtihād results in secularism, since all you are left with are these higher vague principles, and everything else becomes a mere medium to reach those … Read more

Four Idols of the Mind

In our lives, we encounter people who no matter what you say to them, will interpret you through their own minds. You will say one thing, but they will understand another thing from your words. Why? Because their minds are not clean or purified. If their minds were pure, they would understand the speaker in … Read more

Tafsir (1): Surah al-‘Alaq (Verse 1-5) | Sayyid Ali Imran

Timestamps: 0:00 Intro1:15 Narration of Hammad b. ‘Isa4:50 Preliminary Points before Exegesis12:55 Recitation of Surah al-‘Alaq14:05 Narration on the merits of reciting Surah al-‘Alaq14:55 Rhyme patterns in the Surah 15:50 What is the Prophet (p) being asked to recite?20:45 Khaliqiyyah (Creatorship) & Rububiyyah (Lordship)28:00 Major blessings mentioned in the first 5 verses29:40 Acknowledgements required from … Read more

Have the Shi’a Forgotten the Prophet (p)?

Reflections & Thoughts | For those interested in this new format called “Reflections & Thoughts”, please read the first two paragraphs in this post. There is a sentiment against the Shī‘ī community that they do not concern themselves with the Prophet (p) as they do not make much mention of him (p) in their gatherings, … Read more

From the Narration of Ghadir to Eid of Ghadir

By Rasul Jafarian The ḥadīth of Ghadīr or the day of Ghadīr is a reference to an event that took place in 10th hijri on the 18th of Dhi al-Ḥijjah, near a location called Ghadīr Khumm. As historical reports transmit, the Messenger of Allah was returning to Medina after completing his Hajj Tamattu‘ and asked … Read more

Advanced Jurisprudential Discussions on Musical Instruments | Lesson 7

f) The last contextual indicator we can cite is by employing another principle from legal theory on the narrations themselves. We have narrations that absolutely prohibit musical instruments, while another set of narration prohibits them based on lahw. Based on discussions in legal theory, this is a simple reconciliation where we can restrict the absolute … Read more

Advanced Jurisprudential Discussions on Musical Instruments | Lesson 3

In our previous lesson, we said that the intellect does not directly comment or give a judgement on specific musical instruments. However, if we consider musical instruments under a certain category which the intellect deems to be detested, then it may be possible to deem it impermissible. Nevertheless, we saw that these categories, such as … Read more

Advanced Jurisprudential Discussions on Musical Instruments | Lesson 2

Our jurists generally begin their discussions based on the narrations, whereas we have reiterated many times that a discussion should begin with the intellect, then the Quran, and then eventually the hadith. We have explained this order in other discussions. Many jurists think since we have a plethora of narrations on numerous topics from the … Read more

Advanced Jurisprudential Discussions on Musical Instruments | Lesson 1

These are transcripts from 12 advanced jurisprudence lessons given on singing (al-ghinā’) by Ustad Soroush Mahallati. These lessons were given during the Norouz holidays of March, 2022. A discussion on singing and musical instruments given by Ayatullah Sayyid Khamenei was also published on Iqra Online in 2018 which can be read here [Part 1, Part … Read more

Humans in the Era of Awaiting

What is the nature of humans in the era of awaiting (intiẓār), or what ought to be their nature? If we were to describe a human, a believer in particular, who lives in the era of awaiting, what qualities or characteristics would they have? For example, some may say a human living in the era … Read more

Syntactic and Morphological Principles | al-Usul al-Nahwiyyah wa al-Sarfiyyah

Below are notes I made from an advanced class on Arabic grammar taught by Shaykh ‘Abid Husayn in Madrassah Imam al-Hadi (a) in Qom in 2020, based on the doctorate thesis al-Uṣūl al-Naḥwīyyah wa al-Ṣarfīyyah by Dr. Muhammad Abdullah Qasim, which is an analysis on the book al-Ḥujjah of Abū ‘Alī al-Fārisī (d. 377). Although … Read more

Familiarity with the Tradition: A Prerequisite for Reform

A recent public exchange with Shaykh Arif on the topic of Ziyārat ‘Āshūrā’ left me thinking about the importance of familiarity with the religious intellectual tradition before advocating for reform, particularly for those who have positioned themselves or naturally assumed the spot of being on the forefront of a growing reform movement. In this post, … Read more

Umm al-Baneen – From Demise to Martyrdom

This post is a rough translation of a post written by an Iranian researcher and scholar Mahdi Masaeli. 13 Jumada al-Thani is recognized as the day of the demise of Umm al-Baneen, the wife of Imam ‘Ali (a), the mother of ‘Abbas (r). However, books of history and hadith do not record any date for … Read more

Imitating the Infallibles (i)

Reflections & Thoughts | For those interested in this new format called “Reflections & Thoughts”, please read the first two paragraphs in this post. For the latter part of my time in the seminary, I was very much grappling with discussions on ethics and law. These discussions took me to all sorts of literature and scholarship being … Read more

The Perseverance of Fatima (s)

Imam ‘Alī (a) said: A lady came in the presence of Fāṭima al-Ṣiddīqa (s) and said, “I have an elderly mother, and she has gotten confused over a ruling in prayers. She has sent me to you to ask about it.” She (s) answered her question, so the lady asked her a second time. She … Read more

“La Uqsimu” in the Quran: I Swear or I Do Not Swear?

In a number of places in the Qurān the phrase lā uqsimu has been used. Consider the following verses: 1) Surah Wāqi‘ah فَلَا أُقْسِمُ بِمَوَاقِعِ النُّجُومِ – 56:75 وَإِنَّهُ لَقَسَمٌ لَّوْ تَعْلَمُونَ عَظِيمٌ – 56:76  [56:75] So, I swear by the setting places of the stars, [56:76] and it is certainly a great oath if … Read more

Role of Tribes in the Prophetic Seerah

Reflections & Thoughts | To know more about this format called “Reflections & Thoughts”, please read the first two paragraphs in this post. It is quite observable that the general community does not have much of an affinity with the Prophetic Seerah. Historically speaking there have been a few reasons for this, though whether those reasons … Read more

Completion of Religion & Teachings of the Imams

Back in my mid-to-late teenage years, a question would often boggle my mind. If the religion of Islam was completed on the day of Ghadīr, as the verse of the Quran also indicates, then how was it that the traditions of the Imams (a) were seemingly teaching us rulings that were not taught by the … Read more

Mutahhar b. Tahir al-Maqdisi Commenting on the Impact of Storytellers

Storytellers (al-Quṣṣāṣ) have always remained an important segment of any society. Stories are an excellent way to sway people to a certain direction, to admonish them, or to simply pass on wisdom and lessons in the most attractive way possible. Indeed the Quran also narrates stories, though a vast majority of Muslim exegetes have generally … Read more

Part 2: Halo and Horn Effect & Insincerity in Our Critiques

Building off of a previous post regarding the halo and horn effect in the way we observe and interpret historical personalities, another manifestation of this cognitive bias occurs when we wish to engage in academic evaluation or criticism of a person’s views or behaviour. One of the ways opponents and enemies of prophets & messengers … Read more

Film Review: The Lady of Heaven

Alert: there are tons of spoilers in the post. Got an opportunity to watch the recently released film The Lady of Heaven. Given the $15 million spent on it, I was hoping for something far better and meaningful in terms of storytelling. Unfortunately, this film didn’t really live up to the – relatively low – … Read more

Specification of the Majority – Takhsis al-Akthar

In the Fiqh class of Food & Drinks, lessons 115-117 on March 21st – 23rd of 2020, the principle of Takhṣīṣ al-Akthar – Specification of the Majority – was discussed. Here I wanted to share some points summarized from those lessons. For more details, see volume 3 of Fiqh al-Aṭ‘imah wa al-Ashribah, pgs. 432-446. The … Read more

Refutation of Sayyid Murtada’s Treatise on an Imam’s Ghusl al-Mayyit by Sayyid Abdullah Shubbar

This is a response to Sayyid Murtaḍa’s treatise on Who is Responsible for an Imam’s Ghusl al-Mayyit by Sayyid ‘Abdullah Shubbar (1188/1774 – 1242/1827) in his Maṣābīḥ al-Anwār, vol. 2, pg. 250. What we have transmitted from al-Ṣadūq in his al-‘Uyūn with his chain in a lengthy narration from al-Riḍā (a) who said: “No one washes … Read more

Sayyid Murtada’s Treatise on Who is Responsible for an Imam’s Ghusl al-Mayyit

What follows is the translation of a very short treatise written by Sayyid Murtaḍa (d. 436/1044) on who is responsible for an infallible Imam’s ghusl after their demise. This became a significant issue after the martyrdom of Imam al-Kāẓim (a), when the Wāqifīyya began casting doubt on the Imamate of Imam al-Riḍā (a) by saying … Read more

The Shia, Rafida, and the Martyrdom of Lady Fatima in 2nd Century Hijri

From: Early Ibadi Theology: New Material on Rational Thought in Islam from the Pen of Al-Fazārī (2nd/8th Century) Al-Fazārī’s writings are a unique source of information about Ibadi teachings on ʿilm al-kalām and the early development of this branch of religious knowledge. It is for this reason that scholars of Islamic theology are particularly interested in early … Read more

Shaykh al-Ishraq’s Attitude Towards Mantiq (Logic)

One of the areas in Illuminationist philosophy that has yet to be extensively studied by scholars is the views and attitude of Suhrawardī (1154–1191) towards logic. While some studies have been conducted, they appear to be in their infancy and by a limited number of scholars, as opposed to studies that have been conducted on … Read more

Madhaq al-Shari‘ah (Taste of Shari‘ah) and Ruh al-Shari‘ah (Spirit of the Law)

Madhāq al-Sharī‘ah (Taste of Sharī‘ah) and Rūḥ al-Sharī‘ah (Spirit of the Law) These are transcriptions of lessons 63 to 68 held between December 31st, 2019 to January 8th 2020 in Qom, given by Shaykh Haider Hobollah. These are from the khārij of Uṣūl al-Fiqh on the topic of Maqāṣid al-Sharī‘ah. For a more detailed elaboration … Read more

Istiqbal wa Istidbar al-Qibla

This paper seeks to investigate the legal ruling on using the toilet while facing the qiblah or with your back towards it (istiqbāl wa istidbār al-qiblah). Scholarly Opinions The earliest opinion on the topic is what has been attributed to Ibn al-Junayd (d. 4th century) who opined it is mustaḥabb to turn one’s front or … Read more

Sufficing With a Woman’s Adhan

One of the popular rulings within Islamic law is that if a woman gives the adhan, it does not suffice for a man who is a stranger to her, and most have also opined that this is true even if the man who hears the adhan is related to her (i.e. she is his maram). Amongst the classical scholars, the only exception we find is Shaykh Tusi who writes in his al-Mabsut1 that if a woman does happen to give the adhan for men, they can follow it and subsequently give the iqamah themselves

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Ayatullah Borujerdi & 9th of Rabi’ al-Awwal

Source: Memoirs of Ayatullah Montazeri, vol. 1, pg. 155. Ayatullah Montazeri (d. 2009) writes: ‘I remember when Ayatullah Amini (d. 1970) – author of al-Ghadir – visited Isfahan, we also went to greet him as he was speaking in the Seyed Mosque of Isfahan. During his lecture series, he spoke on the issue of the … Read more

Iqra Companion to Seminary Studies (3): Study Guide for Epistemology, Logic & Philosophy

Epistemology (Ma‘rifat Shināsī, Naẓarīyyat al-Ma‘rifah) Unfortunately, despite its importance, epistemology is typically not formally taught within seminaries at the introductory level, although it may be taught in specific institutes or those doing certain specializations in the seminaries during their masters. Even though this subject is not taught formally, many teachers of logic and philosophy will … Read more

Iqra Companion to Seminary Studies (2): Study Guide for Arabic

Study Guide What follows is a study guide for students who enter the seminaries with the intention of getting a better understanding of the Islamic tradition. Once again, this is not a foolproof guide, rather it should be taken as an advisory guide. Arabic Arabic Morphology (al-Ṣarf) The Arabic language is a language where many … Read more

Ibn Abi al-Hadid and the Prophet’s Demise

Reflections & Thoughts | For those interested in this new format called “Reflections & Thoughts”, please read the first two paragraphs in this post. Popularly, most Muslims seemed to agree that the Prophet (p) passed away due to some sort of illness. A large number of them seemed to have acknowledged this was due to … Read more

Shahadah and Halakah

Reflections & Thoughts  After a number of unforeseen circumstances brought life in the seminary for myself and a number of other brothers to an abrupt end, transitioning back into the Western world and adjusting to the drastically different life has not been easy, to say the least. It also had certain repercussions for Iqra Online … Read more

Principle of al-Ilzam and the Practice of the Commoners (Sirah al-Uqala)

The last few weeks, Ustad Soroush Mahallati was briefly covering the qā‘idah al-ilzām (QI) and summarized the evidence for and against it in around thirty sessions. The lessons also covered the views of Sayyid Sīstānī who does not accept this principle and instead offers an alternative theory called al-maqāṣa al-naw‘īyyah and critical observations were also … Read more

Ep. 54 The Forties – Teaching the Pathways to Guidance

Al-Salam ‘Alaykum, this is Syed Ali Imran – and you are listening to the Forties podcast, brought to you by Mizan Institute. This is episode 54 – Teaching the Pathways to Guidance عَنْ أَبِي جَعْفَرٍ ع قَالَ: مَنْ‏ عَلَّمَ‏ بَابَ‏ هُدًى‏ فَلَهُ مِثْلُ أَجْرِ مَنْ عَمِلَ بِهِ وَ لَا يُنْقَصُ أُولَئِكَ مِنْ أُجُورِهِمْ شَيْئاً وَ … Read more

Ep. 53 The Forties – The Reward for Establishing a Good Practice

Al-Salam ‘Alaykum, this is Syed Ali Imran – and you are listening to the Forties podcast, brought to you by Mizan Institute. This is episode 53 – The Reward for Establishing a Good Practice أَبِي جَعْفَرٍ ع قَالَ: أَيُّمَا عَبْدٍ مِنْ عِبَادِ اللَّهِ سَنَّ سُنَّةَ هُدًى كَانَ لَهُ أَجْرٌ مِثْلُ أَجْرِ مَنْ عَمِلَ بِذَلِكَ مِنْ … Read more

Ep. 52 The Forties – The Reward for Looking at the Quran

Al-Salam ‘Alaykum, this is Syed Ali Imran – and you are listening to the Forties podcast, brought to you by Mizan Institute. This is episode 52 – The Reward for Looking at the Qurān   عَنْ إِسْحَاقَ بْنِ عَمَّارٍ عَنْ أَبِي عَبْدِ الله (عَلَيهِ السَّلام) قَالَ قُلْتُ لَهُ جُعِلْتُ فِدَاكَ إِنِّي أَحْفَظُ الْقُرْآنَ عَلَى ظَهْرِ … Read more

Ep. 51 The Forties – The Reward for Reciting the Quran

Al-Salam ‘Alaykum, this is Syed Ali Imran – and you are listening to the Forties podcast, brought to you by Mizan Institute. This is episode 51 – The Reward for Reciting the Qurān عَنِ الْحُسَيْنِ بْنِ عَلِيٍّ ع قَالَ: مَنْ قَرَأَ آيَةً مِنْ كِتَابِ اللَّهِ عَزَّ وَ جَلَّ فِي صَلَاتِهِ قَائِماً يُكْتَبُ لَهُ بِكُلِّ حَرْفٍ … Read more

Ep. 50 The Forties – Blessing the House with the Recitation of the Quran

Al-Salam ‘Alaykum, this is Syed Ali Imran – and you are listening to the Forties podcast, brought to you by Mizan Institute. This is episode 50 – Blessing the House with the Recitation of the Quran عَنْ أَبِي عَبْدِ اللَّهِ ع قَالَ قَالَ أَمِيرُ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ ع‏ الْبَيْتُ الَّذِي يُقْرَأُ فِيهِ الْقُرْآنُ وَ يُذْكَرُ اللَّهُ عَزَّ … Read more

Ep. 49 The Forties – The Sunnah for Recommended Fasts

Al-Salam ‘Alaykum, this is Syed Ali Imran – and you are listening to the Forties podcast, brought to you by Mizan Institute. This is episode 49 – The Sunnah for Recommended Fasts   زُرَارَةَ قَالَ: قُلْتُ لِأَبِي عَبْدِ اللَّهِ ع بِمَا جَرَتِ السُّنَّةُ مِنَ الصَّوْمِ فَقَالَ ثَلَاثَةُ أَيَّامٍ فِي كُلِّ شَهْرٍ الْخَمِيسُ فِي الْعَشْرِ الْأَوَّلِ … Read more

Ep. 48 The Forties – A Fast That Equals One’s Entire Life

Al-Salam ‘Alaykum, this is Syed Ali Imran – and you are listening to the Forties podcast, brought to you by Mizan Institute. This is episode 48 – A Fast That Equals One’s Entire Life قَالَ أَمِيرُ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ ع‏ صِيَامُ شَهْرِ الصَّبْرِ وَ ثَلَاثَةِ أَيَّامٍ فِي كُلِّ شَهْرٍ يَذْهَبْنَ بِبَلَابِلِ الصُّدُورِ وَ صِيَامُ ثَلَاثَةِ أَيَّامٍ فِي … Read more

Ep. 47 The Forties – Benefiting from the Night of Qadr

Al-Salam ‘Alaykum, this is Syed Ali Imran – and you are listening to the Forties podcast, brought to you by Mizan Institute. This is episode 47 – Benefiting from the Night of Qadr أَبِي جَعْفَرٍ ع قَالَ: إِنَّ النَّبِيَّ ص لَمَّا انْصَرَفَ‏ مِنْ‏ عَرَفَاتٍ‏ وَ سَارَ إِلَى مِنًى دَخَلَ الْمَسْجِدَ فَاجْتَمَعَ إِلَيْهِ النَّاسُ يَسْأَلُونَهُ عَنْ … Read more

Ep. 46 The Forties – The Merits of the Month of Ramadan

Al-Salam ‘Alaykum, this is Syed Ali Imran – and you are listening to the Forties podcast, brought to you by Mizan Institute. This is episode 46 – The Merits of the Month of Ramadan أَبِي جَعْفَرٍ ع قَالَ: خَطَبَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ ص فِي آخِرِ جُمُعَةٍ مِنْ شَعْبَانَ فَحَمِدَ اللَّهَ وَ أَثْنَى عَلَيْهِ ثُمَّ قَالَ أَيُّهَا … Read more

Ep. 45 The Forties – The Gifts of God to Those Fasting in Sha’ban

Al-Salam ‘Alaykum, this is Syed Ali Imran – and you are listening to the Forties podcast, brought to you by Mizan Institute. This is episode 45 – The Gifts of God to Those Fasting in Sha’ban قَالَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ ص وَ قَدْ تَذَاکَرَ أَصْحَابُهُ عِنْدَهُ فَضَائِلَ شَعْبَانَ قَالَ شَهْرٌ شَرِیفٌ وَ هُوَ شَهْرِی وَ حَمَلَهُ … Read more

Ep. 44 The Forties – The Fast of Rajab is More Valuable Than All the Gold on Earth

Al-Salam ‘Alaykum, this is Syed Ali Imran – and you are listening to the Forties podcast, brought to you by Mizan Institute. This is episode 44 – The Fast of Rajab is More Valuable Than All the Gold on Earth قَالَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ ص‏ أَلَا إِنَ‏ رَجَباً شَهْرُ اللَّهِ‏ وَ شَعْبَانَ شَهْرِي وَ رَمَضَانَ شَهْرُ … Read more

Advanced Jurisprudential Discussions on Ghina – Singing

بسمه تعالى These are transcripts from 12 advanced jurisprudence lessons given on singing (al-ghinā’) by Ustad Soroush Mahallati. These lessons were given during the Norouz holidays of March 2021. A discussion on singing and musical instruments by Ayatullah Sayyid Khamenei was also published on Iqra Online in 2018 which can be read here [Part 1, … Read more

The Uprising of Abu al-Khattab in Nusayri Sources

This is an abridged and amalgamated translation of two of four entries written by Ustad Baqir Malekian on the Nuṣāyrīs. Introduction Our study and analysis of history are defective. From the one who believes Saqīfa was merely a historical incident that has no relevance for us today, to the one who thinks the Akhbārī and … Read more

The Reality of Revelation & Religious Experience | Part 4

These are transcripts of lessons on “Reality of Revelation and Religious Experience” delivered by Shaykh Haider Hobbollah once a week in 2021. Lesson 4 – May 4th, 2021 The Sadrians Although Sadrian philosophers borrowed certain similar terms and concepts from the Peripateticc, there are also some substantial differences between the two schools on the discussion … Read more

Nahj al-Balagha – From Tashayyu‘ to Tasannun

By Dr. Hassan Ansari | Originally published on his Telegram channel Unlike what is commonly assumed, Shī‘ī scholars did not pay as much attention to Nahj al-Balāgha in the past as one would hope. The earliest commentaries on it were written by the Mu‘tazalis and other scholars of the Ahl al-Sunnah. One finds them, particularly … Read more

The Night of Qadr – The Night of Value

The land on which a mosque is built is no different than any other piece of land before it is dedicated for worship. These lands are inherently the same until we come and tie the piece of land to God and the servitude of people. The fact that this land then builds a relationship between … Read more

The Reality of Revelation & Religious Experience | Part 2

These are transcripts of lessons on “Reality of Revelation and Religious Experience” delivered by Shaykh Haider Hobbollah once a week in 2021. Lesson 2 – April 20th 2021 2. Another critique on the theologians’ interpretation is offered by the philosophers – particularly Sadrian philosophers and mystics – who say there is a methodological fallacy in … Read more

The Reality of Revelation & Religious Experience | Part 1

These are transcripts of lessons on “Reality of Revelation and Religious Experience” delivered by Shaykh Haider Hobbollah in the month of Ramadhan 1442 AH / 2021. Lesson 1 – April 13th 2021 – Introduction to Revelation In these lessons we wish to engage with the topic of revelation (waḥī), what is it, how was it defined … Read more

Role of a Cause (‘Illah) in Altering the Apparent Meaning of an Obligatory Command & Prohibition

One of the most important disputes in contemporary legal theory discussions revolves around the nature of cause (‘illah) and wisdom (ḥikmah) behind a religious law legislated by Allah (swt). If one can determine the cause for a certain rule, it can have a series of repercussions as changes in time and place can lead to … Read more

Qiyas & The Mysterious Case of Ibn al-Junayd

These are transcripts written over the course of 5 lessons (lesson 118-122 – April 8th to April 14th 2019) from the advanced lessons on Usul al-Fiqh delivered by Shaykh Haider Hobbollah in Qom. As these are transcripts made in class, for those interested in the more detailed format of this discussion, please refer to the … Read more

Congregational Prayers and the Community in the Prophet’s (p) Sirah

Introduction In a paper published by the recently launched Ayaan Institute, titled Creating a New Civilisation of Islam written by Jahangir Mohammed, the author offers a 12-point plan with practical working principles required to work towards the formation of an Islamic civilization. The very first principle mentioned is the idea of uniting through connectivity. The … Read more

Ep. 43 The Forties – Reward For Fasting While Others Are Eating

Spotify | Google Al-Salam ‘Alaykum, this is Syed Ali Imran – and you are listening to the Forties podcast, brought to you by Mizan Institute. حَدَّثَنَا أَحْمَدُ بْنُ زِيَادِ بْنِ جَعْفَرٍ الْهَمَدَانِيُّ رِضْوَانُ اللَّهِ عَلَيْهِ قَالَ حَدَّثَنَا عَلِيُّ بْنُ إِبْرَاهِيمَ بْنِ هَاشِمٍ عَنْ أَبِيهِ عَنِ الْحُسَيْنِ بْنِ يَزِيدَ النَّوْفَلِيِّ عَنْ إِسْمَاعِيلَ بْنِ أَبِي زِيَادٍ عَنِ … Read more

Ep. 42 The Forties – Part 2: God’s Mercy in Rewarding His Servants

Spotify | Google Al-Salam ‘Alaykum, this is Syed Ali Imran – and you are listening to the Forties podcast, brought to you by Mizan Institute. This is episode 42 – God’s Mercy in Rewarding His Servants مُحَمَّدُ بْنُ يَحْيَى عَنْ مُحَمَّدِ بْنِ الْحُسَيْنِ عَنْ مُحَمَّدِ بْنِ سِنَانٍ عَنْ عِمْرَانَ الزَّعْفَرَانِيِّ عَنْ مُحَمَّدِ بْنِ مَرْوَانَ قَالَ … Read more

The Reasons for the Conversion of Persia to Islam

By Shaykh Rasul Ja’fariyan [Source] Persia converted to Islam much more easily compared to other regions, although naturally it still took some time. The difference between Persians converting to Islam as opposed to people converting in other parts of the world was that almost all Persians converted to Islam over the course of three-four centuries. … Read more

The Concept of Superstitions (Khurafa) in Islamic Civilization

By Shaykh Rasul Jafariyan [Source] Kharaf (خرف) linguistically means ‘corruption of the ‘aql (reason) due to old age.’ However, the word has been used in meanings that convey similar concepts, such as stupidity and nonsensical. One of the closest concepts to this meaning is the phrase ‘ḥadīth of Khurāfa’, regarding a man named Khurāfa from … Read more

The Theme of Salvation & Quranic Stories

The following is a summarized transcription of a lecture given by Dr. Ahmad Pakatchi on December 5th, 2020 for Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran. — History has numerous definitions. I prefer to define history as the understanding of the relationship between past events and actions that create a change in humanity, that are worth remembering. Therefore, … Read more

Tasting the Mercy of God

One reason that causes many Muslims today to be so untuned with Islam altogether is their distance from classical Arabic. Perhaps some of my classmates will remember the first day of ‘Ilm al-Balāgha class (the science of eloquence and rhetoric) with one of our favourite teachers a number of years ago. As the class began … Read more

Ep. 40 The Forties – Allah Will Expose the Show-Off

Spotify | Google Al-Salam ‘Alaykum, this is Syed Ali Imran – and you are listening to the Forties podcast, brought to you by Mizan Institute. This is episode 40 – Allah Will Expose the Show-Off عُمَرَ بْنِ يَزِيدَ قَالَ: إِنِّي لَأَتَعَشَّى مَعَ أَبِي عَبْدِ اللَّهِ ع إِذْ تَلَا هَذِهِ الْآيَةَ- بَلِ الْإِنْسانُ عَلى‏ نَفْسِهِ بَصِيرَةٌ … Read more

Ep. 39 The Forties – Seeking Praise from Others

Spotify | Google Al-Salam ‘Alaykum, this is Syed Ali Imran – and you are listening to the Forties podcast, brought to you by Mizan Institute. This is episode 39 – Seeking Praise from Others أَبِي جَعْفَرٍ ع قَالَ: سَأَلْتُهُ عَنِ الرَّجُلِ يَعْمَلُ الشَّيْ‏ءَ مِنَ‏ الْخَيْرِ فَيَرَاهُ‏ إِنْسَانٌ‏ فَيَسُرُّهُ ذَلِكَ فَقَالَ لَا بَأْسَ مَا مِنْ أَحَدٍ … Read more

Ep. 38 The Forties – Reaching the Reality of Sincerity

Spotify | Google Al-Salam ‘Alaykum, this is Syed Ali Imran – and you are listening to the Forties podcast, brought to you by Mizan Institute. This is episode 38 – Reaching the Reality of Sincerity قَالَ ع‏ إِنَّ لِكُلِّ حَقٍّ حَقِيقَةً وَ مَا بَلَغَ عَبْدٌ حَقِيقَةَ الْإِخْلَاصِ حَتَّى لَا يُحِبَ‏ أَنْ‏ يُحْمَدَ عَلَى شَيْ‏ءٍ مِنْ … Read more

Ep. 37 The Forties – The Signs of a Showoff

Spotify | Google Al-Salam ‘Alaykum, this is Syed Ali Imran – and you are listening to the Forties podcast, brought to you by Mizan Institute. This is episode 37 – The Signs of a Show-off قالَ أَمِيرُ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ ع‏ ثَلَاثُ عَلَامَاتٍ‏ لِلْمُرَائِي‏ يَنْشَطُ إِذَا رَأَى النَّاسَ وَ يَكْسَلُ إِذَا كَانَ وَحْدَهُ وَ يُحِبُّ أَنْ يُحْمَدَ … Read more

Ep. 36 The Forties – Showing Off Prevents the Acceptance of Deeds

Spotify | Google Al-Salam ‘Alaykum, this is Syed Ali Imran – and you are listening to the Forties podcast, brought to you by Mizan Institute. This is episode 36 – Showing Off Blocks the Acceptance of Deeds وقال صلى الله عليه وآله: وقد سئل فيم النجاة؟ قال: أن لا يعمل العبد بطاعة الله يريد بها … Read more

Ep. 35 The Forties – The Sign of Sincerity

Spotify | Google Al-Salam ‘Alaykum, this is Syed Ali Imran – and you are listening to the Forties podcast, brought to you by Mizan Institute. This is episode 35 – The Sign of Sincerity أشار ص بقوله‏ يَا أَبَا ذَرٍّ لَا يَفْقَهُ‏ الرَّجُلُ‏ كُلَ‏ الْفِقْهِ‏ حَتَّى يَرَى النَّاسَ أَمْثَالَ الْأَبَاعِرِ فَلَا يَحْفِلُ بِوُجُودِهِمْ‏ وَ لَا … Read more

Ep. 34 The Forties – Seeking Attention Is to Remove One’s Self from Allah’s Servitude

Spotify | Google Al-Salam ‘Alaykum, this is Syed Ali Imran – and you are listening to the Forties podcast, brought to you by Mizan Institute. This is episode 34 – Seeking Other’s Attention Is to Remove One’s Self from Allah’s Servitude عَنْهُ عَنِ الْحَسَنِ بْنِ مَحْبُوبٍ عَنْ مُحَمَّدِ بْنِ الْقَاسِمِ الْهَاشِمِيِّ قَالَ سَمِعْتُ أَبَا عَبْدِ … Read more

Ep. 33 The Forties – A Valley for the Showoffs in Hellfire

Spotify | Google Al-Salam ‘Alaykum, this is Syed Ali Imran – and you are listening to the Forties podcast, brought to you by Mizan Institute. This is episode 33 – A Valley for the Showoffs in Hellfire وَ قَالَ ص‏ اسْتَعِيذُوا بِاللَّهِ مِنْ جُبِّ الْخِزْيِ قِيلَ وَ مَا هُوَ يَا رَسُولَ اللَّهِ قَالَ وَادٍ فِي‏ … Read more

Ep. 32 The Forties – Sincerity Dictates the Value of Ones Deeds

Spotify | Google Al-Salam ‘Alaykum, this is Syed Ali Imran – and you are listening to the Forties podcast, brought to you by Mizan Institute. This is episode 32 – Sincerity Dictates the Value of One’s Deeds عَنْهُ عَنْ عِدَّةٍ مِنْ أَصْحَابِنَا عَنْ عَلِيِّ بْنِ أَسْبَاطٍ عَنْ يَحْيَى بْنِ بَشِيرٍ النَّبَّالِ عَمَّنْ ذَكَرَهُ عَنْ أَبِي … Read more

Ep. 31 The Forties – Attaining Fame Through Worship

Spotify | Google Al-Salam ‘Alaykum, this is Syed Ali Imran – and you are listening to the Forties podcast, brought to you by Mizan Institute. This is episode 31 – Attaining Fame Through Worship عَنْهُ عَنْ عَلِيِّ بْنِ مُحَمَّدٍ الْعَلَوِيِّ عَنْ مُحَمَّدِ بْنِ أَحْمَدَ الْمُكَتِّبِ عَنْ أَحْمَدَ بْنِ مُحَمَّدٍ الْكُوفِيِّ عَنْ عَلِيِّ بْنِ الْحَسَنِ بْنِ … Read more

Ep. 30 The Forties – Saving Your Deeds by Keeping Them Concealed

Spotify | Google Al-Salam ‘Alaykum, this is Syed Ali Imran – and you are listening to the Forties podcast, brought to you by Mizan Institute. This is episode 30 – Saving Your Deeds by Keeping Them Concealed الإختصاص عَنِ الْعَالِمِ ع قَالَ: الْمُسْتَتِرُ بِالْحَسَنَةِ لَهُ سَبْعُونَ ضِعْفاً وَ الْمُذِيعُ لَهُ وَاحِدٌ وَ الْمُسْتَتِرُ بِالسَّيِّئَةِ مَغْفُورٌ … Read more

Ep. 29 The Forties – Protecting A Good Deed is More Difficult than Performing It

Spotify | Google Al-Salam ‘Alaykum, this is Syed Ali Imran – and you are listening to the Forties podcast, brought to you by Mizan Institute. This is episode 29 – Protecting a Good Deed is More Difficult than Performing it عِدَّةٌ مِنْ أَصْحَابِنَا عَنْ سَهْلِ بْنِ زِيَادٍ عَنْ عَلِيِّ بْنِ أَسْبَاطٍ عَنْ بَعْضِ أَصْحَابِهِ عَنْ … Read more

The Principles of Philosophy and the Method of Realism | Summary of Article 3 [Knowledge and Perception]

Preliminaries 1. The subject-matter of this article is the identification of the substance of knowledge and the soul from the perspective of it being immaterial or material – at all levels of perception (sensory, imaginative, and intellectual). 2. Perception is divided into three: a) sensory (when senses are connected to external reality) b) imaginative (a … Read more

Ep. 28 The Forties – Sincerity: A Necessary Condition for Interacting with God

Spotify | Google Al-Salam ‘Alaykum, this is Syed Ali Imran – and you are listening to the Forties podcast, brought to you by Mizan Institute. This is episode 28 – Sincerity: A Necessary Condition for Interacting with God النَّضْرُ بْنُ سُوَيْدٍ عَنِ الْقَاسِمِ بْنِ سُلَيْمَانَ عَنْ جَرَّاحٍ الْمَدَائِنِيِّ عَنْ أَبِي عَبْدِ اللَّهِ ع: فِي قَوْلِهِ … Read more

Ep. 27 The Forties – Sincerity of the Limbs

Spotify | Google Al-Salam ‘Alaykum, this is Syed Ali Imran – and you are listening to the Forties podcast, brought to you by Mizan Institute. This is episode 27 – Sincerity of the Limbs Hadith #26: Imam Kāẓim (a) says: ‘Alī (a) said regarding the verse of the Qurān: وَأَنَّ الْمَسَاجِدَ لِلَّهِ فَلَا تَدْعُوا مَعَ … Read more

The Principle of Justice (Part 2) – Critical Observations on Shaykh Yousef Saanei

Click for Part One. Second Argument: One of the most important arguments for the principle of justice is the intellect itself. The pure rational intellect very clearly attests that all religious laws need to be based on justice, and given that we believe in al-mustaqillāt al-‘aqlīyyah and the ability of the intellect to understand justice … Read more

Ep. 26 The Forties – Seeking Contentment of People in Religious Acts

Spotify | Google Al-Salam ‘Alaykum, this is Syed Ali Imran – and you are listening to the Forties podcast, brought to you by Mizan Institute. This is episode 26 – Seeking Contentment of People in Religious Acts عَنْ زُرَارَةَ وَ حُمْرَانَ عَنْ أَبِي جَعْفَرٍ ع قَالَ: لَوْ أَنَ‏ عَبْداً عَمِلَ‏ عَمَلًا يَطْلُبُ بِهِ وَجْهَ اللَّهِ … Read more

The Principle of Justice (Part 1) – Critical Observations on Shaykh Yousef Saanei

What follows are transcriptions of 7 lessons from the khārij of Fiqh classes on Jurisprudence of Citizenship Law and Religious Minorities, given by Shaykh Haider Hobbollah. These specific lessons were given between December 30th 2018 to January 8th 2019 – and in my transcription, I have also on occasion made use of the published book … Read more

Ep. 25 The Forties – Penalty for Showing Off

Spotify | Google Al-Salam ‘Alaykum, this is Syed Ali Imran – and you are listening to the Forties podcast, brought to you by Mizan Institute. This is episode 25 – The Penalty for Showing Off قَالَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ ص‏ سَيَأْتِي فِي‏ أُمَّتِي‏ زَمَانٌ‏ تَخْبُثُ فِيهِ سَرَائِرُهُمْ وَ تَحْسُنُ فِيهِ عَلَانِيَتُهُمْ طَمَعاً فِي الدُّنْيَا لَا يُرِيدُونَ … Read more

Ep. 24 The Forties – Showing Off is Polytheism Manifested Through Deeds

Spotify | Google Al-Salam ‘Alaykum, this is Syed Ali Imran – and you are listening to the Forties podcast, brought to you by Mizan Institute. This is episode 24 – Showing Off is Polytheism Manifested Through Deeds وَ فِي رِوَايَةِ أَبِي الْجَارُودِ عَنْ أَبِي جَعْفَرٍ ع قَالَ‏ سُئِلَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ ص عَنْ تَفْسِيرِ قَوْلِ اللَّهِ … Read more

Ep. 23 The Forties – Concealing Deeds from People

Spotify | Google Al-Salam ‘Alaykum, this is Syed Ali Imran – and you are listening to the Forties podcast, brought to you by Mizan Institute. This is episode 23 – Concealing Deeds from People قَالَ أَبُو عَبْدِ اللَّهِ ع‏ مَا عَلَى‏ أَحَدِكُمْ‏ لَوْ كَانَ‏ عَلَى‏ قُلَّةِ جَبَلٍ حَتَّى يَنْتَهِيَ إِلَيْهِ أَجَلُهُ أَ تُرِيدُونَ تُرَاءُونَ النَّاسَ إِنَّ … Read more

Ep. 22 The Forties – Showing Off Nullifies the Rewards for Good Deeds

Spotify | Google Al-Salam ‘Alaykum, this is Syed Ali Imran – and you are listening to the Forties podcast, brought to you by Mizan Institute. This is episode 22 – Showing Off Nullifies the Rewards for Good Deeds وَ قَالَ ص‏ إِنَّ أَوَّلَ النَّاسِ يُقْضَى يَوْمَ الْقِيَامَةِ عَلَيْهِ رَجُلٌ اسْتُشْهِدَ فَأُتِيَ بِهِ فَعَرَّفَهُ نِعَمَهُ فَعَرَفَهَا … Read more

Ep. 21 The Forties – Showing Off is Minor Polytheism

Spotify | Google Al-Salam ‘Alaykum, this is Syed Ali Imran – and you are listening to the Forties podcast, brought to you by Mizan Institute. This is episode 21 – Showing Off is Minor Polytheism وَ قَالَ ص‏ إِنَّ أَخْوَفَ مَا أَخَافُ عَلَيْكُمُ الشِّرْكُ‏ الْأَصْغَرُ قَالُوا وَ مَا الشِّرْكُ‏ الْأَصْغَرُ يَا رَسُولَ اللَّهِ قَالَ الرِّئَاءُ … Read more

Ep. 20 The Forties – Intentions: The Criteria for Evaluating Deeds

Spotify | Google Al-Salam ‘Alaykum, this is Syed Ali Imran – and you are listening to the Forties podcast, brought to you by Mizan Institute. This is episode 20 – Intention: The Criterion for Evaluating Deeds رَسُولِ اللَّهِ ص أَنَّهُ قَالَ: إِنَّمَا الْأَعْمَالُ بِالنِّيَّاتِ وَ إِنَّمَا لِامْرِئٍ مَا نَوَى فَمَنْ‏ كَانَتْ‏ هِجْرَتُهُ‏ إِلَى اللَّهِ وَ … Read more

Ep. 19 The Forties – Weighty Rewards for Sincerity

Spotify | Google Al-Salam ‘Alaykum, this is Syed Ali Imran – and you are listening to the Forties podcast, brought to you by Mizan Institute. This is episode 19 – Weighty Rewards for Sincerity وَ عَنِ الْعَسْكَرِيِّ ع‏ لَوْ جَعَلْتُ‏ الدُّنْيَا كُلَّهَا لُقْمَةً وَاحِدَةً لَقَّمْتُهَا مَنْ يَعْبُدُ اللَّهَ مُخْلِصاً [خَالِصاً] لَرَأَيْتُ أَنِّي مُقَصِّرٌ فِي حَقِّهِ … Read more

Ep. 18 The Forties – The Best Rewards are Given in Return for Sincerity

Spotify | Google Al-Salam ‘Alaykum, this is Syed Ali Imran – and you are listening to the Forties podcast, brought to you by Mizan institute. This is episode 18 – The Best Rewards are Given in Return for Sincerity قالت مولاتنا الزهراء (عليها السلام): من أصعد إلى الله خالص عبادته أهبط الله إليه أفضل مصلحته … Read more

Stipulation of Choice (Shart al-Khiyar) in the Marriage Contract

By Ustādh Rafi‘īpūr – teacher of baḥth al-khārij in Qom Translated by Sayyid Ali Introduction One of the discussions alluded to in Shaykh Anṣārī’s al-Makāsib is the notion of sharṭ al-khiyār (stipulation of choice) in the marriage contract. As per the general injunction of “al-mu’minūn ‘inda shurūṭihim”, the jurists have argued for the use of … Read more

Book Summary (Part 2): Comprehensiveness of the Shariah

Book Summary (Part 2): Comprehensiveness of the Shariah – Discussions on Extents of Legal Reference Between Intellect and Revelation Click for Part 1 Chapter Three In chapter three, the views of four prominent figures who reject the idea of the comprehensiveness of the Sharī‘ah are discussed and critiqued. The four personalities are Shaykh ‘Alī ‘Abd … Read more

Book Summary (Part 1): Comprehensiveness of the Shariah

Book Summary (Part 1): Comprehensiveness of the Shariah – Discussions on Extents of Legal Reference Between Intellect and Revelation Click for Part 2 Finally got myself to completely read the book Shumūl al-Sharī‘ah (Comprehensiveness of the Shari‘ah – Discussions on Extents of Legal Reference Between Intellect and Revelation) by Shaykh Haider Hobbollah this summer. Though … Read more

Ep. 17 The Forties – Awe and Fear A Consequence of Sincerity

Spotify | Google Al-Salam ‘Alaykum, this is Syed Ali Imran – and you are listening to the Forties podcast, brought to you by Mizan Institute. This is episode 17 – Awe & Fear – A Consequence of Sincerity عَنْ أَبِي عَبْدِ اللَّهِ ع قَالَ: إِنَّ الْمُؤْمِنَ يَخْشَعُ لَهُ كُلُّ شَيْ‏ءٍ وَ يَهَابُهُ كُلُّ شَيْ‏ءٍ ثُمَّ … Read more

Ep. 16 The Forties – Showing Off: A Highwayman

Spotify | Google Transcript: Al-Salam ‘Alaykum, this is Syed Ali Imran – and you are listening to the Forties podcast, brought to you by Mizan Institute. This is episode 16 – Showing Off – A Highwayman حَدَّثَنَا عَلِيُّ بْنُ عَبْدِ اللَّهِ الْوَرَّاقُ رَضِيَ اللَّهُ عَنْهُ قَالَ حَدَّثَنَا عَلِيُّ بْنُ مُحَمَّدِ بْنِ مَهْرَوَيْهِ الْقَزْوِينِيُّ قَالَ حَدَّثَنَا … Read more

Ep. 15 The Forties – Sincerity Correlates with Perfection in Faith

Spotify | Google Transcript: Al-Salam ‘Alaykum, this is Syed Ali Imran – and you are listening to the Forties podcast, brought to you by Mizan Institute. This is episode 15 – Sincerity Correlates with Perfection in Faith عَنْهُ عَنِ الْحَسَنِ بْنِ مَحْبُوبٍ عَنْ عَلِيِّ بْنِ رِئَابٍ عَنْ أَبِي عُبَيْدَةَ الْحَذَّاءِ عَنْ أَبِي عَبْدِ اللَّهِ ع … Read more

Ep. 14 The Forties – Sincerity – A Trust in a Muslim’s Heart

Spotify | Google Transcript Al-Salam ‘Alaykum, this is Syed Ali Imran – and you are listening to the Forties podcast, brought to you by Mizan Institute. This is episode 14 – Sincerity – A Trust in a Muslim’s Heart 3- حَدَّثَنَا مُحَمَّدُ بْنُ مُوسَى بْنِ الْمُتَوَكِّلِ رِضْوَانُ اللَّهِ عَلَيْهِ قَالَ حَدَّثَنَا عَلِيُّ بْنُ الْحُسَيْنِ السَّعْدَآبَادِيُّ … Read more

Ep. 13 The Forties – Under the Shadow of God’s Throne

Spotify | Google Transcript Al-Salam ‘Alaykum, this is Syed Ali Imran – and you are listening to the Forties podcast, brought to you by Mizan Institute. This is episode 13 – Under the Shadow of God’s Throne عَنْهُ عَنْ مُحَمَّدِ بْنِ سِنَانٍ عَنْ خَضِرٍ عَمَّنْ سَمِعَ أَبَا عَبْدِ اللَّهِ ع يَقُولُ قَالَ‏ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ ص‏ … Read more

Sayyid Abu al-Hasan Isfahani and Banning a Racist Preacher

Āyatullah Sayyid Shubayrī Zanjānī (Jura’ay-ī az Daryā, vol. 3, pg. 442-444): There was a very famous Iraqi preacher known for his excellence, extra-ordinary qualities and propagation, such that if the Arabs would generally give their speakers 1 Toman, they would give this speaker 100 Tomans. He was a contemporary of Sayyid Abu al-Ḥasan Isfahānī (d. … Read more

Ep. 12 The Forties – Sincerity – A Condition for Validity of Worship

Spotify | Google Al-Salam ‘Alaykum, this is Syed Ali Imran – and you are listening to the Forties podcast, brought to you by Mizan Institute. This is episode 12 – Sincerity – The Condition for Validity of Worship قَالَ وَ تَصْعَدُ الْحَفَظَةُ بِعَمَلِ الْعَبْدِ أَعْمَالًا بِفِقْهٍ وَ اجْتِهَادٍ وَ وَرَعٍ لَهُ صَوْتٌ كَالرَّعْدِ وَ ضَوْءٌ … Read more

Ep. 11 The Forties – Wisdom and Insight are the Result of Sincerity

Spotify | Google Transcript: Al-Salam ‘Alaykum, this is Syed Ali Imran – and you are listening to the Forties podcast, brought to you by Mizan Institute. This is episode 11 – Wisdom and Insight the Result of Sincerity وَ بِإِسْنَادِهِ قَالَ قَالَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ ص‏ مَا أَخْلَصَ عَبْدٌ لِلَّهِ عَزَّ وَ جَلَّ أَرْبَعِينَ‏ صَبَاحاً إِلَّا … Read more

Ep. 10 The Forties – Sincerity is the Greatest Blessing

Spotify | Google Transcript: Al-Salam ‘Alaykum, this is Syed Ali Imran – and you are listening to the Forties podcast, brought to you by Mizan Institute. This is episode 10 – Sincerity is the Greatest Blessing وَ عَنِ الصَّادِقِ ع‏ مَا أَنْعَمَ‏ اللَّهُ‏ عَزَّ وَ جَلَ‏ عَلَى‏ عَبْدٍ أَجَلَ‏ مِنْ أَنْ لَا يَكُونَ فِي قَلْبِهِ … Read more

Ma’idah al-Khamr – A Jurisprudential Discussion

What follows is a transcript from lessons 107 & 108 – March 9th and 10th 2020 – of last year’s advanced jurisprudence lessons on Food and Drinks given by Shaykh Haider Hobbollah in the city of Qom. The discussion below is regarding the famous ruling on the prohibiting of eating or drinking on a table … Read more

Commentary on Surah al-Zalzalah – Part 2

This is a transcript of four lessons given by Shaykh Haider Hobbollah on the commentary on Sūrah al-Zalzalah. Click for Part 1. — Verse 3 – Wa Qāla al-Insān Mā Lahā After the earth’s severe shaking, humans will say, “what is wrong with her? What is the matter with it?” This verse is speaking of … Read more

Commentary on Surah al-Zalzalah – Part 1

This is a transcript of four lessons given by Shaykh Haider Hobbollah on the commentary on Sūrah al-Zalzalah. Click for Part 2. — Names, Merits and Reasons for Revelation The chapter has been referred to in five ways in Islamic works: Surah al-Zalzalah – this is what is famous today and it is derived from … Read more

Ep. 9 The Forties – The Rejection of Insincere Deeds

  Spotify | Google Transcript: Al-Salam ‘Alaykum, this is Syed Ali Imran – and you are listening to the Forties podcast, brought to you by Mizan Institute. This is episode 9 – The Rejection of Insincere Deeds عَنْهُ عَنْ عُثْمَانَ بْنِ عِيسَى عَنْ عَلِيِّ بْنِ سَالِمٍ قَالَ سَمِعْتُ أَبَا عَبْدِ اللَّهِ ع يَقُولُ‏ قَالَ اللَّهُ … Read more

Ep. 8 The Forties – You Are Either with Allah or with Shaytan

Spotify | Google Transcript: Al-Salam ‘Alaykum, this is Syed Ali Imran – and you are listening to the Forties podcast, brought to you by Mizan Institute. This is episode 8 – You Are Either with Allah (swt) or with Shaytan عَنْهُ عَنْ أَبِيهِ عَمَّنْ رَفَعَهُ إِلَى أَبِي جَعْفَرٍ ع قَالَ قَالَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ ص‏ يَا … Read more

Jilsah al-Istirāḥa – A Jurisprudential Discussion

Introduction This paper seeks to investigate the legal ruling on an individual sitting for a brief moment (jilsah al-istirāḥa) after performing the second prostration of the first or third unit in any Ṣalāt, before getting up to continue their prayers. Most Shīʿī, Sunnī and Zaydī jurists when discussing the rulings on prayers have offered an … Read more

Ep. 7 The Forties – A Sound Heart is Empty of Other Than Allah

  Spotify | Google Transcript: Al-Salam ‘Alaykum, this is Syed Ali Imran – and you are listening to the Forties podcast, brought to you by Mizan institute. This is episode 7 – A Sound Heart is Empty of Other Than Allah وَ بِهَذَا الْإِسْنَادِ قَالَ: سَأَلْتُهُ عَنْ قَوْلِ اللَّهِ عَزَّ وَ جَلَّ- إِلَّا مَنْ أَتَى … Read more

Ep. 6 The Forties – Keeping an Act Pure is More Difficult Than Performing It

Spotify | Google Transcript: Al-Salam ‘Alaykum, this is Syed Ali Imran – and you are listening to the Forties podcast, brought to you by Mizan Institute.              This is episode 6 – Keeping an Act Pure is More Difficult Than Performing It عَلِيُّ بْنُ إِبْرَاهِيمَ عَنْ أَبِيهِ عَنِ الْقَاسِمِ بْنِ مُحَمَّدٍ عَنِ الْمِنْقَرِيِّ عَنْ سُفْيَانَ بْنِ … Read more

Ep. 5 The Forties – Sincerity: The Greatest Worship

Spotify | Google Transcript: Al-Salam ‘Alaykum, this is Syed Ali Imran – and you are listening to the Forties podcast, brought to you by Mizan Institute. This is episode 5 – Sincerity: The Greatest Worship   وَ قَالَ مُحَمَّدُ بْنُ عَلِيٍّ ع‏ أَفْضَلُ‏ الْعِبَادَةِ الْإِخْلَاص‏ Hadith #4: Imam Jawad (a) has said: The best of … Read more

Ep. 4 The Forties – Sincere Worship & Cleansing our Intentions

Spotify | Google Transcript: Al-Salam ‘Alaykum, this is Syed Ali Imran – and you are listening to the Forties podcast, brought to you by Mizan Institute. This is episode 4 – Sincere Worship and Cleansing our Intentions عَلِيُّ بْنُ إِبْرَاهِيمَ عَنْ مُحَمَّدِ بْنِ عِيسَى عَنْ يُونُسَ عَنْ عَبْدِ اللَّهِ بْنِ مُسْكَانَ عَنْ أَبِي عَبْدِ اللَّهِ … Read more

Ep. 3 The Forties – Types of Worshipers

Spotify | Google Transcript: Al-Salam ‘Alaykum, this is Syed Ali Imran – and you are listening to the Forties podcast, brought to you by Mizan Institute. This is episode 3 – Types of Worshipers. عَلِيُّ بْنُ إِبْرَاهِيمَ عَنْ أَبِيهِ عَنِ ابْنِ مَحْبُوبٍ عَنْ جَمِيلٍ عَنْ هَارُونَ بْنِ خَارِجَةَ عَنْ أَبِي عَبْدِ اللَّهِ ع قَالَ: إِنَّ … Read more

Ep. 2 The Forties – Sincerity (Ikhlas)

Listen on Spotify   Transcript: Al-Salam ‘Alaykum, this is Syed Ali Imran – and you are listening to the Forties podcast, brought to you by Mizan Institute. In this episode, we’ll be introducing this podcast series and what we hope to cover during it. This is episode 2 – Sincerity or Ikhlas. Just to recap, … Read more

Ep. 1. The Forties – All of Goodness is in Four Words

Listen on Spotify Transcript: Al-Salam ‘Alaykum, this is Syed Ali Imran – and you are listening to the Forties podcast, brought to you by Mizan Institute. In this episode, we’ll be introducing this podcast series and what we hope to cover during it. The practice of memorizing and compiling 40 ḥadīth most likely was inspired … Read more

Introduction to the Forties Podcast

This podcast series is brought to you by Mizan Institute | Follow Mizan Institute on Facebook This podcast series is based on the book Arba‘īnīyyāt written by Sayyid Aḥmad Zanjānī (d. 1973). The book belongs to the genre of “forty-ḥadīth” literature and is on the topic of spiritual purification. Unlike most forty-ḥadīth works which only … Read more

Divisions of a Day – A Reconstructed Narration

One of the most famous traditions in both Shī‘ī and Sunni books is the ḥadīth of dividing one’s day into multiple parts and allocating a certain portion of it for specific tasks. This narration is found in dozens of primary and secondary sources, with various different chains of transmission, attributed to the Prophet (p) and … Read more

Mystical Sainthood and the Perfect Man (al-Wilayah al-Irfaniyyah wa al-Insan al-Kamil)

This is an English transcription of three introductory talks given by Shaykh Haider Hobbollah at Jami’at al-Zahra – one of the largest women’s seminaries in the city of Qom. Introduction Though I was asked to speak about al-wilāyah al-ʿirfānīyyah (mystical vicegerency) from the perspective of Imam Khumaynī, and though there may be some areas where … Read more

Shaykh Lutfullah al-Maysi and his Treatise on Iʿtikāf

وَإِذْ جَعَلْنَا الْبَيْتَ مَثَابَةً لِّلنَّاسِ وَأَمْنًا وَاتَّخِذُوا مِن مَّقَامِ إِبْرَاهِيمَ مُصَلًّى ۖ وَعَهِدْنَا إِلَىٰ إِبْرَاهِيمَ وَإِسْمَاعِيلَ أَن طَهِّرَا بَيْتِيَ لِلطَّائِفِينَ وَالْعَاكِفِينَ وَالرُّكَّعِ السُّجُودِ [2:125] And [mention] when We made the House a place of return for the people and [a place of] security. And take, [O believers], from the standing place of Abraham a place … Read more

The Absence of the Prophet (p) From Our Lives

The Absence of the Prophet (p) From Our Lives An interview given for Truthful Vision Radio. Sayyid AliSayyid Ali studied in the seminary of Qom from 2012 to 2021, while also concurrently obtaining a M.A in Islamic Studies from the Islamic College of London in 2018. In the seminary he engaged in the study of … Read more

Principle of Prohibition of Khaba’ith and Permissibility of Tayyibat

One of the principles covered in our advance jurisprudence classes with Shaykh Haider Hobbollah on the topic of Food and Drinks was the Principle of Prohibition of Khabā’ith and Permissibility of Ṭayyibāt (Taḥrīm al-Khabā’ith wa Ḥillīyyah al-Ṭayyibāt). Below is an edited and reorganized version of the transcripts written in class between October 13 2019 to … Read more

Covid-19: An Online Discussion

Covid-19: An Online Discussion   Facebook Video April 5, 2020. Panelists: Sayyid Ali is finishing his 8th year of studies in Qom. He is currently doing a Masters in Islamic Philosophy and as well as attending advance classes in Fiqh and Usul. He is also the founder of Iqra Online. Syed Hadi started his hawzah studies … Read more

Biʿthat and Guidance

وَإِنَّكَ لَتَهْدِي إِلَى صِرَاطٍ مُسْتَقِيمٍ [42:52] …and indeed you guide to a straight path The 27th of Rajab is considered to be the day the Prophet (p) received the first revelation in the cave of Hira and marks the beginning of his (p) prophethood – the biʿthat. While prophethood is the most important subject of … Read more

What Islamic Medicine?

Since the beginning of the coronavirus outbreak, proponents of the so-called Ṭibb Islāmī (Islamic medicine – not to be confused with “traditional” medicine) have been actively using it as an opportunity to propagate their misinformation. Just a couple of days ago a certain proponent of Ṭibb Islāmī by the name of Taqīniyā interrupted a meeting … Read more

Plague and Pestilence in Safavid and Qajar Iran

The recent Covid-19 outbreak has caused a lot of discussion and debate amongst Iranians and non-Iranians on the nature of the disease and on the methods of containing it. Amongst the laity, some of these opinions range from extreme conspiracy theory level material to solutions being offered by pseudo-health experts wearing the garb of scholars, … Read more

Commentary on Surah al-Nasr – Part 2

This is a transcript of the second and third lesson of the commentary on Sūrah al-Naṣr given by Shaykh Haider Hobbollah. Click here for part 1. Verse 2 – Wa Ra’ayta al-Nās Yadkhulūna Fī Dīn Allah Afwājā – وَرَأَيْتَ النَّاسَ يَدْخُلُونَ فِي دِينِ اللَّهِ أَفْوَاجًا The meaning of seeing in this verse is certainty, just … Read more

Commentary on Surah al-Nasr – Part 1

This is a transcript of the first lesson of the commentary on Sūrah al-Naṣr given by Shaykh Haider Hobbollah. Click here for part 2. Names of the Surah This chapter has been referred to by the following names: al-Naṣr is the most popular name and this is what you will find in the Qurānic codices … Read more

Shaykh al-Hurr al-Amili’s Dreams and Miracles of the Mahdi (a)

One of the lengthiest and most significant works on the transmitted proofs of Imamate is Ithbāt al-Hudāt bil-Nuṣūṣ wa al-Mu’jizāt, written by Shaykh al-Ḥurr al-‘Āmilī (d. 1104/1693) the author of Wasā’il al-Shī’a. This work is essentially an exhaustive collection of traditions on the prophethood of Muḥammad (p) and each of the 12 Imams (a). In … Read more

19th Century Iranian Reactions to the Phenomenon of Unveiling

Critiques against the hijab in Muslim countries all occurred subsequent to Muslims getting introduced and exposed to Western culture and civilization. The first time Muslims saw uncovered women was when they travelled to Europe or on their own lands when these women would be accompanying Europeans. This is how the Egyptians first saw such women … Read more

The Principles of Philosophy and the Method of Realism | Summary of Article 2 [Philosophy and Sophistry]

Before a summary of the second article in The Principles of Philosophy and the Method of Realism (Usul-i falsafeh va ravesh-i ri’alism) titled Philosophy and Sophistry, a brief overview of three groups is important to note: 1) The Sophists: They have existed since 5th century BC, much before the likes of Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. … Read more

The Principles of Philosophy and the Method of Realism | Summary of Article 1 [What is Philosophy?]

The Principles of Philosophy and the Method of Realism (Usul-i falsafeh va ravesh-i ri’alism) is one of ‘Allāmah Ṭabāṭabā’ī’s most important works. It is a result of several private discussion circles organized by ‘Allāmah himself where numerous scholars from different backgrounds would attend. In total, the work is a collection of 14 different articles that … Read more

The Grudge that Stole Christmas

وَنَزَعْنَا مَا فِى صُدُورِهِم مِّنْ غِلٍّ إِخْوَٰنًا عَلَىٰ سُرُرٍ مُّتَقَـٰبِلِينَ [15:47] We will remove whatever rancour there is in their breasts; [intimate like] friends, [they will be reclining] on couches, facing one another. Though Muslims do not generally participate in Christmas celebrations, they do tend to enjoy the winter holiday season, especially the opportunities that … Read more

Dialogue with Believers

An epidemic harming our communities is the general inability, hesitance & fear of engaging in dialogue with one another. In fact, in recent years, it appears there has been a significant increase in our communities engaging and initiating inter-faith dialogue, yet we do not see this phenomenon within our own communities. This is while we … Read more

When Apologies Becomes Unethical

There is no doubt that apologizing and seeking forgiveness for having done something wrong is an ethical act. It is something we should all do for any of our mistakes and shortcomings that became the cause of harm and nuisance to others. Apologizing shows us that the individual has intuitively realized the flaws of a … Read more

Commentary on Surah al-Fil – Part 3

This is a transcript of the fourth, fifth and sixth lesson of the commentary on Sūrah al-Fīl given by Shaykh Haider Hobbollah. Click here to read Part 1 and Part 2. Purpose of Stories in the Qurān Before we discuss the general purpose of stories in the Qurān, we need to point out two overall … Read more

Imam ‘Askari (a) and the Wakalah System

The 11th Imam (a) was able to remain in contact with the general Shī’ī community over a large geographical area through the Wakālah system. The Wakālah system comprised of a large number of agents and representatives who would serve as the point of contact between the Imam and their respective communities. The foundations of this … Read more

Nurturing Our Best Selves

Many Muslim theologians in their discussions on the Problem of Evil have argued that existence in the material realm and the systems that govern it are the best possible systems (al-niẓām al-aḥsan) that could have been created and that they enjoy excessive good (ziyādah al-khayr) as opposed to excessive evil. Thereafter, Allah (swt) based on … Read more

Reconciliation of Contradictory Traditions Regarding Someone Who Intends to Sin

In his discussion on tajarrī (temerity to commit a crime, or false obedience) Shaykh Anṣārī (1781-1864) briefly deals with two sets of apparently contradictory narrations on the issue of someone who intended to commit a sin, but they did not. I have previously posted a treatment of one of these traditions by Sayyid Shubbar over … Read more

Disobedience of Allah (swt) is Foolishness

إِنَّمَا التَّوْبَةُ عَلَى اللَّهِ لِلَّذِينَ يَعْمَلُونَ السُّوءَ بِجَهَالَةٍ ثُمَّ يَتُوبُونَ مِن قَرِيبٍ فَأُولَٰئِكَ يَتُوبُ اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِمْ ۗ وَكَانَ اللَّهُ عَلِيمًا حَكِيمًا [4:17] [Acceptance of] repentance upon Allah is only for those who commit evil out of ignorance, then repent promptly. It is such whose repentance Allah will accept, and Allah is all-knowing, all-wise. Repentance (al-tawbah) … Read more

Repulsing the Basis of Moral Vices

There are numerous ways to encourage one’s self to behave ethically. Scholars of all religions and ideologies have debated and offered different analyses on why people should behave ethically and how they can eliminate moral vices from their actions. For example, some argue people should act ethically because society appreciates and praises such behaviour, which … Read more

Commentary on Surah al-Fil – Part 2

This is a transcript of the second and third lesson of the commentary on Sūrah al-Fīl given by Shaykh Haider Hobbollah over six lessons. In the previous lesson we responded to two arguments that propose the event did not take place, namely: the event is against science and hence it did not take place, and … Read more

Commentary on Surah al-Fil – Part 1

This is a transcript of the first lesson of the commentary on Sūrah al-Fīl given by Shaykh Haider Hobbollah over six lessons. Click for Part 2. Names and Place of Revelation This chapter has been referred to by two names: A lam tara or A lam tara kayfa fa’ala rabbuka bi aṣḥāb al-fīl – this … Read more

Divine and Pharaonic Leaders

It is reported that on the 1st of Safar 61 AH, the head of Imam Husayn (a) was brought into Syria.   Imam Husayn (a) was someone who represented divine values and we ought to be mindful of the relationship a leader who represents divine values has with their followers, in contrast to the relationship … Read more

A Righteous Act

‏مَنْ عَمِلَ صَالِحاً مِنْ ذَکَرٍ أوْ اُنْثَی وَ هُوَ مُؤمِنٌ فَلَنُحْیِیَنَّهُ حَیَاةً‏‎ ‎‏طَیِّبَةً   [16:97] Whoever acts righteously, [whether] male or female, should he be faithful, —We shall revive him with a good life   Imam Khomeini: According to this non-descript, the reason for why the word righteous act (ṣāliḥan) has been used in its … Read more

Commentary on Surah al-Kawthar – Part 2

This is a transcript of a commentary on Sūrah al-Kawthar given by Shaykh Haider Hobbollah over four lessons. Click for Part 1. We will now offer our observations on the fourth and last exegesis which understands kawthar to mean progeny of the Prophet (p), or specifically Fāṭima (s). We will divide the discussion into three … Read more

Commentary on Surah al-Kawthar – Part 1

This is a transcript of a commentary on Sūrah al-Kawthar given by Shaykh Haider Hobbollah over four lessons. The transcripts will be split into two posts – this is part one. Click for part two. Names, Reasons for Revelation  The chapter has been referred to in four ways in Islamic works: Sūrah al-Kawthar – this … Read more

Ways of Discovering ‘Illah (Cause) for Qiyas Amongst Ahl al-Sunnah

During last academic year’s (2018-2019) legal theory class with Shaykh Haider Hobbollah, before beginning discussion on Maqāṣid al-Sharī’ah (Objectives of Divine Law) as expounded by the Ahl al-Sunnah, it was imperative to understand qiyās as explained and applied by the Ahl al-Sunnah jurists. This is because discussions on Maqāṣid began within discussions on qiyās, until … Read more

Two Distinct Interpretations of a Tradition on the Necessity of a Divine Authority

قَالَ أَبُو جَعْفَرٍ مُحَمَّدُ بْنُ يَعْقُوبَ الْكُلَيْنِيُّ مُصَنِّفُ هَذَا الْكِتَابِ رَحِمَهُ اللَّهُ حَدَّثَنَا عَلِيُّ بْنُ إِبْرَاهِيمَ عَنْ أَبِيهِ عَنِ الْعَبَّاسِ بْنِ عُمَرَ الْفُقَيْمِيِّ عَنْ هِشَامِ بْنِ الْحَكَمِ عَنْ أَبِي عَبْدِ اللَّهِ ع‏ أَنَّهُ قَالَ لِلزِّنْدِيقِ الَّذِي سَأَلَهُ مِنْ أَيْنَ أَثْبَتَّ الْأَنْبِيَاءَ وَ الرُّسُلَ قَالَ إِنَّا لَمَّا أَثْبَتْنَا أَنَّ لَنَا خَالِقاً صَانِعاً مُتَعَالِياً عَنَّا وَ عَنْ … Read more

Ethical Observations on Hadith of Istishab

Istiṣḥāb is one of the most important practical principles of legal theory used in deriving law. For an introduction on the principle, read: Principle of Istishab and Its Types This brief post is a summary of some ethical observations made by Ayatullah Ali-Doost on the tradition used to derive the principle itself. “…He does not … Read more

Commentary on Surah al-Nas

This is a transcript of a commentary on Sūrah al-Nās given by Shaykh Haider Hobbollah over three lessons. Names, Merits and Reasons for Revelation Sūrah al-Nās is the last chapter of the Qurān and there have been five names mentioned for it: Al-Nās – this is what is written in the codices and is famous. … Read more

Brief Commentary on Surah al-Takathur

This is a transcript of a brief commentary on Sūrah al-Takāthur given by Shaykh Haider Hobbollah over two lessons. Names & Merits of the Chapter Sūrah al-Takāthur is the 102nd chapter of the Qurān and it has been referred to by five different names: Al-Takāthur Sūrah allatī dhukira fīhā al-takāthur – this is how Sharīf … Read more

Salat Has Four-Thousand Limits

From Maṣābīḥ al-Anwār fī Ḥall Mushkilāt al-Akhbār written by al-Sayyid ʿAbdullah Shubbar (d. 1242 AH / 1827). Slight edits have been made to the original text for greater readability. — What we narrate from the three Muḥammads – may Allah sanctify their souls – in al-Kāfī and al-Tahdhīb with an authentic chain, and in Man Lā Yaḥḍuruhu … Read more

The Intention of a Believer is Better Than His Action

Taken from Maṣābīḥ al-Anwār fī Ḥall Mushkilāt al-Akhbār written by al-Sayyid ʿAbdullah Shubbar (d. 1242 AH / 1827). Slight edits have been made to the original text for greater readability. — What we transmitted from Thiqa al-Islam (Shaykh al-Kulaynī) from ʿAlī b. Ibrahīm from al-Nawfalī from al-Sakūnī from Abī ʿAbdillah (a) who said: The Messenger of … Read more

The World is a Prison for the Believer and Paradise for the Disbeliever

The following translation is taken from the work Maṣābīḥ al-Anwār fī Ḥall Mushkilāt al-Akhbār written by al-Sayyid ʿAbdullah Shubbar (d. 1242 AH / 1827). Two editions of the work exist, one published by Mu’assasah al-Nūr lil-Maṭbūʿāt of Beirut in the late 1980s, and a recent edition was published by Dār ol Ḥadīth in 2011. In … Read more

Reflections on the Daily Du’a of Rajab – Part 3

Click to read part two. The first call in the daily supplication of Rajab says: يَا مَنْ أَرْجُوهُ لِكُلِّ خَيْرٍ وَ آمَنُ سَخَطَهُ من كُلِّ شَرٍّ O He Whom alone I hope for all good things, and I am safe from His displeasure at every instance of evil. Hopefulness and Immunity In all affairs that … Read more

Reflections on the Daily Du’a of Rajab – Part 1

Sayyid Ibn Ta’us in his Iqbal al-A’mal records the popular du’a of Rajab – generally recited after each prayer as follows: يَا مَنْ أَرْجُوهُ لِكُلِّ خَيْرٍ وَ آمَنُ سَخَطَهُ من [عِنْدَ] كُلِّ شَرٍّ يَا مَنْ يُعْطِي الْكَثِيرَ بِالْقَلِيلِ يَا مَنْ يُعْطِي مَنْ سَأَلَهُ يَا مَنْ يُعْطِي مَنْ لَمْ يَسْأَلْهُ وَ مَنْ لَمْ يَعْرِفْهُ تُحَنُّناً مِنْهُ … Read more

The Martyrdom of Lady Zahra (s) and Maintaining Respect on Both the First and Second Fatimiyyah

ya Fatima

Historically speaking, amongst the laity, what was famous regarding the martyrdom of Fāṭimah (s) was the First Fāṭimīyyah – meaning 13th Jamādī al-Awwal. However, lately, the Second Fāṭmīyyah – meaning 3rd Jamādī al-Thānīyah has become popular. Perhaps the origin of this popularity goes back to Ḥājī Nūrī (d. 1902) or his students. The reason they … Read more

Does Sheer Quantity of Hadith on a Subject Indicate Its Importance?

The following is an expanded transcript from advance lessons on Expediency (al-maṣlaḥa) and Purposes of Islamic Law (al-maqāṣid al-sharʿīyyah) being delivered by Shaykh Ḥaider Ḥobbollah in Qom. An article comparing the views of Imām Ṭufī and Imām Khomeynī from the same class was posted a few weeks ago. In lesson 67 (January 6th, 2019) and … Read more

Legal Age of Bulugh for Girls

What follows is a summary of a number of discussions held by me and three other seminarians, where arguments of numerous jurists on the legal age of maturity (bulūgh) for girls were investigated. Even though we find a classical scholar considering menstruation as the criterion for the obligation of fasting in the month of Ramaḍan, … Read more

Did Imam Khomeini Have the Same View as Imam Tufi?

One of the classes I’m attending this year are lessons on legal theory focusing on Expediency (al-maṣlaḥa) and Purposes of Islamic Law (al-maqāṣid al-sharʿīyyah). These lessons are being delivered by Shaykh Ḥaider Ḥobbollah in Qom. Over the first 50-odd lessons, a general outline of the discussion was covered, followed by an extensive discussion on the … Read more

The Principle of “Laws are Subordinate to Benefits & Harms” in Imami Shi’i Legal Theory and its Implications in Non-Ritualistic Law

The Principle of “Laws are Subordinate to Benefits & Harms” in Imāmī Shī’ī Legal Theory and its Implications in Non-Ritualistic Law Click here to read the paper. Acknowledgement Foremost, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my dissertation advisor Dr. Wasti of The Islamic College. His input and important suggestions were highly valuable … Read more

Quranic Wisdom – Between Abstract Theory and Practical Conduct

The following is an abridged translation of an article written by Shaykh Ḥaider Ḥobollah on 23rd of April, 2012. The complete Arabic version can be read here. — Many words in any given language change in their meanings over the course of time. On other occasions, meanings may not change, but connotations can change depending … Read more

Muhammad Amin Astarabadi’s Argument Against Probativity of Intellect in Non-Necessary Matters of Religion

In a previous post we looked at the general critique Shaykh Anṣārī (d. 1864) hurls at the Akhbārīs, in his treatise on certainty (qaṭ’). Thereafter, he begins to cite passages from a few major Akhbārī scholars, namely Astarābādī (d. 1623-24 or 1626-27), Sayyid Jazāirī (d. 1701) and Yūsuf Baḥrānī (d. 1772) and offers his critique on them. … Read more

Concerning Probativity of Certainty Acquired Through Intellectual Premises – Shaykh Ansari’s Response to the Akhbaris

Translation of the words of Shaykh Anṣāri (d. 1864): You are aware that there is no difference in certain knowledge which is a mere uncovering, with respect to the causes of that knowledge. However, it has been attributed to more than one of our companions from the Akhbārīyīn, that certainty attained from intellectually certain preliminaries … Read more

Analysis of Traditions on the Birth of the Mahdi (a) – 2

The following are notes from a mubāḥatha (study-session) between Br. Yusuf Alsalahi and myself. عَلِيُّ بْنُ مُحَمَّدٍ قَالَ حَدَّثَنِي مُحَمَّدٌ وَ الْحَسَنُ ابْنَا عَلِيِّ بْنِ إِبْرَاهِيمَ‏ فِي سَنَةِ تِسْعٍ وَ سَبْعِينَ وَ مِائَتَيْنِ قَالا حَدَّثَنَا مُحَمَّدُ بْنُ عَلِيِّ بْنِ عَبْدِ الرَّحْمَنِ الْعَبْدِيُّ مِنْ عَبْدِ قَيْسٍ عَنْ ضَوْءِ بْنِ عَلِيٍّ الْعِجْلِيِّ عَنْ رَجُلٍ مِنْ أَهْلِ فَارِسَ سَمَّاهُ … Read more

Is Abu Lulu Buried in Kashan?

Fīrūz Abū Lulu was an Iranian captured in the expansion wars after the demise of the Prophet (p). He was enslaved by Mughīra b. Shu’ba and was allowed to live inside the city of Medina due to his work experience and skill set. This is despite the second caliph’s ban preventing freed slaves from residing … Read more

Analysis of Traditions on the Birth of the Mahdi (a) – 1

The following are notes from a mubāḥatha (study-session) with Br. Yusuf Alsalhi and myself. الْحُسَيْنُ بْنُ مُحَمَّدٍ الْأَشْعَرِيُّ، عَنْ مُعَلَّى بْنِ مُحَمَّدٍ، عَنْ أَحْمَدَ بْنِ مُحَمَّدٍ، قَالَ: خَرَجَ عَنْ أَبِي مُحَمَّدٍ عَلَيْهِ السَّلَامُ حِينَ‏ قُتِلَ‏ الزُّبَيْرِيُ: «هذَا جَزَاءُ مَنِ افْتَرى‏ عَلَى اللَّهِ فِي أَوْلِيَائِهِ، زَعَمَ أَنَّهُ يَقْتُلُنِي‏ و لَيْسَ لِي عَقِبٌ‏، فَكَيْفَ رَأى‏ قُدْرَةَ اللَّهِ؟» وَ … Read more

We Are a Repeat of the Safavids – Rasul Ja’fariyan

This post was written by Rasul Ja’fariyan and originally published on both his Instagram and Telegram accounts. In the discussions leading up to the convention on Taṣawwuf, I had mentioned that conventions like these are, in a sense, a return to the historical experience the Ṣafavids went through to strengthen religious discourse in society, in … Read more

Popular – Unreliable – Accounts Related to Ashura

Recently a booklet of around 50 pages was published, researched and written by Muḥammad Tehrānī (researcher and teacher at the Hawzah) in which he goes over numerous accounts related to Āshūrā that are popularly retold from the pulpits or are part of our eulogies. In this work he mentions just over 90 such reports. Majority … Read more

Is Knowledge of God Gifted Knowledge or Earned Knowledge – Remarks of ‘Allamah Majlisi & ‘Allamah Tabatabai

Two books I was introduced to very early on in the Ḥawzah were Maṣābīḥ al-Anwār fī Ḥall al-Mushkilāt al-Akhbār of al-Sayyid ‘Abdullah Shubbar (d. 1827) published in two volumes, and Ta’līqāt bar Biḥār al-Anwār of ‘Allāmah Ṭabāṭabāī (d. 1981). The first book is a series of traditions which are difficult to understand and comprehend, oftentimes … Read more

What is the Meaning of Anti-Wilayat al-Faqih?

By Dr. Sayyid Abbas Salehi – Researcher and teacher in the seminary and university Original source: – this article was published on the official website of Āyatullah Khāmeneī in  2010. After an article in the constitution detailing the Wilāyat al-Faqīh was added (in 1358 SH) and after certain events had taken place between 1359-1360 (revolts by … Read more

Why Al-Nawbakhti is Not the Author of Firaq al-Shi’a

This is a translation of an article written by Hasan Ansari – originally published here: چرا فرق الشيعه از نوبختي نيست . The book Firaq al-Shī’a has been translated by Abbas Kazim and published by The Islamic College. It can be purchased here. Based on the discrepancies seen in what is transmitted from Firaq al-Shī’a of al-Nawbakhtī in al-Fuṣūl … Read more

What Have We Learned from Ghadir and Wilayat

By Muḥammad Sorūsh Maḥallātī – one of the few jurists in Qom who has been giving advance classes on Islamic politics and governance for a number of years. Recently he published a book on the concept of Wilāyah titled, Wilāyat – Dar Mughālateh wa Muṣādareh. In our communities today, there are two perspectives taken by … Read more

The Presence of Metaphors in the Qur’an: Observations on the Linguistic Theory of Ruh al-Ma’ani

Written for the module: Sources of Islamic Knowledge, taken at The Islamic College for a MA in Islamic Studies with professor Amina Inloes. Originally submitted on 12th February, 2018. Qur’ānic hermeneutics have been a challenging area of study amongst scholars of Islam in modern times. With numerous linguistic theories and philosophies springing about, the Qur’ānic text has naturally … Read more

To Say or Not to Say: Justification for a Formless Marriage Contract (Nikah Mu’atat)

Written for the module: Islamic Family Law, taken at The Islamic College for a MA in Islamic Studies with professor Ali al-Hakim. Originally submitted on 5th June, 2017. Introduction With the advent of our postmodern era, Muslims specifically have faced epistemological and practical challenges that they had never encountered before in history. Amongst the various facets of … Read more

Mental Existence, View of Shabah, and Corroboration with Extra-Mental Reality

Written for the module: Islamic Philosophy, taken at The Islamic College for a MA in Islamic Studies with professor Latimah Parvin Peerwani. Originally submitted on 1st October, 2017. Every day humans encounter innumerable entities via the five senses.   How these entities are perceived by the human mind is a discussion both empiricists and metaphysicians have had, and while … Read more

“Be you spurned apes” (Qur’an 2:65): The Dilemma of a Literal and Figurative Reading

Written for the module: Methods and Perspectives in Islamic Studies, taken at The Islamic College for a MA in Islamic Studies with professor Ali Paya. Originally submitted on 23th February, 2017. The verses of the Qur’ān with all their magnificence – as argued by the Muslims – at times have been at the centre of heated inter-faith polemics. … Read more

The Apostasy Ruling and its Justification in Twelver Shi’i Jurisprudence

Written for the module: Human Rights in Islam, taken at The Islamic College for a MA in Islamic Studies with professor Mahboubeh Sadeghinia. Originally submitted on 23th October, 2016. Freedom of speech and thought are deemed to be some of the most fundamental rights humans possess today. The Islamic orthodox tradition has often been open and comfortable … Read more

History and Eras of Shi’i Imami Law (4)

The Occultation of the Imām (a) Towards and during the minor occultation we find certain reports that seem to indicate that the Imāms (a) were preparing the Shī’ā community for becoming highly dependant on scholars – more so than before. To this extent, there is a popular statement attributed to Imām al-‘Askarī (a) and there … Read more

Short Course: Introduction to Ḥadīth Sciences (Summer 2018)

As the Orientalist and civil servant Sir William Muir (1819–1905) served in India for the British government, it was not long before he realized the significance of Prophet Muhammad’s (p) sunnah for the day-to-day practice of Islam for the Muslims. Much of the sunnah is derived from the ḥadīth literature which constitutes one of the most significant bodies of work … Read more

History and Eras of Shī’ī Imāmī Law (1)

The upcoming series of posts are based on lecture notes taken in classes given by our respected teacher, Ustādh Rafī’īpūr, in the city of Qom. Ustādh Rafī’īpūr is a senior teacher in the Ḥawzah of Qom where he gives advance classes in jurisprudence and legal theory. Introduction The topic of our discussion is Shī’ī Imāmī … Read more

‘Allāmah Ṭabāṭabā’ī’s Treatment of Different Readings of the Qurān

One of the most extensive and important discussions within Qurānic studies is regarding its variant readings (qirā’āt). The readings are generally discussed within commentaries themselves and even within historical discussions regarding the collection and transmission of the Qurān. Utilizing a 25-page research paper titled Rawish Shināsi Ruyikard ‘Allāmeh Ṭabāṭabā’ī Dar Ikhtilāf Qirā’āt by Muḥamad Khāmehgar of … Read more

Assisting an ‘Alawīyyah

Chapter 115, volume 42 of ‘Allāmah Majlisī’s Biḥār al-Anwār is regarding dreams and miracles related to Imām ‘Alī (a) and while the reliability of these reports is extremely difficult to establish, some of the stories are simply interesting to read. Back in 2015 I had gone to Mashhad around springtime and was listening to a … Read more

The Deserted Quran

وَقَالَ الرَّسُولُ يَا رَبِّ إِنَّ قَوْمِي اتَّخَذُوا هَٰذَا الْقُرْآنَ مَهْجُورًا [25:30] And the Apostle will say, ‘O my Lord! Indeed my people had taken this Qurān as deserted.” There is this understanding amongst some Muslims that if one owns multiple copies of the Qurān and if they are not all read, then that is a … Read more

Miraculousness of the Quran – Doctrine of al-Sarfah – A Historical Overview (Part 6)

In our previous post, we went over a brief description of the doctrine of al-Ṣarfah. In this post, we want to see what critiques were established against this doctrine by Muslim scholars. I will summarize some of the major arguments against the doctrine and leave out some of the rebuttals which I felt were repetitive … Read more

Imam Khomeini’s Fearless Attack on Muhaddith Nuri’s Scholarship

On the topic concerning the binding force of the apparent meaning[1] of the Qurān (Ḥujjiyyah Ẓawāhir al-Qurān), Imām Khomeinī (1902 – 1989) in his Anwār al-Hidāyah[2] brings up the subject of corruption (taḥrīf) of the Qurān. In this section, he launches a ruthless and fearless attack on Muḥaddith Nūri[3] (1838 – 1902) especially given he had … Read more

A Prophetic Hadīth Narrated on the Authority of a Muslim Jinn

Some of the most interesting anecdotes and descriptions of historical events, relationships between scholars, how books were transferred from one century to another, and so on, can be found in Ijāzāt given to one scholar by another. The Ijāzāt were a kind of licence permitting one to transmit certain texts or narrations on someone else’s … Read more

How to Develop Affinity with Hadīth

Library Books

Below is a translated transcript of advice given be Āyatullah Mufīdī Yazdī to seminary students in one of his classes. He is a scholar from Yazd who studied in Qom under scholars like Āyatullah Behjat and Āyatullah Ḥasanzādeh Āmulī. He currently gives lessons on various subjects in the city of Qom and is known for his … Read more

Solemn Intention to Insult Philosophy

Āyatullah Mīrzā Mahdī Iṣfahāni (d. 1945) is considered to be the founder of Maktab-e Tafkīk (although the term for the movement was coined by Shaykh Muḥammad Riḍa Ḥakīmī). This school of thought continues to exist today in Mashhad, where Mīrzā Mahdī resided during the later part of his life. Today Āyatullah Sayyid Ja’far Sayyidān is considered … Read more

22nd of Rajab and Kūnḍay

Ibn Ṭāūs in his work al-Iqbāl, cites a tradition reported on the authority of the Prophet (p) he comes across in a work called Fatḥ al-Abwāb ila Dār al-Thawāb which says the following: On the night of 22nd Rajab, whoever performs 8 units of prayers, in which al-Ḥamd is recited one time, Sūrah al-Kāfirūn 7 … Read more

Miraculousness of the Quran – Doctrine of al-Sarfah – A Historical Overview (Part 5)

From the beginning of revelation up until the end of the 2nd century, the issue of i’jāz (miraculousness) of the Qurān was not a widely discussed topic amongst Muslim scholars. The Muslims before that were in general amazed by the Qurān and the concepts it discussed and expounded on, to such an extent that there … Read more

Maintaining the Rights of the Believers

Muḥaddith Urmawī (d. 1979) in his introduction to al-Fayḍ Kashānī’s al-‘Irfān wa al-Sulūk ‘ind Ahl al-Bayt (a) writes: There is a strong emphasis placed on maintaining the rights of the brothers and fulfilling their needs, and in fact, it has priority over many of the other obligations. Whoever requires further information with regards to the strong emphasis that … Read more

Ahl al-Sunnah & the Merits of Imam ‘Alī (a)

By Hassan Ansari (Original source in Farsi: Other than the ‘Uthmāni Shī’as and some movements within the Murji’a and early Mu’tazalīs, the general populace of the Ahl al-Sunnah wa al-Jamā’ah – including Sunnī Aṣḥāb al-Ḥadīth – all accepted and believed the merits and virtues exclusive to Amīr al-Mu’mineen (a). After Aḥmad b. Ḥanbal accepted the … Read more

Miraculousness of the Quran – A Historical Overview (Part 4)

Intellectual-Rational In this approach, the criterion used to establish the miraculousness of the Qurān is intellectualization and reason. One of the things that pushed scholars to take this approach was the significant amount of differences of opinions in the earlier approaches, such as the taste and feel approach, or even the semantic approach, where the … Read more

Miraculousness of the Quran – A Historical Overview (Part 3)

Semantic – Philological Most Muslim scholars agree that the Qurān was not revealed in the Arabic language without any wisdom.[1] [26:193-195] This is indeed [a Book] sent down by the Lord of all the worlds, brought down by the Trustworthy Spirit upon your heart (so that you may be one of the warners), in a … Read more

Miraculousness of the Quran – A Historical Overview (Part 2)

In this post, we will begin looking into six different approaches scholars have put forth to explain how the miraculous nature of the Qurān can be attested. Taste and Feel This approach says that in order to sense the beauty of a text, one must develop the ability to differentiate between good and bad speech. … Read more

Some Opinions on Imam Husayn’s (a) Movement

Roughly three-four years ago as I was going through some parts of Insān 250-Sāleh, a work based on the speeches of Sayyid ‘Alī Khāmeneī, it led me to look further into the discussion surrounding Imām al-Ḥusayn’s (a) movement. The work puts forth the idea that all the infallibles were essentially one person who would have acted … Read more

Difference Between al-Shubha al-Ḥukmīyyah and al-Shubha al-Mawḍū’īyyah

Jurists and scholars of legal theory divide uncertainty into two: 1) those that concern a law (al-shubha al-ḥukmīyyah), and 2) those that concern the subject or an instance of a law (al-shubha al-mawḍū’īyyah). Perhaps the simplest way these two uncertainties can be explained is through the following three perspectives: 1. The Root of Uncertainty The … Read more

Dealing with Seemingly Contradictory Ethical Verses & Traditions

The fact that many youth seem to see apparently contradictory ethical and moral admonitions in the Qur’ānic verses and traditions, often becomes the cause of confusion and a barrier to fulfill one’s moral duties correctly. Many traditions and verses concerning ethics appear to be defining general principles, or they may be conveying a causal relationship … Read more

Choosing Between Two Equally Knowledgeable Jurisconsults – Sayyid ‘Alam al-Hoda | Lesson 7

Click for previous lesson. Our discussion on a’lamiyyah reached its conclusion in the last lesson, and we said it is only one of the criteria for selecting a jurisconsult, not that it is obligatory to follow the most-learned. A muqallid looks into various different factors when choosing a jurisconsult, some of which are backed up … Read more

Taqlid of the Most-Learned – Sayyid ‘Alam al-Hoda | Lesson 6

Click for previous lesson. Our discussion is on the obligation of doing taqlīd of the most-learned. The conclusion we arrived at is that there is no evidence that can with certainty establish for us such an obligation. However, ‘almaiyyah is a preferred quality, that a muqallid should factor in when they choose a jurisconsult. But … Read more

Taqlid of the Most-Learned – Sayyid ‘Alam al-Hoda | Lesson 4

Click for previous lesson. Our discussion is regarding imitating a jurisconsult who is not the most-learned. In other words, if there is a jurisconsult who is the most learned, can one imitate someone other than him or not. We discussed the arguments for those who deem it permissible, some of them were not too weak, … Read more

Prophet Muhammad (p) in Light of Nahj al-Balagha | Ayatullah Misbah Yazdi – Lecture 1

This is the translation and transcript of the first of 10 lectures given by Āyatullah Miṣbāḥ Yazdī in the city of Qom, in Ramaḍān of 2006. The topic of this series was: Prophet Muḥammad (p) in Light of Nahj al-Balāgha Due to this year being dedicated to the Prophet (p) and especially since the forthcoming days will … Read more

Taqlid of the Most-Learned – Sayyid ‘Alam al-Hoda | Lesson 3

Click for previous lesson. We are discussing the necessity of following the most-learned juristconsult. Sayyid Kho’ī says that a verdict of a jurist is from the same category of a solitary report and the narrations that permit taqlīd imply ta’yīn, not takhyīr. However, we said in fact they imply takhyīr, and the itlāq of these narrations … Read more

Knowledge by Presence | Introduction to Islamic Epistemology – Part 2

Read Part 1 The Definition of Presential Knowledge* and Acquired Knowledge There are different ways to understand and recognize pain.   You’ve no doubt had these experiences in your life where you got sick or got into a bad accident and felt a lot of pain.  You’ve also probably had friends or family members that have … Read more

Concepts and General Principles | Introduction to Islamic Epistemology – Part 1

Compiled by Saiyid Hasan Ali Rizvi and Sayyid Ali Imran God Willing, we will be posting up a series of posts introducing the subject of Epistemology or Theory of Knowledge – Ma’rifat Shināsi in Farsi, or Naẓarīyah al-Ma’rifah in Arabic. These posts are primarily based off of two works. First of them being Dar Āmadī bar … Read more

Taqlīd of the Most-Learned – Sayyid ‘Alam al-Hoda | Lesson 1

These are class-notes taken from Sayyid Muhammad Sadiq ‘Alam al-Hoda’s Bahth al-Khārij on al-Ijtihād wa al-Taqlīd which began on October 11th, 2017 in the city of Qom – and are a continuation from last year. This year the Sayyid is beginning one of the most important rulings within contemporary discussions on Ijtihād and Taqlīd which concerns … Read more

Chronology of Events on the Day of ‘Ashura

Chronology of Events on the Day of ‘Ashura In accordance with the interview held with the deceased Doctor Ahmad Birshak in Gashimari-ye Irani, the event of Karbala falls on the Solar calendar on the 21st of Mehr, year 59 (10th October 680) The Solar calendar is not like the Lunar calendar in the sense that … Read more

Most Narrations on Islamic Medicine Have No Chains

⚡️ 85% narrations on Ṭibb do not have a chain of narration ⚡️From 6000 narrations, only 60 have to do with treatments ✔️- Sayyid Kāzim Ṭabatabā’ī – head of Dār al-Ḥadīth, Qom 🔻 🔹 I am against the term “Ṭibb Islāmi” (Islamic Medicine). Meaning, I do not believe that the purpose of religion and the … Read more

Kitab al-Sawm III – Niyyah (Intention) | al-Fiqh al-Istidlali

We find Shaykh Ṭūsi in his al-Mabsūṭ[1] writing: نيّة القربة أن ينوي أنّه يصوم فقط متقرّبا به إلى اللّٰه تعالى، و نية التعيين أن ينوي أنه صائم شهر رمضان فإن جمع بينهما كان أفضل فإن اقتصر على نية القربة أجزأه Niyyah of qurbah is that one makes an intention that they are fasting only – while seeking closeness through it … Read more

The Transfer of Kufa’s Hadith Heritage to Qom | History of Imami Shi’i Theology (5)

During the Imamate of Imam Baqir (s) and Sadiq (s), there was a lot of encouragement from the Imams to their students and companions to begin recording down traditions. As this shift from oral to a written tradition became a culture amongst them, there was naturally a large output of written works over the next … Read more

The Ash’ari Family II | History of Imami Shi’i Theology (4)

In this post we will continue with the list of scholars from the Ash’ari family who have been categorized into the second and third group, post-migration to Qom. Second Group Zakariyyah bin Idris bin ‘Abdullah al-Ash’ari: Considered a companion of Imam Sadiq, Imam Kadhim and Imam Ridha. Zakariyyah bin Adam bin ‘Abdullah al-Ash’ari: Considered a … Read more

The Ash’ari Family | History of Imami Shi’i Theology (3)

With the decline of intellectual theological discourse in Kufa, Qom had become the base for the Shi’as and would remain influential during the course of the 3rd and 4th century. Before we begin discussing any further, it is important to take a brief glance over how and why Qom became to be such an important … Read more

The Traditionalist-Theologian Phenomenon | History of Shi’i Imami Theology (2)

The earliest distinct Shi’i Imami school was that of Kufa’s, which began taking form in the beginning of the 2nd century Hijri during the time of Imam Baqir (s). This era itself is worthy of being studied and as a matter of fact has been studied extensively by Muslim and non-Muslim scholars alike. The various … Read more

Time Concepts in the Qur’an – a Historical Perspective

This is based on my understanding of a recorded lecture posted online a few days ago, of Dr. Ahmad Pakatchi speaking at The International Conference on Interdisciplinary Quranic Studies in Tehran. I hope any written material by him or other researchers will become accessible on this subject, especially given that Dr. Pakatchi is one of Iran’s qualified and well … Read more

Preliminaries of Reflection by Shahid Qadhi Tabatabai

Preliminaries of Reflection by Shahīd Qadhi Ṭabāṭabāī (d. 1979) Source: اللّوامع الإلهیة في المباحث الکلامیة by Jamal ul-Din Miqdad bin ‘Abdillah al-Asadi al-Suyuri al-Hilli – with footnotes of Shahīd Ṭabāṭabāī Translated by Br. Mohammad Anwar – student at the seminary in Qom ——————————- To think and reflect (correctly) there are certain preliminaries that are necessary … Read more

Don’t Give Your Enemies an Excuse

Below is a translation from an excerpt taken from a book published last month, called The Messenger of Allah and Management of Tensions in Medina (رسول خدا و مدیریت تنشهای مدینه), by Hussain Qadhikhani (a history teacher in Qom), Pages 125-127 This is a really interesting book as it outlines the various phases of the … Read more

Tafsir of Surah al-Falaq by Shaykh Haider Hobbollah – Lecture 3

We were discussing whether Surah al-Falaq & al-Naas are part of the Qur’an, and we went over what is attributed to Abdullah bin Mas’ud. We also mentioned three opinions towards this attribution amongst scholars, namely those who accept this attribution without any justification, those who completely deny Ibn Mas’ud to have held such a view, … Read more

Tafsir of Surah al-Falaq by Shaykh Haider Hobbollah – Lecture 2

In the previous lesson we covered the name of this chapter, its merits, whether it is Makki or Madani chapter, and briefly looked at the circumstances of its revelation. Today’s discussion will be on whether al-Mu’awwidhataan (Surah al-Falaq & Naas) are part of the Qur’an or not. This issue has been discussed over the centuries … Read more

Ayatullah Jawadi on The Disjointed Letters (hurūf al-muqatt’āt)

This is a guest post that has been taken from the Light of the Furqan blog. ن و القلم و ما يسطرون Nun. By the Pen and what they write1 The following is an abridged translation of Āyatullah Jawadī Āmulī’s discussion concerning the hurūf al-muqatt’āt, the disjointed letters which are found at the beginning of some chapters … Read more

Sources of Nu’mani’s al-Ghaybah – Part 2

Click for Part 3 Teachers of Nu’mani Before we begin our discussion[1], it is important to mention that what we mean by the term teachers or Mashaykh in this discussion (or other discussions that pertain to Hadith and Rijal), is really extant. Essentially anyone who Nu’mani took ahadith from, albeit one hadith, is considered a teacher. … Read more

Sources of Nu’mani’s al-Ghaybah – Part 1

Click for Part 2 The Ghaybah (Occultation) of the 12th Imam is one of the most fundamental theological beliefs of the Twelver Imami Shi’as.  Three primary books of traditions dedicated to this topic, which have come down to us today, are in chronological order: Kitab al-Ghaybah of Nu’mani (d. 360), Kamal al-Din wa Tamam al-Ni’mah of Shaykh Saduq … Read more

The Sources for Qurānic Research

This is a guest post that has been taken from the Light of the Furqan blog. This post is the first in a series of summaries of Ayatollah Haadi Ma’rifat’s book entitled, “Amouzish Ulum Qurāni” (Learning the Qurānic Sciences). For an introduction to Ayatollah Haadi Ma’rifat and his works, click here. In the first chapter of his book, … Read more

The Role of Arabic Grammar in Deriving Rulings

These are notes taken from a seminar that took place on 24th December, 2015, at Muassaseh Fiqhi Aimmah Athar of Ayatullah Fazel Lankarani (d. 2007).

Topic: The Role of Arabic Grammar in Deriving Rulings

Speakers: Ustaad Shaykh Muhammad Qaeni (student of Sayyid Khoei) and Ustad Rabbani (a senior teacher from Mashad).

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Sulaym bin Qays: The Thin Line Between a Fictitious Name & a Loyal Companion

Sulaym bin Qays al-Hilali or Abu Sadiq Sulaym bin Qays al-Amiri al-Hilali al-Kufi (allegedly born 2 years before Hijri – died in 70th, 76th or 90th Hijri) [سليم بن قيس الهلالي العامري] was supposedly a Kufan companion of Imam Ali and some of the later Imams (as). He has been a controversial figure in history and amongst scholars due to the contents of a book which is attributed to him. Furthermore, almost all information and descriptions about himself and his relationship with the Imams, are taken from his own book and there are no other early sources at our disposal which even remotely allude to any companion of the Imams by the name of Sulaym.

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Brief Look at the Development of Arabic Grammar

Given the role Arabic grammar has to play in Qur’anic and Hadith sciences, it is important for one to not just study grammar as it is generally taught today and suffice with it, rather it is crucial to have an understanding of its development and as well as a critical approach towards it in order for its further development and progression. These are summarized notes I have taken over time, describing the general phases of development of Arabic grammar. Due to the usage of technical terms in these notes, the post will be understood by those who already have a brief background in Arabic grammar.

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Ithbat al-Raj’a of Fadhl bin Shadhan

This is a translated summary of an article written by Hasan Ansari, called Huviyyat-e Waqa’iee-ye Kitab-e Ithbat al-Raj’a Mansub beh Fadhl bin Shadhan (Actual state of the book Ithbat al-Raj’a, as attributed to Fadhl bin Shadhan). The purpose is to merely provide another perspective on the book, and not necessarily for the readers/researchers to reach conclusions.


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Celebrating 9th Rabi’ al-Awwal – What For?

Update 21st December/2015: There was a minor factual mistake in the section of Mukhtar & ‘Umar ibn Sa’ad which has now been corrected.


In many Shi’i communities, it is the 9th of Rabi’ al-Awwal that marks the end of the two-month mourning period that begins with the first of Muharram. The day is celebrated in most communities, for different reasons, and is referred to by a few names, such as Eid al-Zahra, Farhat al-Zahra, Eid-e Shuja, Taj Poshi-e Imam, Yawm Raf’ ul-Qalam, Umar Kushshun etc. The significance of the day is due to four different reasons, all of which have been attributed to it:

  • ‘Umar ibn al-Khattab (the 2nd caliph) was killed on this day
  • The angels lift their pens up for the Shi’as and they do not record anything (i.e. one can commit sins and not be held accountable for them)
  • The transfer of the Imamate from Imam Hasan al-‘Askari to his son, Imam al-Mahdi
  • Mukhtar killed ‘Umar ibn Sa’d which resulted in the happiness of Imam Sajjad and the women of Bani Hashim

Some communities may celebrate the day for some of the reasons, while some misinformed ones may celebrate the day for all four reasons – particular the first two reasons. In this post, I will simply be looking at the historical validity of all four of these reasons.


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Book Review: The Lives of Muhammad by Kecia Ali

The Lives of Muhammad by Kecia Ali, is essentially a historiography describing how the life of the Prophet Muhammad [pbuh] has been written over the centuries. It was an innovative, yet easy to read book where the author attempts to take the reader on a journey through the various biographies written on the Prophet, often complemented by a thematic approach – whether it be discussing his multiple wives, or his marriage to the young Ayesha. While reading this work, it often reminded me of Jonathon Brown’s Misquoting Muhammad: The Challenge and Choices of Interpreting the Prophet’s Legacy.


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[Book Summary] Required and Sufficient Knowledge in Religion – Chapter Three

Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three Chapter Three: Degree of Knowledge Required by Religion In his attempt to determine whether True Certainty is expected in areas where it is possible to achieve it and what degree of knowledge is expected by Islam in areas where True Certainty is not attainable, the author jumps straight … Read more

[Book Summary] Required and Sufficient Knowledge in Religion – Chapter Two

Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three Chapter Two: Possibility of Attaining Certainty In Religious Beliefs Continuing on with where he (Hussain Zadeh) left off, in the second chapter – a relatively shorter one compared to the other chapters in the book – the author attempts to answer whether it is possible to reach True … Read more

[Book Summary] Required and Sufficient Knowledge in Religion – Chapter One

Muhammad Hussain Zadeh is a renowned scholar of epistemology (and other subjects) in the city of Qom, Iran. He has written numerous works in the field of epistemology in general, and specifically in Islamic epistemology. In these upcoming posts, I intend to summarize my readings from a series authored by him titled Religious Epistemology, comprised … Read more

5th Hijri Shi’i Inscriptions In Northern Syria

The contents of this article were published in the magazine Payam-e Baharistan, in spring of the Iranian year 1390, on pages 781-786. The original Farsi written by Ahmed Khamehyar, supplemented by footnotes and references can be seen here. This is a translation of the general contents of that article, but not a complete translation of it. … Read more

Sincerity (al-Ikhlaas): A Pre-Requisite for Religious Speakers

Below is a foreword from a book that was partially translated recently. Details about the translation can be read in the PDF file itself. Download Book: Lu’Lu wa Marjaan (Pearls and Corals): Treatise on the Condition of Sincerity Required by Religious Speakers, by Mirza Husain Noori (d. 1902). — The Shi’i communities in the Western world face numerous … Read more

Regarding the Rules for Affirming or Weakening Someone [From Buhuth fi Ilm al-Rijal by Muhammad Asif Muhsini]

This post is a paraphrased (incomplete) translation, with my personal comments and notes, of the chapter pertaining to the rules of weakening or strengthening a narrator. This is from the book Buhuth fi ilm al-Rijal of Ayatullah Asif Muhsini. The Arabic for this can be found on page 18 of his book – he discusses … Read more

Types of Hadith – [From Durus Tamhidiyah fi al-Qawaid al-Rijaliyah of Baqir Irwani]

This post is a paraphrased (incomplete) translation, with my personal comments and notes, of the chapter regarding the Types of Hadith [page 47] from section one of Muhammad Baqir Irwani’s book Durus Tamhidiyah fi al-Qawaid al-Rijaliyah. The section on al-khabar al-dha’eef, al-khabar al-mudhmar, and al-khabar al-mursal have not been added to this post. For an actual translation-in-progress … Read more

Introduction to Ilm ul-Rijal – [Chapter 1 from Fawaid al-Rijaliyah of Syed Ali al-Hussaini al-Sadr]

This post is a paraphrased translation (not an actual and complete translation) mixed with my own supplementary notes, of Chapter 1 of the book Fawaid al-Rijaliyah by Syed Ali al-Hussaini al-Sadr. The author in this book discusses various benefits of Ilm al-Rijal and its importance, and brings 40 benefits all together Those not familiar with certain Arabic ahadith terminology will not be able … Read more

How to Better Understand and Study Hadith

Narrations (ahadith) make up one of the most important sources of Islamic knowledge and are subsequently greatly utilized in various different Islamic sciences. In order to best make use of narrations, it is imperative to have a good and correct understanding of them before making or basing conclusions based off of them. A correct and … Read more

List of Important Arabic Dictionaries for Qur’an and Hadith Studies

Library Books

Previously I had compiled a list of some of the most famous and well-known Qurʼānic Exegeses that have been written throughout history. This time I have tried to compile a list of some of the famous Arabic dictionaries that are beneficial for a student of Qur’ān and Aḥādīth. These have been collected and taken from a … Read more

Self-Conceit in a Flawed Opinion that Appears to be Correct

This is a paragraph translated from the book Jami al-Sadaat by Ayatullah Muhammad Mahdi Naraqi. In the chapter of ‘Ujb (self-conceit), the author goes into detail, first defining the spiritual disease and then expanding on it. Then he goes on to explain the different types of self-conceit a person can do and their cures. He splits the … Read more

The Devil’s Double [Book Review]

This non-fiction book by Latif Yahia is actually a really old one, published originally in 1992 in Arabic and later published in English in 2010. It’s an autobiographical account of the author who lived during Saddam Hussein’s regime and was entrusted (read: forced) with the task of being his son’s (Uday Hussein) body double. The … Read more

Imam Ali [a] Describing the Caliphate

In the famous sermon of Shiqshiqiyah, Imam Ali (as) describes the difficult situation he was in with regards to the caliphate. In one of the statement,s he makes use of a metaphor of an unruly camel. This is a translation from the book Lessons from Nahj ul-Balagha by Ayatullah Montazeri [a sharh he did on Nahj … Read more

Resource: List of Famous Qur’anic Tafasir Works – Shi’a, Sunni and Zaydi

Below is a list of some of the most famous and well known Qurʼānic Exegeses (Tafāsīr) that have been written throughout history. The list has been compiled using a book titled An Introduction to the History of Tafsīr and Commentators of the Qurʼān by Ḥusayn ʿAlawī Mehr, translated into English by Shaykh Ḥamīd Waqār. The book … Read more

The Announcement of Mullah Ali Qaarpuz Abadi’s Death

Mullah Ali Qazwini Qaarpuz Abadi Zanjani (ملاعلی قزوینی قارپوز آبادی زنجانی) was born in Qazwin in the year 1209 Hijri (around 1794) and passed away in 1290 Hijri (1873). He used to live in Zanjan and was from the same time era as Sheikh Ansari. He spent 15 years in Isfahan as a student of Sheikh … Read more

Syed Ali Tabatabaee and the Attack of Wahhabis on Karbala

Another translation from the book A Drop From the Sea – A collection of Papers and Discourses on Shiite Personalities and their Bibliographies by Ayatullah Sayyid Musa Shobeyri Zanjani. The Ayatullah uses the term owner of al-Riyadh (lit.), referring to the author of the book al-Riyadh. I have translated it as author of al-Riyadh and have not … Read more

Titles of Allamah Baqir Majlisi

This has been translated from Volume 2 of the book A Drop From the Sea – A collection of Papers and Discourses on Shiite Personalities and their Bibliographies by Ayatullah Sayyid Musa Shobeyri Zanjani (page 317 and 322). The Origin of  the title “Majlisi” for Allamah Baqir Majlisi People narrate various different and incorrect reasons … Read more

Palace of Akhund Lutfallah Mazandarani in Paradise

This passage has been translated from the book A Drop from the Sea and are the words of Ayatullah Shobeyri Zanjani. This passage is in regards to Ayatullah Lutfallah Mazandarani[1] (also famous by the name Lutfallah Larijani) and was one of the students of Sheikh Muhammad Hasan (author of Jawahir) and Sheikh Murtada Ansari. Some of his … Read more

Supererogatory Acts Performed by Ayatullah Zanjani

This post has been translated from a book titled: A Drop[1] from the Sea which is a collection of papers and discourses on Shi’ite personalities and their bibliographies, written by Ayatullah Sayyid Musa Shobeyri Zanjani himself. His works, notes and annotations to some of the readings he used to do, have all been compiled in … Read more

Wishing To Be Present In Karbala Sincerely

There is a book written by Ayatullah Mirza Jawad Maliki Tabrizi (d. 1924) titled المراقبات اعمال السنه (Al-Muraqabaatu ‘amaal il-sanah – Observation of the Yearly Devotions). Al-Muraqaba means to watch over, or to keep an eye over something. In Islamic literature and studies, it refers to being watchful of one’s actions and one’s soul and determine whether … Read more

The Secret of Ashura’s Immortality

This is a translated summary of a speech given by Ayatullah Misbah Yazdi. — اَلْحَمْدُلِلّهِ رَبِّ الْعالَمين وَ الصَّلاةُ وَ السَّلامُ عَلي‏؛ سَيِّدِالْاَنْبِياءِ وَ الْمُرسَلين حَبِيبِ اِلهِ الْعالَمين اَبِي‌الْقاسِم مُحَمَّد وَ عَلي‏؛ آلِهِ الطَّيِبينَ الْطّاهِرِينَ الْمَعْصُومين We all believe that throughout human history, the event of Karbala holds a unique position and its value cannot … Read more

When we get, we give to others; when we do not get, we thank Allah [Tawakkul]

A few personal notes I took from a Dars-e-Akhlaq held by Ayatullah Misbah Yazdi on February 27th, 2013 on the topic of Tawakkul. الشيخ أبو الفتوح الرازي في تفسيره: عن أمير المؤمنين (عليه السلام)، أنه مر يوما على قوم، فرآهم أصحاء جالسين في زاوية المسجد، فقال (عليه السلام): (من أنتم؟) قالوا: نحن المتوكلون قال (عليه السلام): ((لا … Read more

250 Year Old Human by Ayatullah Khamenei [Part 6]

Here is the sixth part of the Introduction from the book titled 250 Year Old Human by Ayatullah Khamenei. Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 — Introduction [Part 6]   Another important duty was the explanation of the issue of Imamat. Imamat meaning the governance of an Islamic society. A significant issue which … Read more

250 Year Old Human by Ayatullah Khamenei [Part 5]

Here is the fifth part of the Introduction from the book titled 250 Year Old Human by Ayatullah Khamenei. Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7   — Introduction [Part 5] Look in the words of the Aa’ima and you will see that, what has been said in many instances in the name of Islam [about] … Read more

250 Year Old Human by Ayatullah Khamenei [Part 4]

Here is the fourth part of the Introduction from the book titled 250 Year Old Human by Ayatullah Khamenei. Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7   — Introduction [Part 4] When I say Aa’ima (as), this means all the Aa’ima (as) from Amir al-Momineen (as) to Imam al-Askari (as). I have said many … Read more

250 Year Old Human by Ayatullah Khamenei [Part 3]

This is the third part of the Introduction from the book titled 250 Year Old Human by Ayatullah Khamenei. Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 Introduction [Part 3] From the moment of the demise of the Prophet (s.a.w) till the year 260AH the Aa’ima (as) were seeking the establishment of divine governance in … Read more

A Poem by Abu Muhammad al-Barqi

This is a poem by Abu Muhammad Abdullah ibn Ammar al-Barqi who was from the poets of the Ahl ul-Bayt (as). This is a famous poem by him referred to as al-Nuniyah (poems that rhyme in the Arabic letter nun). He was put to death due to it by the Abbasid caliph al-Mutawakkil in 245 … Read more

The Periodic Table of Islam [Infographic]

Recently at work, creating information graphics (infographics) has been a fun way to do some marketing for our clients. Infographics are visual representations of information, data or knowledge and are a fun way to disseminate information. During some research I was doing I found a series of infographics done based off the famous periodic table … Read more

250 Year Old Human by Ayatullah Khamenei [Part 2]

This is the second part of the Introduction from the book titled 250 Year Old Human by Ayatullah Khamenei. Part 3 of the Introduction will be published soon inshAllah. Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 — Introduction [Part 2] It is form this viewpoint that all the movements of this great and infallible … Read more

Qur’anic Verses About the Rise of Imam al-Mahdi (as)

A while back I was gifted an English copy of volume 51 (which is volume 13 old edition) of Bihar al-Anwar by Allamah Majlisi, titled Kitab al-Ghaibah (The Book of Occultation). The book includes various traditions pertaining to different topics related to Imam al-Mahdi (ajtf). This translation is done by Hassan Allahyari and he omits … Read more