Month: August 2015

[Book Summary] Required and Sufficient Knowledge in Religion – Chapter Three

Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three Chapter Three: Degree of Knowledge Required by Religion In his attempt to determine whether True Certainty is expected in areas where it is possible to achieve it and what degree of knowledge is expected by Islam in areas where True Certainty is not attainable, the author jumps straight … Read more

[Book Summary] Required and Sufficient Knowledge in Religion – Chapter Two

Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three Chapter Two: Possibility of Attaining Certainty In Religious Beliefs Continuing on with where he (Hussain Zadeh) left off, in the second chapter – a relatively shorter one compared to the other chapters in the book – the author attempts to answer whether it is possible to reach True … Read more

[Book Summary] Required and Sufficient Knowledge in Religion – Chapter One

Muhammad Hussain Zadeh is a renowned scholar of epistemology (and other subjects) in the city of Qom, Iran. He has written numerous works in the field of epistemology in general, and specifically in Islamic epistemology. In these upcoming posts, I intend to summarize my readings from a series authored by him titled Religious Epistemology, comprised … Read more