Month: August 2016

Sources of Nu’mani’s al-Ghaybah – Part 2

Click for Part 3 Teachers of Nu’mani Before we begin our discussion[1], it is important to mention that what we mean by the term teachers or Mashaykh in this discussion (or other discussions that pertain to Hadith and Rijal), is really extant. Essentially anyone who Nu’mani took ahadith from, albeit one hadith, is considered a teacher. … Read more

Sources of Nu’mani’s al-Ghaybah – Part 1

Click for Part 2 The Ghaybah (Occultation) of the 12th Imam is one of the most fundamental theological beliefs of the Twelver Imami Shi’as.  Three primary books of traditions dedicated to this topic, which have come down to us today, are in chronological order: Kitab al-Ghaybah of Nu’mani (d. 360), Kamal al-Din wa Tamam al-Ni’mah of Shaykh Saduq … Read more

The Revelation of the Qurān

This is a guest post that has been taken from the Light of the Furqan blog. انا انزلناه في ليلة القدر Indeed We sent it down on the Night of Ordainment1 This post is the fifth in a series of summaries of Ayatollah Haadi Ma’rifat’s book entitled, Amouzish Ulum Qurāni (Learning the Qurānic Sciences). For an introduction to Ayatollah … Read more

Satanic Verses Part 2

This is a guest post that has been taken from the Light of the Furqan blog. و كلمة الله هي العليا And the word of Allah is the highest1 This post is the fourth in a series of summaries of Ayatollah Haadi Ma’rifat’s book entitled, Amouzish Ulum Qurāni (Learning the Qurānic Sciences). For an introduction to Ayatollah Haadi … Read more

Satanic Verses Part 1

This is a guest post that has been taken from the Light of the Furqan blog. و ما ينطق عن الهوى ان هو الا وحي يوحى Nor does he speak out of [his own] desire, it is nothing except revelation that is revealed [to him] 1 This post is the third in a series of summaries of … Read more