Questions & Answers on Pressing Matters in the Quran (With a Focus on Women)

Questions & Answers on Pressing Matters in the Quran (With a Focus on Women)

Compiled, translated and edited by Naseem Meghjee

Selected sections were taken from the book: ‘Questions and Answers for Students’ – Exegesis of Selected Verses (Volume 1) by Ali Reza Mustashari

Please note: This is a very brief and concise compilation made after studying the book under Ustad Sayyed Hussain Sadeqi at Al-Siddiqah Al-Zahra Seminary. It addresses briefly some of the pressing questions that arise related to women and slavery. This is simply a compilation of the class notes as well as a translation of sections of the book.

Topics Covered

Islam and Slavery
The philosophy behind the permissibility of having multiple wives in Islam
The value of women in Islam
Translator’s reflections

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