Reflecting on the Fundamentals – Statement of Imam Ali that all Muslims will go to Heaven | Sayyid Kamal al-Haydari | Lesson 11


We previously looked at two traditions from the Ahlulbayt taken from reliable books, we will now look at the third tradition from Imām Alī where he mentions that all Muslims will go to Heaven. Perhaps someone might take an issue and say that I have mentioned even non-Muslims will gain salvation and gain reward (therefore doesn’t this contradict?). To this I would remind the viewer of the well-known statement in logic, affirming a thing does not negate other than it. Here the Imām is speaking about Muslims.

The tradition is from the book al-Khisāl of the esteemed Shaykh Sadῡq (d. 381), which says:

 إن للجنة ثمانية أبواب باب يدخل منه النبيون والصديقون، وباب يدخل منه الشهداء والصالحون، وخمسة أبواب يدخل منها شيعتنا ومحبونا، فلا أزال واقفا على الصراط أدعو وأقول: رب سلم شيعتي ومحبي وأنصاري ومن تولاني في دار الدنيا فإذا النداء من بطنان العرش قد اجيبت دعوتك وشفعت، في شيعتك ويشفع كل رجل من شيعتي ومن تولاني ونصرني وحارب من حاربني بفعل أوقول في سبعين إلف من جيرانه وأقربائه، وباب يدخل منه سائر المسلمين ممن شهد أن لا أله إلا الله ولم يكن في قلبه مقدار ذرة من بغضنا اهل البيت

Imam Alī said: “There are eight gates for Paradise. One of these gates is for the Prophets and the honest ones. One is for the martyrs and the good ones. Five of them are for our Shiites and those who like us. I will always be standing at the Bridge, praying and asking God, ‘O My Lord! Please grant peace and health to my followers, friends and those who have recognized my Mastery on the Earth.’ There shall be a reply from within God’s Threshold which says, ‘Indeed your supplications are fulfilled.’ Anyone of my followers, those who have accepted my Mastery, helped me, or fought with my enemies – verbally or physically – may intercede on behalf of seventy-thousand of his relatives or neighbors. The last gate is for the entry of all other Muslims who bear testimony that ‘There is no god but God’ and there is not the least bit of hatred of the members of our Holy Household in their hearts.’” [1] [2]

The last part of the tradition is very similar to what we discussed previously. A person who recognises and understands that they have to show love to the Ahlulbayt (as the verse in the Qur’ān says) and despite this shows hatred to them, tries to kill them, instigates against them like the people of Kufa did. Or in contrast, look at the people of Damascus, when the Ahlulbayt came to them as captives, did they know that these very captives and slaves were the Ahlulbayt? No! They thought they were Turks or other people captured from the Khawārij, they had no idea of their true identity. So if they showed hatred to them they did not do so because they were the Ahlulbayt, they did so because they thought these captives fought against their Imām of the time. However, if it is the case that despite knowing they were the Ahlulbayt and they then showed hatred to them, then without a doubt this will prevent them from entering Paradise. That is because a person who shows hatred to the Ahlulbayt after the evidence has been made clear for him is impure, and Paradise is not a place of impurity. And this is something which all Muslims have agreed upon.


1 – Shaykh Sudῡq, al-Khisāl, p. 407

2 – Translation for this tradition has been taken from Al-Islam

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