
Genealogy of Islamic Civilization Thought from the Constitutional Revolution to the Islamic Revolution

Genealogy of Islamic Civilization Thought from the Constitutional Revolution to the Islamic Revolution By Shaykh Rasul Jafariyan | Translate by Sayyid Ali Imran Introduction Two revolutions, the Constitutional Revolution and the Islamic Revolution, occurred in our country approximately seventy years apart (1285 SH / 1906 and 1357 SH / 1979). What relationship do these two … Read more

Religiosity & Civilization – An Elementary School Book From 1912

This analysis is written by Shaykh Rasul Jafariyan and translated by Sayyid Ali Imran A book titled Tadayyun va Tamaddon (Religiosity and Civilization) was written in 1330 AH / 1290 SH in Kazimayn in Persian for Iranians studying at the Okhovvat Elementary School in that city. Its aim was to clarify the relationship between religiosity … Read more

Allama Iqbal Lahori in the Words of Ayatullah Khamenei

Allama Muhammad Iqbal (1877-1938), more commonly known to people of the subcontinent as the spiritual architect of Pakistan, was a philosopher, thinker, and poet, whose writings aimed to awaken within Muslims around the world a sense of dignity and self-respect. His extensive work, written primarily in Urdu and Farsi, continues to act as an inspiration … Read more

The First Writings on Islamic Civilization: How the Discourse on Islamic Civilization Began Among Us

By Shaykh Rasul Jafariyan Abstract The history of civilization is a relatively new branch within the field of history. In the historical tradition of Muslim societies, there has generally not been a civilizational perspective on history. Instead, historical writing has primarily focused on political narratives and, at times, static social analyses. In contrast, over the … Read more

The Intra-Imami Dispute Over Fadak: Shaykh Muntazari’s Political Interpretation

The Intra-Imami Dispute Over Fadak: A Brief Overview of Shaykh Muntazari’s Political Interpretation and the Debates Surrounding It By Shaykh Haider Hobbollah; translated & edited by: Sayyid Burair Abbas Introduction In modern times, at least, the study of historical issues has not been separated from the philosophical, religious, social, and political perspectives that a researcher … Read more

Astarabad, Mir Damad, and the Safavid State

By Shaykh Rasul Jafariyan Translated by Sayyid Ali Imran With the ascension of Shah Abbas I in 996 AH (1588 CE), two prominent scholars, Sheikh Baha’i and Mir Damad, played significant roles in the Safavid state. Among them, Mir Damad was originally from Astarabad, and his father was the son-in-law of Muhaqqiq Karaki and one … Read more

Official State Recognition of 13th of Rajab

Who Officially Recognized the 13th of Rajab? By Shaykh Rasul Jafariyan As we know, there are differing opinions regarding the birth and death dates of some of the Infallibles (a). The reasons for these discrepancies require discussion in their appropriate context. In this regard, the widespread acceptance of a specific date or the formalization of … Read more

Linguistic Kufriyat (Blasphemy) in Farsi in the Hanafi School (Part 4)

One hundred and fifty-six words authored by the scholars of Balkh Translation: Abu al-Fadl Muhammad ibn Ishaq ibn Abi Nasr Additionally: One hundred and forty-four more words of alfaz al-kufr In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, and with His help and reliance, Praise be to Allah, the Creator of the … Read more

Linguistic Kufriyat (Blasphemy) in Farsi in the Hanafi School (Part 3)

This is part three of a series of posts on the topic of language, speech, words and utterances, and their relation to blasphemy and disbelief. In particular, this series of posts will be looking at the issue of linguistic and uttered blasphemy in Hanafi law and the Farsi language. These translations are from the book … Read more

Linguistic Kufriyat (Blasphemy) in Farsi in the Hanafi School (Part 2)

This is part two of a series of posts on the topic of language, speech, words and utterances, and their relation to blasphemy and disbelief. In particular, this series of posts will be looking at the issue of linguistic and uttered blasphemy in Hanafi law and the Farsi language. These translations are from the book … Read more

Linguistic Kufriyat (Blasphemy) in Farsi in the Hanafi School (Part 1)

What follows is a series of posts on a topic pertaining to language, speech, words and utterences, and their relation to blasphemy and disbelief. In particular, this series of posts will be looking at the issue of linguistic and uttered blasphemy in Hanafi law and the Farsi language. These translations are from the book Alfaz-e … Read more

A Newly Discovered and Significant Text Regarding the Beliefs of the Nusayris

This article is from almost ten years ago, written by Dr. Hassan Ansari. Among the manuscripts I have examined in one of the libraries affiliated with the Süleymaniye Library is a document containing a brief multi-page text (part of which is older than the rest), titled Risalat Fatawa al-‘Ulama fi al-Ta’ifa al-Nusayriyya (Treatise of Scholars’ … Read more

Husayn ibn Hamdan al-Khasibi and the Nusayri Doctrine

Original post by Dr. Hassan Ansari References for this article are published in the printed version. Imami Shi’ism, during the rule of the Buyids and especially through the efforts of the jurists and theologians of Baghdad, such as Shaykh al-Mufid and his two students, Sharif al-Murtada and Shaykh al-Tusi, largely set aside the esoteric Shi’ism … Read more

The Path to Civilization Passes Through the Gateway of Rationality

This is an interview conducted with Dr. Ghasem Pourhasan Darzi is an associate professor in the Philosophy Department at Allamah Tabataba’i University. His research primarily focuses on Islamic philosophy, hermeneutics, and philosophy of religion. Let’s begin our discussion by defining civilization. Given the various definitions that exist, what is your view and interpretation of this … Read more

Confrontation of the Ahl ul-Bayt with Cursing and Insults | Academic Seminar

Source: https://fa.abna24.com/story/1492997 The Ahl al-Bayt News Agency (ABNA) recently organized an academic discussion, critiquing the book “Cursing and Condemnation in the History of Islam and the Confrontation of the Ahl al-Bayt with It” in collaboration with the Research Institute of the History and Biography of the Ahl al-Bayt. In this session, Dr. Ibrahim Salehi Haji … Read more

The Beautiful Effort of Historians

By Shaykh Rasul Jafariyan The publication of a collection of correspondence from the Secretariat of the Custodian of Qom — Seyyed Mohammad Baqir Towliat (manager) — covering the years 1927–1940, in two volumes, comprising 2,800 pages and 2,053 letters along with several other texts under the title Be Arz-e Ali Miresanam (“I Present to You”), … Read more

Sectarianism in Islam: Centered Around the Concepts of Disbelief (Kufr) and Faith (Iman)

By Shaykh Rasul Jafariyan Introduction When we browse the introductory sections of books on Milal wa Nihal (the study of religions and sects) and their tables of contents, we almost invariably find a similar categorization of the most important Islamic sects. In the past, in our review of the book Milal wa Nihal by Shahristani, … Read more

The Secrets of the East’s Backwardness | Critical Works on Western Civilization in Qom (1962-1978)

Below is a selected translation of a much lengthier paper discussing the genre of anti-Western civilization literature produced in Qom between 1962 to 1978, by Shaykh Rasul Jafariyan. The paper was published in Gufteman-e Tamaddun-e Islami Dar Iran Dawreh Pahlavi (published in 2023). The selection of this article for examining the perspective on the West … Read more

The Age of Exploration That Could Have Been: An Expedition to Discover the Wall of Gog and Magog

By Rasul Jafariyan | Translated by Sayyid Burair Abbas Around the year 230 AH (845 CE), Wathiq the Abbasid caliph dispatched an exploratory group to discover the location of the barrier of Ya’juj and Ma’juj towards the Caucasus region. Simultaneously, under the supervision of Muhammad bin Musa al-Khwarizmi, another expedition was sent to Rome to … Read more

He Became Despised by the Ignorance of This Era!

By Rasul Jafariyan | Translated by Sayyid Ali Imran The following poems express the sentiments of a poet from the late Qajar and early Pahlavi periods named Sayyid Mahdi Khan Badaei Negar “Lahooti”. It reflects the feelings that many intellectuals and educated people of that time – and perhaps today – had. Being a religious … Read more

The Role of the Shi’a in the Fall of the Abbasids

By Shaykh Rasul Jafariyan | Translated by Sayyid Ali Imran | Edited & annotated by Sayyid Burair Abbas The doubt that will be discussed in this paper is the influence and role of the Shi’a in the fall of the Abbasid Caliphate and their collaboration with the Mongols. Previously, three topics were discussed: firstly, the … Read more

The Story of the Martyrdom of Shahid Thani by a Witness

The Story of the Martyrdom of Shahid Thani by a Witness, Qutb al-Din Muhammad Nahrawali (917-990 AH) Qutb al-Din Nahrawali is one of the notable historians of the tenth century hijri, several of whose historical and literary works have survived. His book al-I’lam bi-A’lam Bayt Allah al-Haram is one of his significant historical works about … Read more

The Historical Reading of Religious Thought

By Shaykh Haider Hobbollah The traditional mindset was accustomed to eliminating the distinction between thought and reality in a sense, between the self and the other, between the subjective and the objective, between the mental and the external etc. in their perception and conception of human knowledge. When a researcher or thinker addresses a topic … Read more

The Nail in the Door & the Conference of Baghdad’s Scholars

By Shaykh Mahdi Masaeli The ‘nail in the door’ detail in eulogies recited during Fatimiyyah has become popular in the last hundred years. There are two references for this story, neither of which have any historical credibility. One is a line of poetry by Shaykh Muhammad Husayn Gharavi Isfahani, also known as Shaykh Kumpani (1296-1361 … Read more

The Jurisprudence of Ashura (Part 3)

 By Muhammad Jaffer[1] [2] The prerogative to rationalize Imam Ḥusayn’s movement primarily emerged from theological-polemical exigencies and thereby entered the domain of fiqh only secondarily. We will survey these early 5th-6th century polemic discussions first and then proceed to describe some of the fiqhī implications that emerged out of this discussion. As we discussed previously, … Read more

Confrontation with Orientalism: Origins, Trends, and Outcomes

By Rasul Jafariyan The selection of this title is due to the noteworthy attention given to scholarly exchanges among researchers, both domestic and foreign, in the aforementioned summer classes. In my history of written activities, I have concurrently engaged in authorship, editing, and translation. Some of the translations have pertained to works produced in the … Read more

The Jurisprudence of Ashura (Part 2)

In the previous article, we made some prefunctory remarks regarding the challenges of extracting jurisprudential discussions from the tragedy of Karbalā. We also explained how the question of whether fiqhī implications can be drawn out of ‘Āshūrā’ is intimately tied with one’s viewpoint regarding the underlying motives of Imam Ḥusayn’s (as) uprising. We furthermore elaborated … Read more

Without History of Thought, We Can Never & Should Never Form Civilizational Opinions

By Rasul Jafariyan From one perspective, a distinction must be made between two groups: one that considers itself reformist and speaks of using every door for improvement, progress, civilization, and even religious and intellectual education of the people without necessarily being familiar with the original texts and important sources when discussing the past; and the … Read more

The Jurisprudence of Ashura (Part 1)

By Muhammad Jaffer[1] Despite the relatively short span of time in which its events transpired, the fateful tragedy of Karbalā is arguably one of the most recounted, analyzed, and appraised events in human history. Whether it be in the domain of Islamic history, theology, sociology, literature, or art, the movement of ‘Āshurā’ as led by … Read more

Born Through the Dua of the Imam

Originally published on Shiitic Studies Introduction Unlike Kulaynī and Ṭūsī, whose fathers were not known for scholarship and remain obscure figures only recorded in history because of their sons’ accomplishments, Ṣadūq (d. 381) had a father who was a prominent and acknowledged authority in his own right in Qum, the center of Ṣhīʿī learning at … Read more

Ibn Muljam Kushan – A Cultural Festival of Iranian Shi’i Laity

An interesting excerpt I read today from a recently published book: Jashn-haye Islami-Shi’i Dar Iran (Shi’i-Islamic Commemorations in Iran) Mohsen Hesam Mazaheri. In this passage he speaks about a celebration some Shi’i laymen in certain regions of Iran commemorate on the 27th of Ramadan. During my time in Iran, I had not heard of or … Read more

Intermarriages between Ahl ul-Bayt (a) and Companions & Caliphs

Translated & Edited by:- Sayyid Burair Abbas Annotated by:- Dr. Muhammad Jaffer Q: How do the Muslims explain the widespread phenomenon of intermarriages between the Ahlulbayt (a) of the Holy Prophet and the Companions/Caliphs and their children throughout history? Can you present for us the currents of thought in this matter in your usual elegant … Read more

Lady Narjis: A New Reading of Her Identity

The famous scholar, Sheikh Ahmed Salman, recently authored a fascinating book entitled ‘Sayyidat al-imā’ – Qirā’tun jadīdatun fi huwīyatihā wa sīratihā’ (The leader of the slave-women – a new reading of her identity and biography). The piece is a biography of Lady Narjis (a), the mother of the 12th Imam (ATFS), who initially came into … Read more

Martyrdom of Sayyidah Fatimah (s): An Ideological Belief?

Some scholars say that the story of Sulaymān and his death, which Allah  has eternalized in the Holy Qur’ān, does not have a doctrinal dimension, while the story of the martyrdom of Sayyidah al–Zahrāa has a doctrinal domain, which is the attainment of the infallible to the status of martyrdom. Similarly, it is believed that … Read more

Women in the Holy Prophet’s Life: An Analysis

Below we have translated an excerpt from an excellent work by Shaykh Ḥusayn al-Khechin entitled “Al-Mar’ah fī al-Naṣṣ al-Dīnī: Qirā’ah Naqdiyyah fī Riwāyāt Dhamm al-Mar’ah” (Women in Religious Literature: A Critical Reading of the Narrations Rebuking Women). In this book, the author seeks to critically analyze the various ḥadīth reported from the Holy Prophet (saw) … Read more

Have the Shi’a Forgotten the Prophet (p)?

Reflections & Thoughts | For those interested in this new format called “Reflections & Thoughts”, please read the first two paragraphs in this post. There is a sentiment against the Shī‘ī community that they do not concern themselves with the Prophet (p) as they do not make much mention of him (p) in their gatherings, … Read more

The Phenomenon of Scholarly Epithets

Question: What is your opinion regarding scholarly epithets such as ‘Ayatullah’ or ‘Ayatullah al-ʿUẓma’? Originally written in Arabic by Shaykh Dr. Haider Hobbollah Translated by Salim Salhab The response: A study of the phenomenon of the scholarly epithets in the religious institution for Muslims can be conducted from a number of angles, the most apparent … Read more

Ahl al-Bayt: The Guardians of the Sira

The following translation is part of a talk given by Dr. Sayyid Hossein Modarressi Tabataba’i in 1977, which was later published as an article in the book Tārīkhīyyāt. In the Q&A after the talk, the late Dr. Zaryab Khu’i inquired, in relation to the issue of slavery, about taking into consideration the conduct of the … Read more

Ashura and Myth

By Dr. Jūyā Jahānbakhsh The following is a translation of an essay written by Dr. Jūyā Jahānbakhsh on his blog site.[1] Dr. Jahānbakhsh is a literary critic, author, and seminarian from Iṣfahān. His critical Persian translation of Āyatullāh Hādī al-Najafī’s “Yawm al-Ṭaff” under the title “Rūznāmeh-ye-Āshurā” earned Iran’s Book of the Year Award. In this … Read more

A Name List of Those Who Were Killed With al-Husayn b. Ali From Among His Children, Brothers, Family, and Followers

A Name List of Those Who Were Killed With al-Ḥusayn b. ʿAlī From Among His Children, Brothers, Family, and Followers By: al-Faḍīl b. al-Zubayr b. ʿUmar b. Dirham al-Kūfī al-Asadī Translated and introduced by: Syed Jaffer Abbas The following is a brief account about Karbalāʾ written by the Zaydī companion of the fifth and sixth … Read more

From the Narration of Ghadir to Eid of Ghadir

By Rasul Jafarian The ḥadīth of Ghadīr or the day of Ghadīr is a reference to an event that took place in 10th hijri on the 18th of Dhi al-Ḥijjah, near a location called Ghadīr Khumm. As historical reports transmit, the Messenger of Allah was returning to Medina after completing his Hajj Tamattu‘ and asked … Read more

Al-Zahra: Between Universality and Compartmentalization of Her Tragedy

ya Fatima

Translated by Muhammad Jaffer and edited by Sayyid Burair Abbas In the context of the recent film released in the UK regarding Lady Fāṭimah (as) entitled “Lady of Heaven,”[1] we present the following article written by the contemporary scholar Shaykh Ḥusayn al-Khechin.[2] In his usual analytical style, al-Khechin discusses how the details about the tragedy … Read more

An Abridged History Regarding the Shrines of the Imams at Jannat al-Baqi’

The following is a translation of an originally Persian article written by Dr. Aḥmad Khāmehyār regarding the history of Jannat al-Baqī’. The original article has been linked, published on the popular Persian blog site Kātebān.[1] Dr. Khāmeyār is a prominent historian specializing in the history of Islamic sanctuaries. The tombs at Jannat al-Baqī’, which subsume … Read more

Answering Objections: Zayd and Imamah

A reply was written by Muhammad Sharifi, a Zaydi brother, to my recent article on Zayd b. Ali (peace be upon them). I am happy to see intellectual exchange take place, but etiquette should always be observed. Offensive language against figures of the Imamī tradition, highly respected companions such as ‘The Believer of al-Ṭāq’ (al-Aḥwal), … Read more

Did Zayd b. Ali Not Know of His Father’s Imamah?

Zayd, the son of Imam al Sajjād (peace be upon them), is a landmark figure in Islamic history. He led an uprising against the government to avenge the blood of his grandfather, Imam al-Husayn (p). A theological school known as the Zaydiah separate from other Shīʿī denominations by their belief in the Imamah of Zayd. … Read more

The Importance of Pilgrimage (Ziyarah) in Shi’ism and Catholicism: Comparing and Contrasting

Below is a precis of an article in the Arabic journal al-Nuṣūs al-Mu’āṣirah (Contemporary Texts), written by Muḥammad Folādī, Muḥammad Jawād Nawrūzī, and Farqad al-Jazā’irī wherein the rite of pilgrimage in both faiths is discussed. The purpose of this investigation is to elucidate on the importance of pilgrimage (al-ziyārah) in Catholicism and Shī’ism while extracting … Read more

The Superiority of Imam Ali (a) in the Sirah

Shaykh Muhammad Hadi Yusufi Gharawi underlines the unparalleled virtue and station of Imam ʿAli (a) in reference to the historical moments before and after the passing of the beloved Messenger (s) in this segment taken from ‘The Six Decisive Months’ lecture series held by Northwestern University Shia Muslim Association (SMA). The event of the delivering … Read more

Familiarity with the Tradition: A Prerequisite for Reform

A recent public exchange with Shaykh Arif on the topic of Ziyārat ‘Āshūrā’ left me thinking about the importance of familiarity with the religious intellectual tradition before advocating for reform, particularly for those who have positioned themselves or naturally assumed the spot of being on the forefront of a growing reform movement. In this post, … Read more

Umm al-Baneen – From Demise to Martyrdom

This post is a rough translation of a post written by an Iranian researcher and scholar Mahdi Masaeli. 13 Jumada al-Thani is recognized as the day of the demise of Umm al-Baneen, the wife of Imam ‘Ali (a), the mother of ‘Abbas (r). However, books of history and hadith do not record any date for … Read more

Role of Tribes in the Prophetic Seerah

Reflections & Thoughts | To know more about this format called “Reflections & Thoughts”, please read the first two paragraphs in this post. It is quite observable that the general community does not have much of an affinity with the Prophetic Seerah. Historically speaking there have been a few reasons for this, though whether those reasons … Read more

Mutahhar b. Tahir al-Maqdisi Commenting on the Impact of Storytellers

Storytellers (al-Quṣṣāṣ) have always remained an important segment of any society. Stories are an excellent way to sway people to a certain direction, to admonish them, or to simply pass on wisdom and lessons in the most attractive way possible. Indeed the Quran also narrates stories, though a vast majority of Muslim exegetes have generally … Read more

Conflicts Between Jurists and Ghulat in the time of Imam al-Sadiq (a)

By Muhammad Baqir Malekian Among the Shīʿa, two currents of thought are most prominent. One is the maʿārifī (gnostic) current, which is interested in issues of gnosis, not jurisprudence—as Muḥammad b. Sinān says: من أراد المعضلات فإليّ، و من أراد الحلال و الحرام فعليه بالشيخ، يعني صفوان بن يحيى Whosoever wants mu’ḍilāt [complicated narrations], come … Read more

A Period Of Regress & Imitation Or Clarification & Solidification?

Translation from Mohammad Baqir Malekian with my comments at the end. Books written about the history of Shīʿī Fiqh (which generally face various problems with respect to their structure, content and historical outlook) usually regard the 100-year period after Shaykh Ṭūsī until the time of Ibn Idrīs Ḥillī, as the period of regress of Shīʿī jurpiprudence … Read more

The Shia, Rafida, and the Martyrdom of Lady Fatima in 2nd Century Hijri

From: Early Ibadi Theology: New Material on Rational Thought in Islam from the Pen of Al-Fazārī (2nd/8th Century) Al-Fazārī’s writings are a unique source of information about Ibadi teachings on ʿilm al-kalām and the early development of this branch of religious knowledge. It is for this reason that scholars of Islamic theology are particularly interested in early … Read more

Did the Early Shia Believe In Tahrif? Insights from a 2nd Century Hijri Work

By Dr. Hassan Ansari  In the important work Kitāb al-Rudūd by ʿAbdallāh b. Yazīd al-Fazārī—one of the prominent and influential Ibāḍī theologians of Kūfa in the mid-second century—there is a section devoted to the belief in addition and omission in the Qur’ān. In this book and his other works, the author repeatedly mentions the Shīʿa … Read more

Ibn Abi al-Hadid and the Prophet’s Demise

Reflections & Thoughts | For those interested in this new format called “Reflections & Thoughts”, please read the first two paragraphs in this post. Popularly, most Muslims seemed to agree that the Prophet (p) passed away due to some sort of illness. A large number of them seemed to have acknowledged this was due to … Read more

The Uprising of Abu al-Khattab in Nusayri Sources

This is an abridged and amalgamated translation of two of four entries written by Ustad Baqir Malekian on the Nuṣāyrīs. Introduction Our study and analysis of history are defective. From the one who believes Saqīfa was merely a historical incident that has no relevance for us today, to the one who thinks the Akhbārī and … Read more

The Reasons for the Conversion of Persia to Islam

By Shaykh Rasul Ja’fariyan [Source] Persia converted to Islam much more easily compared to other regions, although naturally it still took some time. The difference between Persians converting to Islam as opposed to people converting in other parts of the world was that almost all Persians converted to Islam over the course of three-four centuries. … Read more

The Concept of Superstitions (Khurafa) in Islamic Civilization

By Shaykh Rasul Jafariyan [Source] Kharaf (خرف) linguistically means ‘corruption of the ‘aql (reason) due to old age.’ However, the word has been used in meanings that convey similar concepts, such as stupidity and nonsensical. One of the closest concepts to this meaning is the phrase ‘ḥadīth of Khurāfa’, regarding a man named Khurāfa from … Read more

The Imams Against the Ghulat

Originally posted on Shiitic Studies. “We have woken up (i.e. a time has reached) and there is no one who is more inimical (an enemy to us) than those who claim to love us” – Imam al-Sadiq Introduction The most serious challenge to the school of Ahl al-Bayt came from the Ghulat. This is because, … Read more

Someone Save Ashura from Us!

Someone Save ʿĀshūrāʾ from Us! By Rasūl Jaʿfarīyān Translated by Shayan These days, we are witness to an abundance of different socio-political analyses of ʿĀshūrāʾ. We all know that, for years, everyone has been presenting a particular political interpretation of ʿĀshūrāʾ by citing a single statement or action of Imām Ḥusayn—while the majority of these … Read more

Di’bil’s Ode for Imam al-Rida (a)

Translated by Br. Muhammed Jaffer. Regarding the life of Di’bil, click here. This is the famous 120 stanza Taa’iyyah of Di’bil al-Khuzaa’i’s (d. 246 AH) translated into rhyming English couplets, adhering to the meter of iambic pentameter as much as possible. This poem is deeply rooted in early Shi’i identity and creed as it was … Read more

Sayyid Sīstānī on Why Shīʿa and Sunni Ḥadīth Differ

Originally published on Shiitic Studies What follows is a translation of a small part of the notes of Sayyid ʿAlī al-Sīstānīʾs Baḥth al-Khārij (advance lessons) on Uṣūl al-Fiqh (legal theory) as transcribed by one of his students, Sayyid Hāshim al-Hāshimī, dating back to approximately forty years ago[1]. The discussion concerns a major topic in Uṣūl al-Fiqh, which is, the problem … Read more

Seyyid Abd al-Azim al-Hasani

Seyyid ʿAbd al-ʿAẓīm al-Ḥasanī – His Life, Transmitted Traditions, Milieu, Authorities and Students By Āyatullah al-Shaykh Jaʿfar al-Subḥānī Translation and Detailed Annotations by Afzal Sumar I used to visit the grave of our master ʿAbd al-ʿAẓīm al-Ḥasanī occasionally and whenever good fortune permitted me, for he was one of the descendants of the eldest grandson … Read more

What Islamic Medicine?

Since the beginning of the coronavirus outbreak, proponents of the so-called Ṭibb Islāmī (Islamic medicine – not to be confused with “traditional” medicine) have been actively using it as an opportunity to propagate their misinformation. Just a couple of days ago a certain proponent of Ṭibb Islāmī by the name of Taqīniyā interrupted a meeting … Read more

Plague and Pestilence in Safavid and Qajar Iran

The recent Covid-19 outbreak has caused a lot of discussion and debate amongst Iranians and non-Iranians on the nature of the disease and on the methods of containing it. Amongst the laity, some of these opinions range from extreme conspiracy theory level material to solutions being offered by pseudo-health experts wearing the garb of scholars, … Read more

Shaykh al-Hurr al-Amili’s Dreams and Miracles of the Mahdi (a)

One of the lengthiest and most significant works on the transmitted proofs of Imamate is Ithbāt al-Hudāt bil-Nuṣūṣ wa al-Mu’jizāt, written by Shaykh al-Ḥurr al-‘Āmilī (d. 1104/1693) the author of Wasā’il al-Shī’a. This work is essentially an exhaustive collection of traditions on the prophethood of Muḥammad (p) and each of the 12 Imams (a). In … Read more

19th Century Iranian Reactions to the Phenomenon of Unveiling

Critiques against the hijab in Muslim countries all occurred subsequent to Muslims getting introduced and exposed to Western culture and civilization. The first time Muslims saw uncovered women was when they travelled to Europe or on their own lands when these women would be accompanying Europeans. This is how the Egyptians first saw such women … Read more

Imam ‘Askari (a) and the Wakalah System

The 11th Imam (a) was able to remain in contact with the general Shī’ī community over a large geographical area through the Wakālah system. The Wakālah system comprised of a large number of agents and representatives who would serve as the point of contact between the Imam and their respective communities. The foundations of this … Read more

Did the Sahaba become Kafir? Pt. I

Originally posted on Shiitic Studies. Introduction There are reports which indicate that all the companions were destroyed except three, these were then joined by four others, and they became seven who were saved. Were the saved companions only seven? Furthermore, if this destruction is taken to be limited to their fate in the next world then we … Read more

The Grandson of George and Temporary Marriage

Originally published on Shiitic Studies. Introduction A more distinctive feature of the Imami Madhhab is its acceptance of Mut’a (temporary marriage), which it claims was sanctioned by the Qur’an and the Prophet, before being banned by the second Caliph. One would therefore expect to find support for this practice from the early Salaf, before the crystallization of the various theological … Read more

Did the Imams praise Abu Bakr and Umar?

Originally posted on Shiitic Studies. ما على وجه الارض شئ أحب إلي من التقية There is nothing on the face of the Earth more beloved to me than Taqiyya – Imam al-Sadiq Introduction: This paper will be considered by some as belonging to the genre of Shi’i-Sunni polemics, but this would be a mis-characterization. It is … Read more

Muhammad b. Sinan: A Controversial Narrator (II)

By Ammaar Muslim – Originally posted on Shiitic Studies Was he Praised by the Imam? There exist narrations in which Muhammad b. Sinan is being praised by Imam al-Jawad عليه السلام عن أبي طالب عبد الله بن الصلت القمي قال: دخلت على أبي جعفر الثاني عليه السلام في آخر عمره فسمعته يقول: جزى الله صفوان بن … Read more

Muhammad b. Sinan: A Controversial Narrator (I)

By Ammaar Muslim – Originally posted on Shiitic Studies. Introduction Abu Ja’far Muhammad b. Sinan (d. 220) was a descendant of Zahir the Mawla (client) of Amr b. al-Hamiq al-Khuzai, a close companion of Ali who was murdered by Mu’awiya. His grandson, Abu Isa Muhammad b. Ahmad b. Muhammad b. Sinan explains that his actual name was Muhammad … Read more

The Martyrdom of Lady Zahra (s) and Maintaining Respect on Both the First and Second Fatimiyyah

ya Fatima

Historically speaking, amongst the laity, what was famous regarding the martyrdom of Fāṭimah (s) was the First Fāṭimīyyah – meaning 13th Jamādī al-Awwal. However, lately, the Second Fāṭmīyyah – meaning 3rd Jamādī al-Thānīyah has become popular. Perhaps the origin of this popularity goes back to Ḥājī Nūrī (d. 1902) or his students. The reason they … Read more

Yunus b. Abd al-Rahman: The Salman al-Farsi of his Times (I)

By Ammaar Muslim – Originally posted on Shiitic Studies. سمعت الرضا عليه السلام يقول: يونس بن عبد الرحمن في زمانه كسلمان الفارسي في زمانه  Yunus b. Abd al-Rahman in his times is like Salman al-Farsi was in his times [Imam al-Ridha] Prologue: A Day in the Life كان ليونس بن عبد الرحمن أربعون أخا يدور عليهم … Read more

The Two Different Approaches to Living with Sunnis

The following is a translation of a message written by renowned Iranian researcher and scholar Rasūl Ja’fariyān. Syed Ni’matullah Jazā’irī (d. 1112 AH) in his commentary on ‘Awāli al-La’ālī, for the reason that the author of this book was inclined to Philosophy and Wisdom, brings up a very interesting discussion. The subject of this discussion gradually … Read more

Is Abu Lulu Buried in Kashan?

Fīrūz Abū Lulu was an Iranian captured in the expansion wars after the demise of the Prophet (p). He was enslaved by Mughīra b. Shu’ba and was allowed to live inside the city of Medina due to his work experience and skill set. This is despite the second caliph’s ban preventing freed slaves from residing … Read more

We Are a Repeat of the Safavids – Rasul Ja’fariyan

This post was written by Rasul Ja’fariyan and originally published on both his Instagram and Telegram accounts. In the discussions leading up to the convention on Taṣawwuf, I had mentioned that conventions like these are, in a sense, a return to the historical experience the Ṣafavids went through to strengthen religious discourse in society, in … Read more

Popular – Unreliable – Accounts Related to Ashura

Recently a booklet of around 50 pages was published, researched and written by Muḥammad Tehrānī (researcher and teacher at the Hawzah) in which he goes over numerous accounts related to Āshūrā that are popularly retold from the pulpits or are part of our eulogies. In this work he mentions just over 90 such reports. Majority … Read more

History and Eras of Shi’i Imami Law (4)

The Occultation of the Imām (a) Towards and during the minor occultation we find certain reports that seem to indicate that the Imāms (a) were preparing the Shī’ā community for becoming highly dependant on scholars – more so than before. To this extent, there is a popular statement attributed to Imām al-‘Askarī (a) and there … Read more

Blood on Hisham b. al-Hakam’s Hands

By Br. Ammaar Was Hisham Responsible for the Murder of al-Kadhim (a)? Hisham Culpable There exist narrations in our sources which hold Hisham responsible (directly or indirectly) for the murder of al-Kadhim عليه السلام by the Abbasid authorities. He stands accused of continuing to engage in public debate despite an explicit order from the Imam for him to refrain from … Read more

History and Eras of Shī’ī Imāmī Law (1)

The upcoming series of posts are based on lecture notes taken in classes given by our respected teacher, Ustādh Rafī’īpūr, in the city of Qom. Ustādh Rafī’īpūr is a senior teacher in the Ḥawzah of Qom where he gives advance classes in jurisprudence and legal theory. Introduction The topic of our discussion is Shī’ī Imāmī … Read more

Assisting an ‘Alawīyyah

Chapter 115, volume 42 of ‘Allāmah Majlisī’s Biḥār al-Anwār is regarding dreams and miracles related to Imām ‘Alī (a) and while the reliability of these reports is extremely difficult to establish, some of the stories are simply interesting to read. Back in 2015 I had gone to Mashhad around springtime and was listening to a … Read more

Hisham b. al-Hakam: God = A Body Unlike Other Bodies? – Part 4

By Br. Ammaar كان من غلمان أبي شاكر الزنديق، وهو جسمي ردي He was a student of Abi Shakir the Zindiq and a wretched corporealist – Sa’d b. Abdallah al-Qummi (d. 301) was not a fan of Hisham A Body Unlike Other bodies Would not considering God to be a body be likening Him to his creatures (who happen … Read more

Hisham b. al-Hakam: God is a Body? – Part 3

By Ammaar Hussein Click for Part 2 وأول من عرف في الإسلام أنه قال إن الله جسم هو هشام بن الحكم The First person in Islam known to have said ‘Allah is a Body’ is Hisham b. al-Hakam (Ibn Taymiyya) اليهود أكثرهم مشبّهة وكان بدء ظهور التّشبيه في الإسلام من الرّوافض مثل هشام بن الحكم … Read more

Personal Testimony of Dhiya Farajallah Regarding the Killing of al-Shaheed al-Sadr

Translated by Ali Jabbar Click for original post by Dhiya Farajallah My personal testimony regarding the killing of al-Imam al-Shaheed al-Sadr I spent my time during the last few months of al-Sadr’s detainment alongside my uncle the martyr al-Shaykh al-Shaheed Abd al-Raheem Farajullah (one of al-Sadr’s closest friends and students). I spent this period at … Read more

22nd of Rajab and Kūnḍay

Ibn Ṭāūs in his work al-Iqbāl, cites a tradition reported on the authority of the Prophet (p) he comes across in a work called Fatḥ al-Abwāb ila Dār al-Thawāb which says the following: On the night of 22nd Rajab, whoever performs 8 units of prayers, in which al-Ḥamd is recited one time, Sūrah al-Kāfirūn 7 … Read more

Ahl al-Sunnah & the Merits of Imam ‘Alī (a)

By Hassan Ansari (Original source in Farsi: https://t.me/barrasihayetarikhi/1012) Other than the ‘Uthmāni Shī’as and some movements within the Murji’a and early Mu’tazalīs, the general populace of the Ahl al-Sunnah wa al-Jamā’ah – including Sunnī Aṣḥāb al-Ḥadīth – all accepted and believed the merits and virtues exclusive to Amīr al-Mu’mineen (a). After Aḥmad b. Ḥanbal accepted the … Read more

The Movement of Ghuluw – Ayatollah Madadi

Source: Nigāhī beh daryā by Ayatollah Madadī, p. 126 to 131 At this stage of the school of Kufa the appearance and outburst of the movement of ghuluw [1] was extremely influential, as this was a school which to an extent had been crystallized and possessed a relatively large amount of cultural heritage. As per … Read more

Hisham b. al-Hakam: Founder of a Theological School – Part 2

By Ammaar Hussein Click for Part 1 دعا له الصادق عليه السلام فقال: أقول لك ما قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم لحسان: لا تزال مؤيدا بروح القدس ما نصرتنا بلسانك I say to you what the Messenger of Allah said to Hassan b. Thabit: You will never stop being aided by the … Read more

Hisham b. al-Hakam: Defender of the Madhhab – Part 1

By Ammaar Hussein Click for Part 2 ورفعه الصادق عليه السلام في الشيوخ وهو غلام. وقال: هذا ناصرنا بقلبه ولسانه ويده al-Sadiq عليه السلام elevated him to be at par with the elders while he was still a youth. He said: This is our defender by his heart, tongue and hand [Manaqib of Ibn Shahr Ashub] Hisham … Read more

Some Opinions on Imam Husayn’s (a) Movement

Roughly three-four years ago as I was going through some parts of Insān 250-Sāleh, a work based on the speeches of Sayyid ‘Alī Khāmeneī, it led me to look further into the discussion surrounding Imām al-Ḥusayn’s (a) movement. The work puts forth the idea that all the infallibles were essentially one person who would have acted … Read more

Chronology of Events on the Day of ‘Ashura

Chronology of Events on the Day of ‘Ashura In accordance with the interview held with the deceased Doctor Ahmad Birshak in Gashimari-ye Irani, the event of Karbala falls on the Solar calendar on the 21st of Mehr, year 59 (10th October 680) The Solar calendar is not like the Lunar calendar in the sense that … Read more

The Transfer of Kufa’s Hadith Heritage to Qom | History of Imami Shi’i Theology (5)

During the Imamate of Imam Baqir (s) and Sadiq (s), there was a lot of encouragement from the Imams to their students and companions to begin recording down traditions. As this shift from oral to a written tradition became a culture amongst them, there was naturally a large output of written works over the next … Read more

The Ash’ari Family II | History of Imami Shi’i Theology (4)

In this post we will continue with the list of scholars from the Ash’ari family who have been categorized into the second and third group, post-migration to Qom. Second Group Zakariyyah bin Idris bin ‘Abdullah al-Ash’ari: Considered a companion of Imam Sadiq, Imam Kadhim and Imam Ridha. Zakariyyah bin Adam bin ‘Abdullah al-Ash’ari: Considered a … Read more

The Traditionalist-Theologian Phenomenon | History of Shi’i Imami Theology (2)

The earliest distinct Shi’i Imami school was that of Kufa’s, which began taking form in the beginning of the 2nd century Hijri during the time of Imam Baqir (s). This era itself is worthy of being studied and as a matter of fact has been studied extensively by Muslim and non-Muslim scholars alike. The various … Read more

Celebrating 9th Rabi’ al-Awwal – What For?

Update 21st December/2015: There was a minor factual mistake in the section of Mukhtar & ‘Umar ibn Sa’ad which has now been corrected.


In many Shi’i communities, it is the 9th of Rabi’ al-Awwal that marks the end of the two-month mourning period that begins with the first of Muharram. The day is celebrated in most communities, for different reasons, and is referred to by a few names, such as Eid al-Zahra, Farhat al-Zahra, Eid-e Shuja, Taj Poshi-e Imam, Yawm Raf’ ul-Qalam, Umar Kushshun etc. The significance of the day is due to four different reasons, all of which have been attributed to it:

  • ‘Umar ibn al-Khattab (the 2nd caliph) was killed on this day
  • The angels lift their pens up for the Shi’as and they do not record anything (i.e. one can commit sins and not be held accountable for them)
  • The transfer of the Imamate from Imam Hasan al-‘Askari to his son, Imam al-Mahdi
  • Mukhtar killed ‘Umar ibn Sa’d which resulted in the happiness of Imam Sajjad and the women of Bani Hashim

Some communities may celebrate the day for some of the reasons, while some misinformed ones may celebrate the day for all four reasons – particular the first two reasons. In this post, I will simply be looking at the historical validity of all four of these reasons.


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Book Review: The Lives of Muhammad by Kecia Ali

The Lives of Muhammad by Kecia Ali, is essentially a historiography describing how the life of the Prophet Muhammad [pbuh] has been written over the centuries. It was an innovative, yet easy to read book where the author attempts to take the reader on a journey through the various biographies written on the Prophet, often complemented by a thematic approach – whether it be discussing his multiple wives, or his marriage to the young Ayesha. While reading this work, it often reminded me of Jonathon Brown’s Misquoting Muhammad: The Challenge and Choices of Interpreting the Prophet’s Legacy.


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5th Hijri Shi’i Inscriptions In Northern Syria

The contents of this article were published in the magazine Payam-e Baharistan, in spring of the Iranian year 1390, on pages 781-786. The original Farsi written by Ahmed Khamehyar, supplemented by footnotes and references can be seen here. This is a translation of the general contents of that article, but not a complete translation of it. … Read more

Imam Ali [a] Describing the Caliphate

In the famous sermon of Shiqshiqiyah, Imam Ali (as) describes the difficult situation he was in with regards to the caliphate. In one of the statement,s he makes use of a metaphor of an unruly camel. This is a translation from the book Lessons from Nahj ul-Balagha by Ayatullah Montazeri [a sharh he did on Nahj … Read more

The Secret of Ashura’s Immortality

This is a translated summary of a speech given by Ayatullah Misbah Yazdi. — اَلْحَمْدُلِلّهِ رَبِّ الْعالَمين وَ الصَّلاةُ وَ السَّلامُ عَلي‏؛ سَيِّدِالْاَنْبِياءِ وَ الْمُرسَلين حَبِيبِ اِلهِ الْعالَمين اَبِي‌الْقاسِم مُحَمَّد وَ عَلي‏؛ آلِهِ الطَّيِبينَ الْطّاهِرِينَ الْمَعْصُومين We all believe that throughout human history, the event of Karbala holds a unique position and its value cannot … Read more

The Army of Imam al-Hasan ibn Ali

Imam Hasan ibn Ali (as) is known to have had some of the most troublesome companions. Many of them gave him problems due to which the Imam had to go through turbulent times after the martyrdom of his father Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (as). After his father’s demise, Mu’awiyah had still not been at … Read more

250 Year Old Human by Ayatullah Khamenei [Part 6]

Here is the sixth part of the Introduction from the book titled 250 Year Old Human by Ayatullah Khamenei. Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 — Introduction [Part 6]   Another important duty was the explanation of the issue of Imamat. Imamat meaning the governance of an Islamic society. A significant issue which … Read more

250 Year Old Human by Ayatullah Khamenei [Part 3]

This is the third part of the Introduction from the book titled 250 Year Old Human by Ayatullah Khamenei. Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 Introduction [Part 3] From the moment of the demise of the Prophet (s.a.w) till the year 260AH the Aa’ima (as) were seeking the establishment of divine governance in … Read more

A Poem by Abu Muhammad al-Barqi

This is a poem by Abu Muhammad Abdullah ibn Ammar al-Barqi who was from the poets of the Ahl ul-Bayt (as). This is a famous poem by him referred to as al-Nuniyah (poems that rhyme in the Arabic letter nun). He was put to death due to it by the Abbasid caliph al-Mutawakkil in 245 … Read more

250 Year Old Human by Ayatullah Khamenei [Part 2]

This is the second part of the Introduction from the book titled 250 Year Old Human by Ayatullah Khamenei. Part 3 of the Introduction will be published soon inshAllah. Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 — Introduction [Part 2] It is form this viewpoint that all the movements of this great and infallible … Read more

Imam Ali and the Caliphs – Part 2

Imam Ali and the Caliphs: Their Relationship and Interaction – Part 2 of 2 [Click Here for Part 1] By Abd al-Karim Bi-Azar Shirazi | Translated by D.D. Sodagar Al-Shaykh al-Tusi and al-Saduq both narrate accounts of Umar’s dissatisfaction with anyone who would in any way speak ill of Imam AlI. In one such instance, … Read more

Imam Ali and the Caliphs – Part 1

Imam Ali and the Caliphs: Their Relationship and Interaction – Part 1 of 2 Click for Part 2 By Abd al-Karim Bi-Azar Shirazi | Translated by D.D. Sodagar Abstract Unknown to many Muslims, both Shia and Sunni, Imam ‘Ali had congenial relations and productive interactions with the three caliphs that preceded him. In practice, his … Read more